
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Outros
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24 Chs

Chapter 1: Escape from a fiery death? Saiyan Faunus family

Location: Planet Vegeta


A lone ship came back towards planet vegeta along with the other saiyan space ships. A dark skinned saiyan who sat beside his commander Bardock, sat in silence before spotting their home planet.

"Ah, there she is. Home sweet home, eh captain?", the saiyan asked.

Bardock said nothing for the moment, but then voiced his suspicions of why they were suddenly called back home by Freeza of all people.

"Not so sure about that.," Bardock replied skeptical.

The saiyan in question was Rhubar, a mid class saiyan warrior but still deferred to Bardock as his superior. The dark saiyan raised a questioning eyebrow at this.

"What do you mean by that, captain?," Rhubar asked in curiosity.

Bardock furrowed his brow and then adopted a thoughtful position as he explained his reasoning behind his skepticism.

"Don't you think it's strange, maybe a bit.. odd that we'd suddenly get summoned home?" Bardock asked.

Rhubar thought about it for a moment before realizing Bardock was right of course. He was always right.

"Yeah.. Now that you mention it. It is a bit odd why we'd suddenly have to come home.. think freeza's got some new equipment for us or maybe a new planet to conquer?" Rhubar asked.

Bardock shook his head in disagreement. That couldn't be it. Something so simple and pedestrian would hardly require almost every single saiyan alive to complete.

"Doesn't thus whole thing seem strange to you? If he had new equipment for us, he could've just used something to radio us individually about it. I've got a bad feeling about this.," Bardock said.

Rhubar nodded in agreement. Bardock was right, it made no sense for Freiza to call all of the saiyans back home on short notice just for some new equipment. Like his captain, Rhubar was getting an eerily bad feeling about this whole thing.

"Are you saying that Freeza doesn't necessarily need us anymore?," Rhubar asked based on a suspicion he had.

"You have to admit it is possible. The Freiza force has grown extremely large and I'm betting they could get by just fine without us annoying saiyans around.," Bardock added.

" I guess that makes sense.," Rhubar said thoughtfully.

Bardock wasn't done yet though. As they descended into the atmosphere of the planet and prepared to land, he further explained his theory on why Freiza had called all of the saiyans back so suddenly.

"In all these years that we've been working for him can you think of even one time both the Freiza Force and us Saiyans have truly ever been happy working together?," Bardock asked.

"No, I can't think of any saiyan who likes Freiza.," Rhubar replied.

They landed their ship and Bardock hopped out with his bag slung over his shoulder. Most likely he was on his way back home to visit his wife.

" And I'm willing to think he feels the same way about us.," Bardock said as he started to walk away.

Another voice caught his attention after he laid bare his suspicions to one of his trusted pilots.

"Hey Bardock, Freeza's people having asking around about the super saiyan lately. Any idea what that's about?," the saiyan at the landing docks asked.

"The super saiyan? Like the one in the legend? That's it!," Bardock said to himself.

However before he could wander off, Rhubar's voice got his attention.

"Captain. If what you say is true, then I better go check on my family.," Rhubar said.

The two started towards their homes before Rhubar turned back to Bardock briefly.

"Good luck, captain.," Rhubar said.

Meanwhile, up in space above the planet. Freeza and soldiers all gathered and stared down at planet vegeta while kikono went over a report he'd been sent to look into.

"Looking into the legend of the Super Saiyan and of the Super Saiyan God.. I failed to find any conclusive evidence my Lord. Both stories have amounted to little more than mere myths.," the yellow alien reported.

This caused Freeza to laugh, he knew those stories were only fairy tales. This all but confirmed that fact.

"Ha ha! I suspected as much.," the tyrant laughed.

Kikono gulped before asking: "So, are we cancelling the attack then?"

The alien tyrant then laughed again.

" Ha ha ha Ha! You are Hilarious. Not when I've gone to all the trouble of assembling these monkeys! It's the perfect plan to get rid of the saiyans, planet and all." Freeza replied.

Back on planet Vegeta, Rhubar arrived home to see his wife making some dinner. He smiled as he announced his return home, but he could have a little fun doing so.. right?

" You know, a welcome home would be nice Sala. Not that I mind you not doing so since you're busy.," Rhubar said.

The saiyan woman turned and smiled at him. This was Sala, she was a former saiyan soldier and was Rhubar's wife. She'd only been off duty for a year since she and Rhubar had started a family. Sala was tall like her husband with black hair and eyes to go with her unusual black tail. Both of them had black tails though, which was a little odd for saiyans to have.

She wore parts of her old uniform, but had incorporated a blue and red dress into it. Her tail loosely hung out of the backside of her outfit. She was still a little shorter than her husband by about half a head, but that never bothered her. Sala greeted her husband with a hug before playfully hitting him and then hugging him again.

"Rhubar! Glad to see you're back. You could be a little less of a jerk when you come home though, you big lug.," Sala said smirking.

It was that fiery personality as a soldier that attracted him to her, he smirked back before a smile graced his face.

"Good to see you too hon. How are Nova and Turrik doing?," He asked.

Sala smiled, obviously excited that her husband asked about his children which was rare for a saiyan man.

"They're still in the nursing pods, but it's just about time to let them out though. Come on I'll show you.,"Sala said happy as she led her husband to the back room.

When they entered the back room there were their 2 boys, Nova and Turuk. Both were decently sized but still a little on the small side for saiyan infants. Rhubar eyed them, deep in thought. Bardock's words still ringing in his head.

"Still a bit small huh?", Rhubar asked in thought.

"I think they might just be late bloomers. Turuk definitely has his father's hair for better or worse.," Sala  said chuckling.

" And Nova takes after you I think, Sala.," Rhubar said back.

This caused her to smile. But it was short lived as she saw the serious look on her husband's face. This caused her to become a little concerned.

"Dear, what's wrong?," Sala asked.

"After dark, I'm going to steal a couple of pods for us. We're going to send our sons to another world.," Rhubar said.

"What?! Rhubar, No! They're too young for That! Why are you doing this?," Sala asked sounding desperate.

"Sala, I'm serious. With their latent abilities they're bound for somewhere  horrible. So we're going to see to it that they at least grow up on a decent planet. We'll follow them too.," Rhubar answered.

"You can't be serious Rhubar. Why?!," Sala screeched on the verge of tears.

"It's because of Freeza. Bardock suspects he's scared. And I've known the man for long enough to know that he wouldn't just start spouting nonsense if it wasn't true.," Rhubar replied.

"Freeza? Why would he be scared?," Sala asked further pressing the issue at hand.

"Call me crazy but I think he's scared of the legendary Super saiyan appearing one day.," The dark saiyan said.

"The legendary Super saiyan? But that's just a children's fairy tale, Rhubar!," Sala responded.

"I know, Sala. Problem is, I think he's still bothered by the legend. And I don't imagine he'd want to take any chances of it actually being true. I get the feeling... that death is on its way for us. Least we can do is ensure our sons survive this.," Rhubar explained.

Timeskip: After dark (at the same time Bardock is hatching his own similar plan to send his son off to earth not knowing Rhubar had the same idea.)

We see Rhubar and Sala heading towards a rocky plain in the midst of nowhere. Rhubar has 2 pods, one for their 2 sons, and one for himself and Sala.

"Rhubar.. let's think about this! We could go off somewhere together instead.," Sala pleaded.

"No, Sala. They'd use those scouters to track us down. It's better if we go separate. That increases the chance that they won't be able to track us.," Rhubar answered.

"Hon, I'm scared. Why are you doing this? It isn't like a saiyan man to be concerned about his children.," Sala asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm constantly fighting, destroying things... And I'd like to save something for once, like my two boys.," Rhubar said.

He plopped down the pod and Nova stopped crying, he was the one awake after all. He stared up at his parents with curious eyes.

"If it turns out that I'm wrong, we'll find them once we escape the planet behind them.," Rhubar said.

" listen, your father and I will come and find you two as soon as we can, alright?," Sala said.

"You and your brother do whatever it takes to survive, got it?," Rhubar told the small saiyan.

Nova looked at his father curiously before his pod that contained him and his brother took off.

"Goodbye, Nova, Turuk.",Rhubar said.

"We'll be right behind you, Nova, Turuk! Wait for us and don't forget us!," Sala called out to her sons.

She had tears flowing because she knew inwardly that it would be some time before she saw her babies again. Rhubar placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, then he looked at her.

"Ready, Sala?," he asked.


"Yeah. Let's go find our sons.," Sala said.

The two got into a pod and set the coordinates for earth, where their sons were heading. A moment later, their ship took off, following the small one that took off mere moments before.

Back in Freeza's spaceship, Kikono voiced his concern about eliminating the saiyans. Freeza was undeterred and explained his position.

" My Lord, exterminating the Saiyans will reduce our fighting force almost by half.," Kikono said concerned.

"My warriors will still get by. They are after all a species comprised entirely of warriors. It's best to put a sleeping beast down before it can awaken.," Freeza said before leaving to personally exterminate the saiyan race himself.

The hatch to his ship opened up and he floated into the air before pointing his index finger straight in the air. An orb of ki that enlarged to the size of a small sun was then thrown by the tyrant towards the unsuspecting planet.

Bardock stood his ground and tried to stop it by unleashing a ki beam at the attack, roaring in rage. Unfortunately, he didn't last very long as the attack bore into him and dig deep into the planet. Fiery fissures appeared among the planet's surface all while the power levels of the saiyan continually dwindled. Boom! The planet then exploded a moment later as Freeza looked on in delight.

"I for one feel so much better now.," the tyrant said as the last few power levels of the saiyans reached zero.

The saiyan race and their planet, were no more.

Meanwhile, a short distance away, two figures stood watching what occurred. A woman with a long red cloak, blue skin, white hair, and gray eyes. This was Towa, a demoness from the realm of demons. She had a staff with her and pointed it towards the small saiyan pod. Dark energy emitted from it and struck the pod. She smiled , knowing her work was now finished. Because of this a portal opened and the pod was redirected to go through it. Shortly after, another pod sped through. This one slightly bigger.

"That makes things a little easier. Can't have too many saiyans interfering with our work. Now can we, mira?," Towa asked.

The man was tall, had blue skin, red eyes, and he wore the same color scheme of red and black as Towa did.

He simply nodded.

"Oh don't worry, you'll get to fight them. You may just need to be a little patient first, wait some years until they're grown.," Towa said.

Mira smirked. He couldn't wait. With that the two disappeared.

Rwby Universe

Location- Menajiri

A young woman with black hair and cat ears was out shopping. She had Amber eyes and wore a black top with a tribal looking dress, peach skin, and small rings on her ears. This was Kali Belladonna, the wife of menajiri's chief, Ghiron. She was jyst returning home from shopping at the local market when she heard something strange.

It sounded like whistling of some kind, a very high pitched whistling noise. Whatever it was it sounded like it was getting closer to the island. Paying it no mind for now, she walked into her home and was greeted by her husband and her little girl. She continued about her business with her family as normal. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something unexpected was about to happen. As she sat on the deck of her home with her husband and little girl, she noticed something.

The little faunus girl, named Blake pointed towards the sky.

"Momma, what's that?," Blake asked pointing.

Kali followed her little girl's line of sight and noticed a small object increasing in size and coming towards the island at high speed.

"I ... don't know sweetie. I'm curious as to what that is myself.," Kali said.

While they were watching it, the object kicked up a small Tsunami as it sped closer to the island. Faunus citizens who were fishing and swimming were caught up in the small tidal waves, but we're fine afterwards. The object zipped just over the belladonna family home and then crashed into a nearby clearing on the island.


The impact shook the island, causing everyone to steady themselves so they wouldn't fall over. After the shockwave, everyone started to gather and head towards the crash site. More than anything they were curious as to what could've caused such a tremor to their island.

Kali and Ghiron looked to each other and nodded. Ghiron carried little 3 year old Blake atop his shoulders while they went to see what the strange object was.

Murmuring was heard when the crowd of citizens gathered around the object that'd crashed onto their island. It was round and made of metal with a tinted window in front of it. Smoke came off of it as it sat in a sizable crater it made upon landing.  Ghiron and Kali arrived a few moments later and saw the object in question.

The murmurs intensified when the door opened causing everyone present to tense up. Smoke came from within it, but when it cleared everyone was shocked by what they saw. It was two boys not much younger than Blake and they wore bizarre armor and had tails. They both appeared to be sleeping soundly.

Ghiron and Kali stepped down towards the two sleeping toddlers.  Kali picked them up and then felt something strange on both of her arms. Looking down she saw that both of their tails had wrapped themselves around each of her arms.

"Faunus infants? ", one voice said.

"Who would leave a pair of defenseless faunus infants inside... Whatever that contraption is?", another said.

Ghiron then put a hand up to calm the citizens. He then spoke.

"Worry not. My wife and I shall take care of these two as if they were our own. This is only until whoever are their parents come to find them.," Ghiron announced.

This somewhat calmed down the faunus islanders. They were relieved and soon they gathered around the pair of Faunus siblings. Many of the women cooed and gushed over how cute these two infants were. Kali and Ghiron smiled. Blake smiled too, she always wanted siblings even if they were adopted.

The two saiyan children have found a home, but what about their birth parents who were also sucked into the same world as them? That will be a story for another time. Now that saiyans have appeared on remnant, what kind of impact will they have? That is a story we will have to continue next time....

To be continued...

Next time: Chapter 2- Alien strangers from another world?