
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Chapter 23: Taking a leap!

Azrael went out to meet the driver that brought him, honking away at the car's horn button. The revenge spirit of Bianca Zul disappeared right away leaving him to meet the driver.

Azrael walked up to the car and opened the door of the front passenger seat.

"Alex Bayly residence, YA-SUN Estate" Azrael Herrington stated where he wanted to go to the driver and rested back on the chair without saying more.

The driver nodded and kick-started the car and drove away.


Back at the recreation center~

A couple of hours had passed. Alex Bayly was seated on one side of a four-person table with a bored expression.

Damien had gone to try other swinging contraptions by himself since Alex wouldn't follow him. He just got tired of her and went ahead.

During that time, he had collected the phone numbers of some women, with plans to further experiment later, while Alex wasn't aware of his flirting and philandering activities.

After Damien was done, he came to meet Alex where she sat, "Let's go..." He said as he pretended to be angry because she didn't follow him to try other contraptions.

However, deep within Damien, he was thrilled by the phone numbers he had collected and the women he had bonded with. Alex Bayly who wasn't aware of what had taken place behind the scenes was feeling guilty.

"I told you I was sorry, I just don't feel like riding those scary swings." Alex Bayly said softly as she reached out to pat Damien on the shoulder.

To make the act further real, Damien pushed her hand away, trying to feign being hurt, while Alex tried some more to apologize. This back and forth continued until they got to Damien's Jeep.

Damien switched on the ignition and turned to go. Alex stopped begging him at this point to allow him to concentrate, Damien didn't know this and thought Alex was angry with him for being stubborn.

He softened a bit and stopped giving her the cold shoulder. "I'm not angry Lexy, I'm just missing you out there... you know I was all alone..." Damien's voice was smooth and soothing.

"You are not mad? Yeah??!" Alex asked in a slightly raised tone.

"Yeah" Damien nodded.

"Okay good, I'll make your favorite tonight. Chicken stew with noodles... you'd love that right...?" Alex said with a smile.

Damien's eye widened. "I would gulp you up along with that... you'd really do that for me.. awwwn you're the best..." Damien reached out tentatively and when he saw his hand met no resistance, he slowly stroked her hair.

Alex had always been disallowing any form of contact but for some reason, she felt a bit vulnerable and allowed Damien to touch her.

The ride continued until they entered the YA-SUN Estate. They drove down the empty street to the Alex Bayly residence.

Just as they were getting there, they met Azrael Herrington getting down from a silver blue Toyota Camry.

"This idiot is here..." Damien muttered with a deep frown as his mood was immediately spoilt by the sight of Azrael.

"Don't call him an idiot..." Alex frowned at that statement and looked at Damien fiercely. She immediately opened the door of the black jeep and came down.

She moved briskly toward Azrael and one would notice the delight in her gaze as she got closer to Azrael. She had been moody all day thinking about him but she pretended to be bothered about something else.

Even she couldn't explain why or the reason for that. Azrael was also unable to explain how delighted he felt when he saw her face.

Every sadness inside him melted away. He wanted nothing more than to rush up to her and cover her in a deep embrace. Everything felt right at that moment.

They approached each other slowly and stood a few steps apart, looking into each other's eyes longingly.

Alex wanted to hug her student so badly but there were people around and also he was after all her student, she still couldn't figure out why she felt this way about him.

At that moment, the driver that brought Azrael turned around and drove off without saying so much as even a goodbye. Azrael didn't even notice the absence of the driver, he had something else to focus on.

"How did your day go? Where did you go to?" Alex asked with excitement.

"I went to meet my friend who taught me biology...and you?" Azrael said, maintaining his lie from earlier.

"I went to the recreational and sports center with Damien... " Alex responded truthfully.

Azrael was surprised that she told him that. He also noticed she wasn't looking excited about that. 'maybe I should have told her where I really went...I'm still going to have to reveal the truth to her anyway...' Azrael Herrington thought as he stared into Alex's eyes.

"Didn't you like the place?" Azrael asked, surprised by her low tone.

"It was okay I guess..." Alex responded dryly.

'I thought she would enjoy going with Damien, it seems she didn't.. what does this mean?' Azrael was lost in thought.

Suddenly, Damien who couldn't take the sight of these two staring at each other lovingly honked the car to its loudest...

~Pinnnn-Pinnnnnnnnnnn~ "Open the gate" He shouted pretending to be trying to get into the compound.

Alex turned back to look at him angrily. "Damien, why are you always such a jerk?" She said with a frown.

"It's okay..." Azrael said. He reached out and held Alex by her shoulder and pulled her close to himself in an intense display of affection. Alex was surprised as she noticed that she was being pulled into an affectionate hug by her student.

Logically it was wrong, but it felt right to her. She didn't even struggle as she allowed herself to be pulled into Azrael's embrace. Azrael was also shocked.

He acted without thinking things through. He knew this was his class teacher, yet it felt so natural to him. His heart was beating crazily, but he wouldn't stop himself.

He just decided to take a leap without caution concerning the repercussions of his actions.