
Hero of Shaemoor (Parte-1)

One Young Noble, A High Young Noble by blood stood in place watching the burned building and the dead bodies all around him.

The Scenery around here is exactly like a war has happened just a moment ago. Bloody Soldiers are sitting on the ground, bandaging on their own. Some of the warriors are just staring at the gates As if it would burst at any moment. The buildings are quite huge too.

He... Looked rather confused.

The Boy's name was Lin Fan. He was just a low time technician at Low time IT corporation.

He was another name and face in the huge world.

Well, it's not like there was much to complain either way. And also he does not know why, but just a moment ago, he was in his office, doing his work in Overtime. Installing a super rare chip on his computer, That will let him play high-end games, on his low-end computer just like that.

And he was here.

'What the hell just happened?'

Aaa, that's right, Now I remember, wasn't there an Unknown shadowy figure that suddenly barged in the office. So... what happened? Did I die? Am I sleeping? Unconscious? Hallucinating? What the heck did just happen.

He pinched himself, "Ouch"

"It's not a dream? what the heck?"

"Young Master, Thank goodness you are alive", one rough voice called him from behind as a Rough hand holds his shoulders.


"Ah", He definitely didn't shriek like a girl.

He was Just... startled.

That's right he was just startled, nothing more.

"What the heck... Who are you? And why are you so bloody?"

"Young Master, we do not have the time to talk, Centaurs can attack the gates any seconds now. we have prepared the horse Carriage to take the nobles back to the capital, You should leave immediately"

"O-Ok, so... uh... What about you?"

The Rough Bloody man smiled and took a few steps back, "It was my honor to serve My Lord all my Life", He knelt after that, and stab the bloody sword on the ground.


"It will be my Honor to protect young Master with my life."


"Now go, you are the only one remaining, Leave immediately with other Nobles"

Lin Fan, the so-called Noble nodded, he wasn't stupid, No matter what happened, he could think afterward, But right now he has to leave immediately.

'And why the hell am I so Calm? Didn't I... crossover to this weird place, So, why am I so calm?"

[Installing Chip]


"Young Master, why are you dilly-dallying for? Leave immediately, Centauraus attack will commence again in a mere few minutes. Leave"

'Should I... No, let's just leave already'

But before he could even take a step

[Installation complete... Welcome]

[Status Page]

Name: Lin Fan

Age: 15 Years

Gender: Male

Class: Assassin- A dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush unsuspecting prey.

Core Skills (Fixed): Natural Predator, Stealth, Vanish

Weapon Equipable: Daggers

Skills: None

Mission Available: (Click Here to elaborate)

He clicked it

Mission Available- Survive




'Why Am I so calm? Why?'







"M-My Lord what have you done, you let the last carriage go, How could you do that?"


"How could you end the legacy of Lin Clan"


"How could do that? My Lord and My Lady Gave up their life, Just to protect you"


"How could you not understand the gravity of the situation?"

"The Wagon has just been Missed right? So, why are you crying over it?"

"... Y-Young Master?"

"Get me two daggers"


"Young Master, you are Seriously injured, You should Just ins--

"Get me two daggers, Sharp daggers"


"Do you not understand me?"

"I do, Young Master"

"Then get me two Daggers"


Once that bloody Knight is gone, and the rest is preparing to reinforce the gates.

Lin fan was in deep thoughts, with his expressionless stoic face, 'Why Am I so calm? why am I so calm? I wanna freak out, I wanna freak out, I am way too calm and accepting'

"Young Master, here are the daggers"

"Very Well, let's pre--

[Progloue- Defending Shaemoor]

[The human race once ruled Tyria. Now, they struggle to hold their ground. They've been defeated, driven back, and broken. But they refuse to surrender.]

[Mission: Survive]

[Mission Reward: Backstab, Deadly Poison]

'Alright, Let's see, I am super calm and accepting about things, and for skills, let's see these Core Skills'

[Natural Predator- Extreme Calmness in un-natural circumstances and Be accepting of most]

[Stealth: Conceals you in the shadows and allowing you to stalk enemies without being seen. until touched, Hurt, or any sudden Movement] [Note-being Stealthy does not mean being Invisible, User can be heard touched, Smelled or attacked all the same]

[Vanish: Allows you to vanish from sight, and into the thin air, entering an improved stealth mode for 3 sec. For 3 seconds, Sudden Movement does not affect Stealth]


'I am calm and accepting because of this Natural Predator?'

If he had a choice, he would want to be a Cool Mage, Who wants to be an Old Fashion Assassin, What could he do though, he would be running with his tail in between his legs, Maybe he should be thankful of that perk 'Natural Predator?'

'At least This time I will die as a hero... At the very least, I would know, I died'

"So many nations have fallen. Only Kryta still stands."


He looked up to see, some kind of Weird bloody guy was going to give a Speech

"Our faith is strong, despite the silence of the Six Gods. With courage, we'll make our stand in Divinity's Reach. The city is my home. I was born to common folk, just one among many"

'Is this the time to tell your story?'


He looked here and there, to see everyone is endorsed in his storytelling, no one is actually focusing on the main problem

"My friends and I don't seek attention or glory. It's hard enough making ends meet. But, I believe, we can still shape a brighter world out of the ashes of the past. Today I stepped outside of Divinity's Reach to see the world."

'Should I stop him? This is not the right time'

"But when I arrived in Shaemoor, the town was under siege by centaurs. Innocent villagers were in danger. Someone has to help. We can't go on living our lives in fear. I have to fight. I have to make a stand. There is still hope. That's what I thought... But I Was Wrong, I Lost in Shaemoor, Innocent people are dead, we sent those bloody Nobles away Just so they could live on the path pave by my life. Before I was alone, This time, I am not alone anymore, I don't know anything, I am dumb, I am slow-witted, I am just a bloody Commoner, But I know this, I WANT TO LIVE, this fight is not for your family, not for your nation, not for your Lord, not for your King or Queen, TONIGHT WE FIGHT TO SURVIVE, MY BROTHERS, WE WILL LIVE"


'wow, what a speech'


The gate was broken through.