
Legendary Magic Sword Art

A young man who plays the newest VR game, he playing popular VRgame in world, he use all money he have for buy everything, One day he got bad news, he accidentally saw his girlfriend cheating on the game he was playing, found out his girlfriend was cheating on him, he accidentally cried in the VR capsule, the tears that dripped into the capsule machine made him die in the capsule, and moved to the world game after the incident.

FirmZodiac · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Prologue: Where it all begins

He woke up in an old warehouse of a sword school, with wounds all over his body, he tried to lift his body, but the pain he felt all over his body made him fall again, turning his body, he stared at the roof of the old warehouse filled with cobwebs and dust, processing what happened to him, a system panel appeared in front of him, a panel similar to the system panel of a game he had played in the past, a game panel called "Lekavoc", which means Hope in hebrew, within the system panel, a text was written "Welcome to the world of Elpida"

You have 5 unread messages.

You have 5 arrival gifts.

Seeing all those familiar lines made me feel sick because of what had happened to me earlier, and I immediately said "Log-Out"

But trying many times to log-out, the menu to exit the game did not appear, however, in the end, a panel appeared in front of me, but the panel didn't say the sentence I wanted.

"Sorry, you cannot use this feature, because you are a "Native""

Seeing the notice, I was very surprised, not just shocked, my heart was beating quite hard, making me feel a little sick because of my own heartbeat. cracked in all directions, and shattered like a glass being smashed into pieces, however, beyond the broken glass, a gigantic eye appeared and glared at me fiercely and made my heartbeat beat stronger every second, so that I felt my heart would explode because of it, but a white line cut off the giant's 2 eyes, and returned the view of the old warehouse to me once again, but after seeing that, a message appeared "You who witnessed a taboo in this world."

"All your stats increase by 3"

As my stats increased, I felt my body's pain decrease enough that I could move my body again, trying to stand up in a state of pain all over my body, I tried to check my own identity which I haven't checked at all.

[Personal information]

Name: Gerald Bastian

Levels: 1

Race: Human

Class: None

Talent: Magic Arts (S+)


STRs: 8

INTs: 19

AGI: 7

VITs: 6

CHR: 4

MNA: 23

Looking at all those stats, I've never seen a Talent called Magic Arts, I've been playing this game for more than 4 years, but I never knew there is an S+ rank Talent called Magic Arts like this Gerald's, exactly, who is he? ?

As a "Demonic Sword God" in this world before, this was the first time he saw S+ tier talents and strange stats like this, because normally, if you were someone with a sword talent, then your stats would be, STR>VIT>AGI, if it was an archer, then the stats are DEX>AGI>STR/INT depending on the class owned, but if it's magic, it's INT>MNA>DEX and usually outside of the 3 main stats besides Charming, it will be under 5 if you are a level 1 character, but this character has stats above 5 points, every single one of his stats, even his Mana stats is over 20 at level 1, which this kid has over 2300+ mana and it's usually possessed by magic talented characters over level 10 if you spend all the level bonus stats on increase Mana.

But this character has a total of 67 stats at level 1, where people usually only have a total of 20-23 stats depending on the player's luck but the main 5 stats still have the same total number of 15, and the remaining 5-8 stats will go into Charming, so everything is still fair even though it has a different amount for each character.

'But this person is different, he has stats this high, yet he can still endure bullying like this, how weak is he to be like this, then why would someone with talent in magic enter a swordsman's school? is he stupid or what?'

After checking who I am in this world, I cleaned off the dirt on my clothes and opened the warehouse door, but when I tried to push open the warehouse door, the warehouse door was caught by something outside,

"Ha, look at this, old medieval bully looks boring"

checked for something I could use, but there was only a wooden sword which was in a bad state as its durability was almost depleted.

checking what skills I could use, I opened the skill book menu, and skimmed through all the skills.

"Art: Enchantment to strengthen the body, or the weapon used"

"Art: Magic is a normal magic, but has more damage because it has a slightly more complicated formula"

"Art: Speed increases movement speed"

"Art: Shield creates a defensive shield that can withstand 3 enemy attacks, or 1 enemy ultimate attack"

'There are only those 4 skills that this brat has, and he doesn't have any passive [Sword Mastery], [Weapon Mastery], or [Fighter], inside him, then on what stupid reason did he enter the sword school?'

I shook my head at what this boy was thinking, and if I remember remembering, I never heard a name like this "Gerald" when I was playing the game, did he die here?

'Forget it, time to find out what kind of world this is'

I took out the wooden sword, and activated [Art:Enchantment] on the sword in my hand and prepared the novice stance that I often learned while playing this game.

Then attack the door.

The warehouse entrance exploded from the attack I used, then a system message popped up.

[Congratulations on getting passive: "Sword Mastery"]

[Your Sword Mastery level has risen significantly]

[Your Sword Mastery has reached level 15, do you want to evolve your Sword Mastery?]

'Ohh look, with just my stance and a normal attack, I can pass the novice swordsmanship level this easily'

The dust that had been flying up from the attack finally cleared up, and the group of boys were surprised to see that and stared into the Warehouse with their stupid faces.

Hello everyone, how are you guys, it's been 2 years, I'm sorry for disappearing in that period of time, but I promise I will start publishing the latest chapter of Yggdrasil, and this novel of mine, during these 2 years, there have been many incidents that have made me uneasy. could continue writing the Yggdrasil series,

And for those of you who have just read this book, I hope the story I wrote meets your expectations, and I apologize if my English is very bad, because I used translate to be able to write this novel, I will learn better in the future in writing English. .

Thank You.

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