
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Chapter 66: Naming a new Alpha!

Azrael also ran straight at the approaching Alpha James without holding back one bit.

~gbimmmmm~ A loud resultant collision sound resulted from their head-on collision.

They both stepped back by a few steps and this surprised Alpha James.

Alpha James, like Alpha Zuck, was also cursed. Although he feared Alpha Zuck that doesn't mean he couldn't take him on.

Because of this, he felt that Azrael on the other hand was a walkover. He thought that Alpha Zuck spared his life and that was why he retreated, what he didn't know was that Alpha Zuck practically ran for his life because he had discovered something strange about Azrael; and what he discovered was the scary fact that Azrael could seriously injure or even kill a cursed Alpha especially if there is a negligible difference between their strengths.

Alpha James wasn't aware of this, and as such treated Azrael with open disdain.

The fight continued in full blow.

Alpha James roared. He jumped to a considerable height far above Azrael's head and smash down his huge fists.


Azrael also roared as his strength was amplified, he drew from the connection to the 30 werewolves that had made a pact with him, this was a strange new ability that seemed to come in handy.

Azrael made a fist and smashed up his bulging arms toward the face of the approaching beastly Alpha James.

The fist connected with the Jaw of Alpha James, sending him flying like a bag of beans.

By the time Alpha James landed, he couldn't move.

As he lay like a heap on the floor. All it took was a blow.

Alpha James had a cracked jaw, a fractured skull, a disjointed cranial bone and nerve along with a punctured lung.

Thankfully this injury didn't come from a scratch or a bite, so he was able to heal from it all.

Alpha James got up slowly as his body started to heal.

He had a wry smile on his face as he looked on.

By this time, Alex had woken up.

She was seated on the ground and observing the scene.

She marveled at how much stronger Azrael was.

She didn't speak out, but somehow, they were both communicating, heart to heart.

'~Be careful my love, and beat this bastard~' Alex said in her heart.

Azrael looked in her direction with a surprised expression which later turned to a smile and then suppressed joy, his vigor had increased.

While Azrael was distracted, Alpha James was already upon him.

Alpha James punched his claws through the gut of Azrael, cutting up his stomach and his intestines and pulling them out like he was pulling out clothes from a closet.

Azrael was stunned and couldn't believe what had happened.

Slowly he fell as he held on to his last breath.

~Noooooooooo~ Alex shouted as she sprung up and ran to him.

Alpha James was so happy as he held his intestines in his hands and was boasting.

"I am Alpha James Paterson, I own the James pack and I won this battle, I remain a terrifying force of nature, undefeated, inevitable, anyone who defies me or tries to take my throne would die a terrible death." Alpha James was brimming with confidence as he walked around with his arms raised and his chest puffed.

He felt like he was a god on earth.

Azrael had blood pouring from his mouth as he looked upon his lover's visage.

"Please don't go...  If you leave me here I would not be able to survive, I would die..." Alex spoke between sobs.

Azrael looked at her lovingly and he wasn't able to speak, his mouth was filled with blood as it poured into his lungs, trachea, and other internal organs.

As Alex was crying, she suddenly remembered what her tears did for the little girl she helped to regrow her arms and legs.

'What if I did this for my lover?' She thought.

Alex didn't waste any more time. She swiped a few droplets of tears from her eyes and swung them towards the wound.

She continued to do that, but it seemed nothing was happening. She even went as far as inducing tears by poking her eyes and smearing the droplets on the injured areas, but nothing seemed to be changing.

She grew frustrated and started to bang the body of Azrael as he took his last breath.

~Noooooooooo~ Alex shouted as she sprang up and turned to face Alpha James by herself.

"You miserable cunt, you couldn't face Zuck and now you have to face my lover..." Alex shouted and rushed towards Alpha James and started to pound his chest with the little strength she had

Alpha James felt her blows were like the tickling of a butterfly.

He wasn't affected at the very least.

He suddenly grabbed Alex by the neck and lifted her up.

Her breathing started to get constricted.

She started to lose strength and was growing unconscious with every passing second.

"I love you Azrael..." She said finally as she was very close to passing out.

At this very point, it was like the unconscious Azrael heard her words.

His wounds started to heal at a visible rate, his intestines regrew and the open skin closed up and appeared as good as new.

His eye burst open like a torchlight on a moonless night.

He sprung up like an adrenaline junkie on steroids.

He rushed at Alpha James who was not prepared for the attack.

Before Alpha James could defend himself, his neck had been clawed open.

He didn't even have time to blink before his chest was clawed wide open also.

He roared in protest as the pain erupted within him.

He dropped Alex who started to grasp for breath as fresh oxygen flooded her nostrils.

She backed away quickly from Alpha James as she continued to take in air.

Alpha James was on his knees with his neck gushing out blood like an open dam.

His chest bone could be seen through the open wound on his chest.

Alpha James was expecting the wounds to heal but to his surprise, nothing like that happened.

"I am a cursed werewolf, why am I bleeding?" He spoke out loud as his thoughts got fuzzy.

Before he could think much further, Azrael got a dagger blade and swung it through the neck of Alpha James.

He didn't stop there, he used his hands to scratch the open neck to ensure the head doesn't regrow.

Alpha James' body fell flat on the ground. He was dead.

An uproar from the pack started from all directions, it was the sound of rejoicing. Azrael got on his feet slowly and a widespread acknowledgment was coming in from all directions.

"A new Alpha has been named.'