
Ulruk Village

Murkwood Forest…

"Alright! I suppose everyone is ready now. Before we head out, I want to assign everyone's role in our guild for future purposes."

Jay said in a loud voice as everyone from Golden Phoenix gathered around him.

"First, our elite team. Currently, everyone is on it. Including Heda and me since we are still few in number. Second, our supply team. This team will check and secure the loot and items we will get in the future. The one in charge of the supply team will be Abyssal Angel and Yale. Third, the secretary and vice guild master. Roasted Boar currently has this position. But if anyone else thinks he or she can do a better job, then feel free to ask for the position."

Everyone agreed with what Jay said since there were no problems with it. Jay then transformed back into his human form, asked Nuggets to perch on his shoulder, and he started leading everyone to their destination. Greengarden.

On their long and uneventful journey, they passed through forests and mountains. The reason why it was uneventful was because Jay told everyone not to waste time on the monsters they encounter. During the day, they just walked and walked. If it got boring, then someone will start telling stories. During the night, some slept while some tried training their skills.

This continuous routine of theirs happened for around 1 month.


Some time in September, in a vast and grassy plain, during nighttime.


While everyone was busy with whatever they were doing, they suddenly heard a deafening roar that came from the skies. Suddenly, the campfire near them got extinguished and a strong gust of wind blew through them.

"What is this?" Roasted Boar said as he almost got blown away from the gust. As for the others, they were also in the same condition.

Jay realized that this roar was something familiar. He then looked at the skies and saw the glistening view from the stars. Then suddenly, a large shadow blurred his view. While this shadowy figure passed through everyone, they got hit by droplets of blood.

Everyone did not know what the hell just happened. But Jay clearly saw what the thing that passed them was.

"A dragon? But if I remember, we are currently at the Greenland Plains right now. There shouldn't be any monsters or NPCs appearing here until some events in the future…"

While Jay was thinking as such, they heard a loud shout nearby, coming from the east of their location.


Everyone got excited to know that something was finally happening with their boring journey. So everyone packed up camp and ran towards the direction the shout came from.

After a few minutes running, they saw a village in their sights. The village was encircled by a wooden gate and had sentry towers installed near the front gate. Strange thing was that the 'dragon' that was supposed to be terrorizing the town cannot be seen anywhere.

When they reached the front gate, a person from one of the sentry towers spotted them and shouted while he aimed his bow at them.

"Stop. Whoever you are, we do not want any trouble."

Jay then replied to the guy, "Don't worry friend. We just wanted to help since we heard a shout earlier coming from your village. We would also like to trade and stay in this village for a while if possible."

Just as the guy was going to ask whoever was in charge, a shout suddenly came from the opposite side of the gate.

"Let them in."

The front gates suddenly opened even without anyone pushing it open. Jay then thought to himself, "Enchanted gate? It looks like this village is not as simple as it looks. I wonder which lord from Wildergreene owns and runs this place."

When Jay and the rest entered, an old man holding a wooden cane approached them.

"Welcome to the village of Ulruk. Please, enjoy your stay."

Jay then instructed everyone to look for a place to settle while he looked into the dragon matter since no matter where he looked; it was as if the dragon did not even come near this place.

Next Chapter…

Daytime, in Ulruk village…

Everyone from Golden Phoenix was going around and helping the villagers. Roasted Boar helped the lumberjacks; Hot Buns helped the blacksmith carry stuff, etc.

They just did whatever they can since there was nothing to do at the moment and they do not want to bore themselves to death just waiting for Jay to do whatever he needs to do.

But among them, the one enjoying the place the most was Nuggets since most of the villagers tried feeding her with seeds.

"Mommy, look! A golden chicken!"

A boy wearing a straw hat said as he dragged his mother along with him towards Nuggets.

Just like them, a lot of the villagers also looked curiously at Nuggets.

Bawk Bawk!!!

While everyone was doing those stuff, Jay was currently inside the house of the village chief. The house was a bit spacious, there were tables, chairs, cooking utensils, and two rooms.

He was currently speaking with the chief while both of them were enjoying breakfast.

"Chief Ulruk, may I ask where that dragon is right now?" Jay asked while he ate a dried piece of meat.

The village chief, Ulruk replied to Jay, "Well, about that… Let's just finish eating and I will show you something afterwards."

So they just spent the rest of the time during breakfast talking about other things like why did they build a village here, the village's population, current happenings in the capital city of Greengarden, etc.

Jay then learned a few things that were new since this village and some of the events the village chief said did not happen before.

1. Ulruk Village was built in this location due to military orders from Lord Andre, a high-ranking general in the Wildergreene army. The villagers, including Ulruk, does not know why, but he thinks it is either because of the nearby unexplored mountain, or this village is some kind of outpost in preparations for war.

2. The village had a population of around 400, which can increase at any time. Ulruk also introduced some important persons in their village. Delvin, a soldier from the army who is assigned to guard the place. Balimor, their blacksmith, who was also a veteran. Then there was also the Pell family, they were in charge of hunting and scouting. There are around 30-50 members in the Pell family.

3. After 2 weeks, Greengarden will be hosting a grand tournament. The tournament contains events like jousting, sword fighting, etc.

"It looks like history is not the same as the one I remembered it to be. I suppose besides having a lead in experience in terms of fighting and stuff, but the rest of the stuff I know from ten years of playing the game is now useless…" Jay thought to himself after he sorted out the stuff he learned.

After having breakfast, the chief asked him to follow as both of them left the house. While waking to wherever the chief is leading him, the chief spoke up as he pointed to a small wooden storehouse nearby.

"Young master, I really do not know if you will believe me or not... But that dragon from last night became a human..."

When Jay heard the chief, he immediately thought of someone... The Dragon King, Ori.

"But, what is he doing this far away from Aisleen's Castle? Didn't they just have some kind of meeting the past few days?" Jay asked himself since his 'bad luck senses' is tingling.

The both of them then reached the storehouse and entered. Jay saw something he did not expect.

He did not saw a small boy, but a mature and full grown lady lying down on a bedroll. She had dark-purplish long hair and had a few black scales on her face and some parts of her body.

When the 'dragon' lady saw the village chief and Jay, she tried standing up. However, the moment she did, she immediately slipped. Luckily, Jay caught her just before her face was about to hit the wooden floor.

"Woah, easy. Just lie down if you are not feeling well." Jay said as he helped the lady get back on her bedroll.

After that, Jay asked the chief if he can have a moment alone with her due to some questions he needs to ask. The village chief agreed and left the both of them alone in the storehouse.

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