
Legend Of The United Moon

"Hail Selene, goddess of the moon" Allian greeted in tears. "Allian why return here again. Return back for that which you asked has been given and that which I desire taken" Selene asked. "How so do I rule without a Luna by my side. Mercy I seek that you take back your strength and give back the life of my mate" Allian pleaded. "For what is done can't be undone. Return and make merry for that which you had always desired had been done" Selene replied. "Not so will I be Alpha without a Luna. For this isn't my desire. Take back the strength and even my life in exchange of hers" Allian begged. "Return for what you request can't be granted" Selene said and Vanished. "Mercy I plead goddess" Allian wailed all night but Selene refused to reply. Deep in sorrow, Allian returned to the United Moon. This was never what he imagined but he couldn't turn back the hands of time. If only he had harken to the words of his father.

Charlotte_0693 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 7

Ariana went to her father to ask for an extra guard, Alpha Cassius was busy deliberating on the issue of a rogue who appeared few days ago at the pack. Ariana entered.

"Father, oh you are busy. I will come back later" Ariana said leaving.

"No, they were just on their way leaving, Come in my dear" Alpha Cassius said indirectly dismissing his Beta and general. and they excused themselves.

"What is it your highness?" Alpha Cassius asked as Ariana took her seat.

"Nothing, just came to check on my father. Have you had dinner?" Ariana asked.

"Not yet" Alpha Cassius said.

"Why?, Where are the kitchen staffs, Go call me one of them" Ariana said to one of the guard.

"No, not now. I told them not to bring my dinner yet. What brings you here my darling?" Alpha Cassius asked.

"Nothing, Can't I come check on my dad" Ariana said.

"Ana" Alpha Cassius said. "Don't be scared, What do you want?, I will do anything for you as far as it is within my reach, even if it would cost me my life" Alpha Cassius added.

"I know and that why I have thought about it, I need you to be safe, and in order for you to be safe, I have to keep myself safe. In conclusion, I want a personal guard" Ariana said.

"Finally, you come to your senses, you don't know how proud I am. Your safety is my priority. Which guard do you want. Liam assemble all the guards, Ana is picking a personal knight" Alpha Cassius instructed Liam one of his guards.

"Don't bother father, I already have one in mind" Ariana stopped Liam.

"And who is that my dear?" Alpha Cassius asked.

"His name is Rendell. He is a good and discipline fighter, and has a good sense of loyalty." Ariana said.

"Rendell I am not so conversant with that name. Liam who is this Rendell?" Alpha Cassius asked.

"Not familiar with the name Alpha" Liam said.

"He is among the new recruits, so you may not know him" Ariana said.

"A new recruit, No I can't put the life of my daughter in the hands of a newbie. Pick another, why not Liam?" Alpha Cassius asked.

"No, I want him father, I have tested him, he is competent. Don't you trust me father?" Ariana asked with a sad face.

"I do but... Ok fine, you can have him but I will have to test me first" Alpha Cassius said.

"Ok father. you are the best" Ariana said. "I will go get dinner" she added and hurried off.


Allian was busy studying his environment, from what he had gathered, Ariana was a princess and an alpha's daughter and this was her room. Not only did he get injured, he was now in the palace of an unknown pack. What if someone recognizes him, No that wouldn't be possible, They didn't see him clearly so he was safe. But staying in the palace, that was an opportunity he didn't want to grab at all, he already had enough of palaces. Allian held footsteps and so hurried into the bed and pretended to be asleep. Ariana entered shortly.

"Weird, he has been sleeping all day." Ariana said. Aviva entered.

"What have you done?" Aviva asked.

"My father has agreed to make Rendell my personal knight" Ariana said.

"What?, Why on a earth would he do that?, Ana you don't know this guy" Aviva said.

"Well he is just being a figurehead, anyways that would be able to give him and identity. The deed has been done. But there is a problem" Ariana said. "Father wants to test him, and I am afraid he may fail" she added.

"you have done enough for him, it will now be his luck if he pass the test or not" Aviva said.

"I just wish he pass he test or the consequences will be alarming" Ariana said.

"What consequences are you talking about, you have sacrificed a lot already for him, the immortal pill and now what else are you sacrificing?" Aviva asked.

"Nothing." Ariana replied.

"Are you sure of what you are doing?, Do you really think he is worth your stress?" Aviva asked.

"Yes, I know what you are saying but my heart tells me to help him. You should understand, you thought me to follow your heart" Ariana said.

"I know but not in this situation. I can't force you to do anything. If you feel you are doing the right thing, then I got your back" Aviva said.

"Thanks Aviva, Thank you for believing him and standing by us" Ariana said.

"I don't believe him, I believe you and that why I haven't reported to Alpha yet. But I hope you don't regret it" Aviva said.

"I wouldn't" Ariana said and hugged Aviva.


"Being a personal knight, that another form of imprisonment, I ran away from the palace not to get stuck in another palace, I am definitely going to fail that test, am sorry princess Ariana. 'Consequences' what consequences could she probably have, I appreciate your efforts but I can't be your knight" Allian said.