

He didn't know what awaited him when he drove down ti tg he city but definitely, he didn't expect to see a beautiful wolf who happened to be his mate

finsk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Once upon down before, he was driven into the lab by his father "dad please" the young boy begged endlessly "I'm not a wolf he added once more "but I have seen you transform" his ruthless father said and when they got to the destination, the young boy tried to persuade "you see what I've got to put up with, he killed my mom, don't trust him, he is a wolf doctor"! the young boy near tears shouted out, his throat burning.

"Tie him up in lab 58, we will like to take his blood samples" at that sentence, a smile touched David Franklin's face "sure" he said as he half dragged his sonto the lab. The reason's he brought him here were very simple, he was a late bloomer who also witnessed his mother's murder, Luly, now he thought to hkmself, his 8 year old son Ajax Franklin would be rid of too. suddenly "listen good dad, I'll kill you, when i get out of here, I will kill you" the dumped Ajax threatened, eyes cold for a child of eight "only if you manage to get out of here stupid" his father said with half humor evident in his eyes, aside from that, there didn't seem to be any emotions, not even a single remorse for killing his wife and dumping his only child to be tested for god knows what, he turned and left.

The next day came and with it were the experimentalists and while Ajax was asleep, they tied him to a chair and threw him into a literal ice water that was frosted, lots and lots of ice that made him instantly wide awake with shock clearly registered on his delicate face, he became short of breath and they had to pull him out quickly. "This boy doesn't seem to have any traits of wolves. Now I bet his blood is cold. Inject" this process continued along with other pain unto the boy as it went on for days which rolled into weeks and then ...

this is just one of four books. It is a series but i can't write the next without finishing this one

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