

After three days of traveling through Rodrick's teleportation, the group arrived in a vast plain where the grass was yellow. The air was warm and made them feel a bit comfortable for some reason.

"This is the Doomsday Region? This doesn't look evil in any way at all." Rodrick said as he stretched his arms since it was pretty tiring to carry Jay and Cidney all this time.

"Shh..." Jay suddenly shushed Rodrick since he heard a strange noise. After figuring out where it came from, Jay saw a large encampment just a couple of steps near them. The people in the encampment all wore ragged clothes and there were a couple of women in golden robes.

"Should we check it out?" Rodrick asked since he was new to this kind of adventuring lifestyle.

"Well, I think they noticed us already, so let's just go." Jay said as he led everyone to the camp.


"How many refugees has it been so far?" Vale asked one of her troops as she looked around the camp. She was one of the 'Three Swords' of the Radiant Army and the 'Radiant General' commanded her to set up camp near the border of the Doomsday Region and help any refugees that they see in the vicinity. She was also tasked to train the refugees into future recruits to bolster the troops for the Utopian Region.

Unlike the rest of the people in the Radiant Army who wore golden robes or the people in the Renaline Army who wore silver armor, she was wearing a silver robe and had a yellow hood and mask on her face.

"A thousand or less, milady." A silver armored lady said and handed over a stack of papers to Vale. The papers contained the personal information of each refugee in the camp.

Just as Vale was going to tell her troops to continue doing what they want for the rest of the day, she suddenly saw Jay and his group arriving near their camp.

"Everyone, follow me." Vale said as she hurried towards Jay and his group. The reason behind her actions was simple. Ignoring the cute girl in the purple dress and the one wearing a blue suit, she was shocked when she saw Jay. A man appearing in Ashnakara was a taboo and she was feeling a dangerous vibe from Jay for some reason.


"Umm... Jay?"

Rodrick and Cidney started panicking as they suddenly got encircled by women in golden robes.

"Stay where you are and drop your weapons!" One of the golden robed women shouted as she used her Spirit Power and turned it into a bow and arrow, aiming at Jay and the group.

"Please don't hurt us. We're just traveling merchants!" Jay said as he suddenly dropped on his knees. Of course, this was all an act since he did not want an unnecessary fight to happen.

Just as the golden robed women were going to ask something, Vale arrived with some silver armored women.

"Everyone stand down." Vale shouted, causing the golden robed women to stop using their Spirit Power.

"Man, answer me honestly and tell me how you arrived in our world." Vale said as she approached Jay and placed her hands on her back.

"Planar gateway accident." Jay said with a straight face as he stood up. As for Rodrick and Cidney, they were a bit lost in the conversation so they just waited and watched whatever Jay was doing.

"You should return from where you came from. Our world is closed for men and only women are allowed here." Vale said with a threatening voice.

"Oh really? Then why are there six of us men in Ashnakara?" Jay said and taunted Vale for some reason.

"WHAT?!! HOW?"

Vale suddenly moved both of her hands and Jay was suddenly locked up in silver chains.


Rodrick suddenly panicked but Jay looked at him and grinned, showing that it was going according to whatever Jay was planning.

"A male Shurymite. A divine chicken. Four human males. The six of us lived in your world for a couple of days now." Jay said as he smiled at Vale.


The chains wrapped around Jay suddenly tightened when Vale shouted at him.

"Are you sure you want to kill me? I carry an important mission with me that was given by the four goddesses themselves!" Jay said and wondered if the thing regarding the Sacred Mountain would work if he told the silver robed woman about it.


Vale suddenly released Jay from her spell and looked at him with a strange expression on her face.

"How could a man like you have-" Before Vale could continue speaking, Jay interrupted her.

"When I was going around a certain village and arrived at their temple, by some stroke of luck, I managed to form a link with the four goddesses and they granted me Spirit Power. After that, they told me to go to a place called the 'Sacred Mountain.'" Jay said as he released his Spirit Power, causing a blue smoke to cover his entire body and an illusory image of a chicken to appear on his back.


Vale was speechless and was lost in her own thoughts when Jay showed that he could use Spirit Power. But what made her even more speechless was when Jay told her about the Sacred Mountain.

"Only a handful of people in Ashnakara remembers that place, and me being one of them. But if he is telling the truth that the goddesses told him to go to the Sacred Mountain, then it would mean that he is the savior we are all waiting for... but he is a man! How is this possible..." Vale felt her mind turning into goo as she tried to process what was going on and the things Jay told her.

After a few minutes of silence, sensing the tense feeling of everyone around, Vale ordered the Radiant Army to go back to their duties and ordered the silver armored women to accompany Jay and his group inside the camp.

"Man, what is your name?" Vale asked as Jay walked past her.



--- Vale's Tent

It has been an hour since Vale encountered Jay and his group. She was currently sitting down in a lotus position as she calmed herself down since she could not stop thinking about what Jay said. In front of her was a painting of a group of women wearing the same apparel she had.

"Sisters, I found the savior of Utopia and the champion of the goddesses. But it is a man and not a woman."

Vale suddenly bit her right thumb, causing blood to trickle down on the painting.

"Protectors of Utopia, please offer your guidance upon your last descendant." After a few seconds she said this, the blood on the painting suddenly got absorbed into it and a blue wisp of smoke formed above the painting.

"What is your name child?" An old lady's voice came from the blue wisp as it floated above the painting.

"My name is Vale, your grace."

After a few minutes of silence, the blue wisp spoke to Vale again.

"Vale, as the last Protector of Utopia, the future of Ashnakara falls upon your hands. No matter what decision you make, it will either lead to the return of balance of Ashnakara or its downfall. Guiding the savior the goddesses chose is up to you." After saying this, the blue wisp disappeared and Vale immediately kept the painting in her robes.

But just as she was about to think of her next move whether she would help Jay or not, a silver armored woman was currently inside her tent and looked as if she was waiting for Vale to notice her.

"My lady, what was-" Before the silver armored woman could even ask what that blue wisp was, Vale suddenly moved towards her and decapitated her using a curved dagger.

"I'm really sorry for this, but no one could know my secret." Vale said as she gritted her teeth and activated her Spirit Power's illusory image, a white tiger. She commanded it to consume the silver armored woman's corpse and lick every trace of blood in her tent.

While her Spirit Power's illusory image was busy, she lied down on her bedroll and took of her yellow hood and mask, revealing her long purple hair and beautiful face.

"A man destroyed the balance in Ashnakara, causing our goddesses to fight among themselves. And now, it is a man again who must restore the balance and I must be the one who guides him. The Protectors from the other three factions don't care about the balance anymore and just want to dominate over the rest."

Vale closed her eyes and wished that men never came to Ashnakara in the first place. But what she hated even more then men were the three planes who invaded them amidst the chaos happening in Ashnakara.

"Antaros. Xerxia. Crimsonvale. All of you will suffer the same fate as we did once I restore the balance in Ashnakara together with the savior." After this last thought, Vale took a nap since she was going to make a lot of changes in her plans when she wakes up.