
Legend of twin states

The hatred between the snow and fire foxes has been going on for a long time.Two prodigies,Zhu Jian and Shen Niang ,are born during this period and fall into a forbidden love which is a taboo.Their love has to face countless tribulations but their identities hold them down and stop them from pursuing their hearts desires.On one side is a god of war who is adored by many while on the other hand a princess who is cherished by many.What choice do they make?

Patrick_Ochieng_4116 · Fantasia
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Snow Goddess and Fire Goddess

In the beginning the foxes lived together in harmony in Qingqiu and were the most feared race.They fought side by side and were best of brothers.In both clans two people were born.Their talent had shook the whole continent and they managed to reach the highest level and ascend their tribulations in both fire and ice techniques creating the perfect yinyang fusion in less than 5000 years.Their love story was something that was narrated for years because when they were still in qingqiu no clan dared to harbour evil intentions against the foxes.They knew that they rose from other people's blood so they had a lot of hidden enemies who would try to take revenge so they sealed Qingqiu before they left.

Both the tribes lived in peace for a thousand years before a new ere was welcomed and the love story of the snow goddess and fire god was soon forgotten.The fire foxes began to become ambitious and wanted to conquer the snow foxes of greenhill.luckily the snow foxes noticed their ambition in time and counterattacked .This led to a bitter struggle between the two sides for five hundred years as they were evenly matched.

The ice queen and King finally decided to act and repelled the fire foxes successfully .After 500years they gave birth to a daughter who had nine tails and controlled the unmeltable ice.She was considered a rare talent that was only found once in ten thousand years and it was believed that she would surpass the snow goddess if given enough time and resources.

At the same time the strongest general of the fire foxes Lin Mei disappeared from the battlefield and was nowhere to be seen.

The fire foxes could no longer relax after the news of the birth of princess reached them.They started to search for someone with the same talent as the princess but it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

In a small village in flamings hills.....

"Bring some more water and a towel.Make it quick the baby is about to come out,"a mid-wife shouted.Outside a man was seen walking in circles with shaking hands looking very nervous.Finally,a child's cry was heard.

'Congratulations your wife has given birth to a boy.'

The man looked at the baby in the hands of the maid.The boy had a fire mark on his forehead.What was even more shocking was that the child was a nine tailed fire fox.The man was overjoyed as he was able to give birth to a royal fox.

Although happy he knew that his son's fate was already determined so he could only delay it.That very night he left with his family and searched for a new place to settle.

They built a decent house in the forest and lived together.The boy was named Zhu Jian while the Princess was called Shen Niang.

The family of three lived in the forest isolated from the world in peace but nothing lasts forever.

One day............

An elder of the Flaming Hills went to hunt on the Blackwind forest.When he was hunting he saw a boy fighting with a beast.It was a young fox who was about five years of age but what made him excited was that the boy was a nine tailed fox.After searching for so long he finally found what they were looking for.He watched as the boy fought and killed the beast.