
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol 5

now for the current time.

Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol has arrived at sakuragami a while ago and they are at the eternal sakura road that leading to rikuo's house, sakuragami grand shrine.

just like rikuo said, the sakura flower in this place is blue in color that should be impossible. not only sakura in this place still blooming but their color too that have impossible color.

the color of the sakura flower in this town can be different according to the season.

winter=bluish white


summer=emerald green

autumn=brown maple

because of the uniqueness of this sakura in this town, this town is a tourist attraction that popular with local and international tourists just to see this sakura flower. because of that, an international organization made sakuragami's sakura tree a protected area that is managed by the nura clan.

at first, the japan government wanted to take over the grand shrine from the nura clan. but because the nura clan existed at the end of the Sengoku era. they had the paper that said that this place and sakuragami was ruled by the nura clan. the one that signed this paper was Tokugawa Ieyasu himself.

because of this paper, the japan government didn't dare to use any means to obtain sakuragami from the nura clan. if they dared to do that, then all of the old clans in japan were going to retaliate for their doing.

well, let's leave it like that. Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol should be happy that they see this scenery that the last time they saw was after their elementary graduation. instead, they have a dark expression on their face except for misaki and mikoto that had a smile on their face. but, Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol knew that these two are the source of their dark expression. in their hand is the baseball bat for whatever reason they have it in their hand when they set out to sakuragami. because of their action, peoples that they cross give them a weird look all the way until they arrive at sakuragami.

the reason for their bizarre action is what action that leading to ryouma's injury. after Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol, yura, misaki, and mikoto hear action that ryouma took until he became injured and they had varied reactions to that. the girl's group had a cold look that directed to rikuo as the boys had the envious look on their faces. rikuo knew the reaction that the girl's group gave when they heard this, he then explained the reason for ryouma's action. the girls still had the cold look but at least they understood after all they always knew about ryouma personality since they were rikuo's friend.

but, there was some exception that didn't listen to rikuo reasoning. it was misaki and mikoto as they disappeared after they heard of ryouma's action then for some reason they adjourned with them at the front gate of their school. but in their hand, they were the baseball bat that was made of metal. mikoto made a full swing that you could saw from four batters of the high school baseball team as misaki just held the baseball bat that for some reason had blood on the bat. when they saw rikuo, yura, and the rest of Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol, they approached them and said a word to them with a smile that didn't match with their eyes.

"Now I'm ready to kill that idiot"

"fufufufu, nii-san must be punished for his adultery"


""rikuo/rikuo-chan, let's go to sakuragami immediately"

rikuo and the rest of the group felt the pressure from these two. if they denied their request, you could say goodbye to your life. so rikuo with a heavy heart nodded to their request.

after this incident, rikuo and the rest of group is scare to anger any of these two. so with that, they with the heavy heart still walk forward to rikuo's home, the grand shrine of sakuragami.

on the way, kana with a worried look on her face asks rikuo.

"ne rikuo-kun, are ryouma nii-san going to be alright?"

"yeah, i'm worried about nii-san after we saw mikoto-senpai and misaki senpai action. if i wanted to admonish him but seeing these two, i just feel sorry about him, right natsuki?"

"um. but, how the hell your father just hide that trash in your training hall?"

"believe me that i still confused about that. but, what i worried about is that aniki speak unnecessary thing to those two. it just spells disaster that i 80% sure is going to happen"

kana, saori, and natsuki then imagines that situation and can see what happening with ryouma that lead to mikoto and misaki became berserk that they can see bloodbath from that situation.

the yura with a curious look asks the girl's group about ryouma.

"ne ienag-"

"kana!!! mooo please don't call my family name after all we are friends, right?"

"huh then kana-san"


"Just what kind of person is ryouma-san that they got you all sympathy? from what i see, he's just a pervert. nothing else, right?"

"well that's you are wrong, yura-san. you need to see him for you to believe what kind of person he is"

"yep. after all, the evidence to show you that he get our sympathy is near so be patient, ok?"

"well, if you say so, saori-san and natsumi-san"

then all of sudden, kiyotsugu with a resolute face declares something to the group and begins his speech.

"people!! I don't know what is going to happen but i know about one thing. that it was that this is tyranny that we must overcome. so with that, i must convince both our senpai that we didn't like their actions that are going to hurt ryouma-aniki!!!! so with that, i must go!!!"

"uwaa, you're really good at making your own death flag, kiyotsugu"


"shhh, jiro-san please don't waste kiyotsugu sacrifice for us"

"well, that's true too. i just hope that he don't go to heaven so soon. let's just pray for him"


seeing the action of aotabo and jiro, rikuo has a wry smile and just hopes that kiyotsugu is surviving from those two monsters.