

He didn't know what awaited him when he drove down ti tg he city but definitely, he didn't expect to see a beautiful wolf who happened to be his mate

finsk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


His mother's spirit appeared before him which also didn't surprise him for she had told him beforehand "follow me" she commanded and he obeyed, she took him to an estate which was only just one around and there were three cars; one was a long strech limo, the other was a sports car and the third was a ferrari new model! "Mom, he couldn't help but ask, how did you get all these"? "Well I knew in no time your father will get bored of both of us. I thought that when that was to happen, we would both move her, I can only thank goodness that I told you about this place before I died so you got the hint and came down here. My spirit was not allowed to wander around that city but I can wander around here. Now that you have gotten here safely, show Alfred the drawing on your arm and he would know who you are and one last thing"... "what's that mother?" "I want you to avenge me"! She ended before she disappeared, "I will mom, I will" he murmured as he watched his mother disappear into thin air. He walked towards the door, right next to a treeand ringed the doorbell which echoed making a man who seemed to be in his fifties come out

"Who are you"? the man asked obviously stunned to see someone ringing as the place had been deserted awhile.