
Mysterious Martial Master

"Ai? When did this newbie appear on the newbie rankings?"

"No, that's incorrect. Look carefully, he has already assembled primeval genes and had changed sets completely multiple times. If not, it would be impossible for him to kill the monsters so quickly."

"How did he know of so many genetic formulas?"


There was a table of scores that recorded the numbers of enemy killed in the gene hunting ground. Right now on the newbie rankings, a virtual id named 'Wukong' rose up explosively in a straight line. Ranked #100 to #50 to #30, and very swiftly, his ranking arrived at the #10 rank.

Such a dazzling performance naturally attracted attention.

At the center of the gene hunting ground, there was a green mountain valley that had an elegant ambient, resembling paradise on earth. This place was different from the other hell-like place around the area.