
Legend of Zevion Asgorath

About a guy who lost his will to live in his own world. Now lives in another world in any anime he wants pursuing power and fun. Current Anime( All are alternative worlds so don't expect it to be the same) 1. I Was Reincarnated as 7th Prince. 2. Overlord.[Completed][Only possible spin-off] 3. Tsukimichi-Moonlit Fantasy.

ZEVION_ASGORATH · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Ch. 4 Preparation for the end of Yggdrasil

Well let me tell you about our base Nazarick that... I changed it's name to Great World of Zeldania.

Well there isn't much changes from before as I am going start now.

I am thinking of making ten floor connected world here.

At every another ten floor it will be a different but better world and at least I plan to create 10,000 floors that means 1,000 world's.

1 to 10 will be lvl 100 guardian, 11 to 20 will be lvl 200 guardian, 21 to 30 will be lvl 300 guardian and so on.

Well these will be initial levels at least.

I mean I will release their level limit soon after transmigration so... Yeah that's it!

By the I created my wife...

Don't look at me but yeah you guessed it she is the highest level most talented in every field named Ziana and we both have a daughter named Malvis she is cutest thing ever.

She also have lots of potential growth in her abilities.

By the the time I created my character I just tapped at random characterization and they made my look really amazing.

Just it made my hair multi-colored one like really all shorts of colors.

Like every single hair is of different color plus it's so random you can't form any kind of pattern in it but it seriously looks amazing.

I know you guys probably thinking of hair of clown but seriously my hair looks too amazing.

So I put these hair color in both of them as well as a family trait.

Also I put mystic eyes in our family trait as well.

Our eyes change colors and patterns in every instance.

It also compliments our hair as well.

Of course it's functions is versatile as well.

Just think it like we got all types of eyes with their abilities.

Final week of Yggdrasil...

Well everything is complete now.

Let me tell you I created all 10,000 floors with the help of system.

It was really impossible.

Not only I had only limited time but also I need to keep details in mind for the time it will become reality so I made many mines and creation engines for my future.

As for residents... Let's just say of I conquer a dimension in future, residents of Zeldania will properly fill it and every one is so strong that even the weakest ten can probably conquer the Earth.

Well not in raw power but their talent is at least at that level.

I am a bit worried about my future as these monstrous beings here will become my fanatic in future how will I handle them but will it's still better.

After all there is still many stuff I want to tell you but that can wait later.

Also today is special.

It's time to complete my first mission.

I will become a world enemy now.

Well I already form the plan for it.

I look at the endless expanse of this game.

Truly a legendary game but it is only inferior to those games from those worlds that made realistic VR games with all senses and NPC with their own minds.

Today this legendary game will be destroyed by me.

I got permission from all the staff and making it an event.

An event where every player needs to defeat me or I will take their everything they earned as an end game boss.

By the way I defeated all world enemies.

The story is that after defeating them I got to know that Yggdrasil at past was conquering other worlds so to stop it's advance very single world attacked it's representative and defeated him.

From that day Yggdrasil's downfall started only leaving 9 leaves or exactly 9 world's which we played.

After I defeated them I got to know the sinister plan that Yggdrasil is planning to use me as it's pawn to get back to it's former glory.

I take all the remaining worlds that oppose Yggdrasil as my servant not wanting to be used again by someone else.

By the way Yggdrasil can't take back it's blessing and protection from me as I have it's core and I also can't end him with core as the core can act as a seed of new entire dimensional plane.

So I am now fighting against him and he is using his all players and NPC against me with or survival and future on line.

Those who are on my side already gained the real information but sadly as I am not extrovert I got lesser support but miraculously every guild members came.

Well I really cried for the first time since coming here in front of them even. Well that was an embarrassing sight for me.

All of us 42 then prepared for battle.

They were shocked by the magnitude I built Zeldania.

Our objective was to protect the core and defeat everyone else.

It was truly a legendary war.

Let me tell you almost 50 floor were conquered by other players.

Well as people would have suspected me of cheating so I released some level breaking items which our whole guild have but still it's not more than 10,000.

These players were truly horrifying considering that floor fifty houses lvl 500 guardians.

After 5 days of struggle we defeated Yggdrasil.

It is write now is getting destroyed and it will be destroyed at the end of service.

All of us 42 celebrated as grandly as possible.

Everyone here new that I was going to die to terminal illness of mine that will end my life at the end of game service that's why everyone came to to at least make it special for me.

I again cried at the celebration.

Damn I really feel like a family for the first time.

It's like all my hard work is already rewarded although they have busy schedule and they may kicked out of their jobs they still came here with smiles.

I am glad I completed my mission as this world will progress even further now.

World tree is already taken place in the planets core and started purifying the planet in earnest already.

I also planned to donate my guild members all my money.

Although it doesn't look like but I am still one of the most richest person in this world.

Also after our win suddenly sky became clear by seconds which is been broadcasted as an miraculous legendry event all over the world.

Well that's a world tree for you already working the moment it was implemented.

Last day ...

Everyone given me encouraging words and stuff knowing I will die today but still I was really thankful to all of them.

I hope my world tree will be enough gift for them.

After giving me their farewell all of them left giving me time before my final time probably.

I didn't change the layout of the starting 10 floors as an honour to our memories except NPC strength and levels.

I sit on the throne of kings as I close my eyes.






Hey guys! I made another chapter for you so take a look and tell me what improvement I need to implement in it.

ZEVION_ASGORATHcreators' thoughts