
Legends Of Shen Ging

The wails of Gods were heard from the higher heavens and the earth shook with thunderous boom. An Emperor was born - Shen Ging.

Spring_guardian · História
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3 Chs

Shen Ging

On the 10,049th year of the divine prefecture, a grand banquet was held in the ancient imperial palace hall.

At the moment, the whole city was bustling and crowded with people from all regions within the ancient imperial realm. It was the end of the 10,049th year of the divine prefecture and all strong cultivators have gathered here to celebrate the new year with their families.

The ancient imperial city was in the center of the ancient imperial realm and it's the main force that ruled the whole ancient imperial realm. All the kings of different forces within the ancient imperial realm were gathered here today to celebrate the end of the 10,049th year of the divine prefecture. It was a grand event and was hosted by the Emperor himself.

In the Imperial city hall, all the Kings were chatting with the Emperor of ancient imperial realm.

"Emperor Shen, how do plan on settling the matters regarding those from the Demon realm?"asked Lord Zhao, a King of the Zhao clan within the ancient imperial realm.

"The Demon Emperor has caused a lot of trouble for us here in the ancient imperial realm. Last time, he sent a troop of demonic cultivators to infiltrate the empty ruins and stole a large sum of empyrean items from us."Emperor Ging replied with a cold look on his face. "After this banquet is over, i want you all to gather the strongest cultivators from your various clans. We are going to launch a war at the Demon realm, we will conquer the demon realm this time around" he said while placing his golden cup of wine on the table.

The various clan leaders nodded their heads in agreement with what the Emperor said.

At that moment, the sky above the earth rumbled and the clouds rolled vigorously. The sigh of gods were heard as a beam of lightning tore through the fabric of space and landed on the earth below.


The ground shook focefully and many buildings collapsed, even the imperial pałace was shaken by the force of the shock.

Everyone gasped in shock with wide eyes and slacked jaws, even the emperor was shaken deeply inside. What they were experiencing today haven't happened for eons. It was the grand phenomenon of celestial nativity. A celestial being was born in the ancient imperial realm. Who could have given birth to such existence? Curiousity developed in everyone's mind. Everyone had a rough guess and were stirred emotionally.

The Empress of the ancient imperial realm has been pragnant for many months now and everyone were predicting that She could bear a child before the end of this year.

The Emperor was nervous, he haven't had a child ever since he got married to the empress for the past thirty five years. Now that this phenomenon was happening within the period his wife was supposed to deliver, how could he not be nervous.

At that moment, one of the Imperial messengers arrived at the palace an knelt down on the floor."Your Majesty, Her highness has given birth to a male child" he announced.

"when was that?" The Emperor asked hurriedly.

"At the same time the phenomenon of celestial nativity occurred" the messenger answered.


The Emperor disappeared instantly and landed outside the palace were his child was born. He walked in and saw the midwife carrying a small baby in her hand. The Emperor stretched out his hands and carried the boy.

" he resembles his mother and has the air of a noble born" the midwife said while looking at the little child in the Emperors hands. The child resembles a doll, very cute and lovely, his appearance is second to none.

The Emperor was still looking at the baby in his hands with tears streaking down his cheeks. He has lost the bearing of a powerful and intimidating Emperor and was now filled with emotions. He didn't know exactly what to say.

"Where is my wife?" he asked the midwife.

"Your wife is in the labor room" she replied. "She needs some rest but you can go and take a look if you want" she continued.

"Okay" the Emperor walked in and saw his wife smiling at him. He felt warmed in his heart.

"we have a child now, a boy at that. I know that's what you always wanted" she said still smiling.

"this is the most joyous moment in my life" the Emperor replied.

"What should we name him?" She asked.

"He will be called Shen Ging" he said.

"What a beautiful name" she said.

They didn't even talked about the fact that they gave birth to a celestial being.

At that moment, many figures began to appear in the sky and landed directly outside the palace. Of course, all those figures were various clan kings, ordinary cultivators won't dare lay foot in the Imperial palace unless they were summoned by the Emperor himself.

"Congratulations your highness" all the kings bowed to the emperor at the same time.

The king nodded and said to them " today, something that hasn't happened in over a million years have occurred. The birth of a celestial being have always remained Legendary up until this very day in the ancient imperial realm and such existence happened to be my son." The Emperor said proudly.

"Today will be recorded in history, the birth of a celestial being in this realm is more than a privilege to me, I am truly honored." The Emperor continued " this child will be called Shen Ging, the future heir of the ancient imperial realm" he announced.

"Long live prince Shen Ging!" All the kings bowed once more.

"there will be a feast tomorrow on new year day to welcome our crown prince, I invite you all to attend" the Emperor said.

"we from the Chen clan are privileged to attend such a grand occasion, we will be on our way now to prepare gifts for the ceremony. Farewell, Emperor Shen. The clan leader of the Chen clan, king Chen bade farewell to the emperor and rushed to his kingdom to prepare for the ceremony.

Other clan heads also said their words of appreciation and bade the Emperor farewell