
Legend of North

The Stark house is surrounded by a veil of magic, intrigue, and bloodshed. Kings of the largest and oldest empire in history prepare to face their ancestral enemy in the lands of Eternal Winter while navigating the turbulent waters of southern politics.

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To understand this story beforehand, a timeline of events has been created, ranging from the Age of Heroes, the Andal invasions, attempts of invasion from the north, Aegon's conquest, the Dance of the Dragons, and Robert's Rebellion.

From 8400 to 8000 BC (Before Conquest):

This is the period known as the Age of Heroes. Here, great figures fought the Great Battle against the Night King's hordes:

- Robert Stark - This fearless leader is the first king in the north and for eighty years led the armies of the living (giants, direwolves, Children of the Forest, and the first dragon riders). His son Brandon would be known as the Builder for erecting The Wall to contain the White Walkers after Robert Stark's death in the lands of eternal winter in the last battle.

- The Stallion Who Mounts the World - the first Khal of the Dothraki, led his Dothraki horde in support of the Magnar of Winter. The khal died in the final confrontation against the Night King.

- Azor Ahai - from him descended the Valyrians and his sacrifice sealed the Night King for 8000 years.

From 8000 to 6000 BC:

This period is known as the Spring Awakening. Here, men and women begin to name themselves kings and queens of their lands. This period is divided into three parts: Early Spring, Spring, and Late Spring.

- Early Spring - this era has four great figures, lasting from 8000 to 7500 BC:

1) Greenhand: king of the Reach, in his arrogance was humiliated by his pupils Brandon the Builder and Lann the Clever after mocking their realms.

2) Brandon the Builder: son of Robert Stark. Famous for building great fortresses throughout Westeros, including Storm's End, Casterly Rock, the Eyrie, Winterfell, and The Wall.

3) Lann the Clever: despite common knowledge, Lann the Clever never took Casterly Rock, as it was a gift from his brother by choice, Brandon the Builder.

4) Sansa the Bloody: also known as the Blood Magnar, was the eldest daughter of Brandon the Builder and his heir. She commanded troops to conquer the lands of the Red Kings, annihilating the male Bolton line, leaving only the last Bolton daughter alive to marry her loyal brother Prince Beric. She made a great reach north of The Wall and brought all the clans to their knees, including the Children of the Forest and giants as new additions to her banners. Finally, she would bring to their knees the kings of mud and the warg king, the former would be annihilated to the last bastard and the latter would bend the knee hunting down his daughter Princess Arya with the firstborn of Queen Sansa, Prince Roland.

- Spring - an intermediate period of 1000 years where the realms prospered, especially the north. Among the most notable characters we have:

1) Oak: a Child of the Forest named queen after marrying the heir prince Domeric Stark, from this union was born the witch king Brandon the Wise.

2) Brandon the Wise: third of his name Brandon the Wise is famous for his use of spells and runes. By marriage, he annexed Bear Island and after the ceremony, the bear islanders are fiercely loyal to the Starks. Brandon the Wise created a spell that would ensure the permanence of magic in his lineage and that it would not dilute or extinguish.

3) Daryl Stark: this Stark king discovered magical lineages throughout Westeros, seeing a unique opportunity he cataloged all these lineages and kept them for the future. The same crab married Ofelia Durrandon, thus annexing the berserker magic plus the magic of the Children of the Forest and the wargs.

4) Arya the Good: this queen of the north was a benevolent leader who earned the love of her people. She founded orphanages and schools where small folk could be educated. At the same time, she created a seat of knowledge in science and magic called the Winter University. Despite her benevolence, Queen Arya created these institutions to brainwash the children to be fiercely loyal to the north.

In other events, the arm of Dorne sank into the ocean.

- Late Spring - it was a period of relative peace where the realms prospered.

From 6000 to 3000 BC:

These years are divided into three periods of one thousand years each: Millennium of Lights, Dark Age, and Renaissance.

- Millennium of Lights - the kings of winter made great advances in both magic and technology. The cultivating magic of the Garden was added to the Stark line. And Winter Steel, the icy counterpart of Valyrian Steel, was created.

1) Jonothor Stark: a militant leader who instituted mandatory military service from the age of six to twelve, where the best boys had to choose between: military as a profession, academic, alchemist, and wizard.

- Dark Age - the period of Andal invasions, everything remained the same with the admission that Rickon Stark, son of Theon the Hungry Wolf, created the submission curse. This enslaving curse enslaves the mind and soul of whoever receives it along with all their descendants, this was how Theon Stark subjugated the Ironborn, the pirates of the Three Sisters and Skagos, and made them his most loyal supporters. Theon and Rickon erased all records of this curse so that their successors would not warn of this power.

- Renaissance - it began with the construction of the Northern Canal, the Citadel in the Reach, and the discovery of glass in Myr.

From 3000 to 500 BC:

In these years, the south began its stagnation while the north prospered as never before. During this period, rumors of the imposing Winter Empire reached the growing Valyrian fealty, so the forty families approached the north to discover the truth behind the rumors, finding an empire that equaled Valyria.

Through trade deals, the north expanded its power and protected runaway slaves from the Valyrian fealty who founded the city of Braavos. When the Iron Bank was founded, they agreed with the Starks on a perpetual friendship agreement between this financial institution and the kingdom of Westeros.

From 500 to 1 BC:

At the beginning of this period occurred the Doom, and the Belaerys family only survived thanks to the twins Haelena and Rhella. Both sisters took as husbands King Jonothor Stark IX, and while Haelena perpetuated the Stark name with her children, her sister Rhella perpetuated the Belaerys name. A few months after this marriage, remnants of Valyria arrived in the north, quickly joining the northern empire, contributing their share of magic and knowledge.

The Targaryen family landed on Dragonstone, and believing themselves the last of their fealty, declared themselves kings, forgetting the agreements with the north.

Aegon's Conquest year 0:

When Aegon declared himself king, he conquered all the central kingdoms of Westeros without much resistance. It was when he had to decide between the extreme south and the extreme north that he encountered complications. Choosing to go first for the southern kingdom, this decision led to the death of Queen Rhaenys Targaryen. This event put Aegon in check, and he was forced to stabilize the lands already conquered.

From 1 to 70 AC (After Conquest):

During the reign of Jaehaerys I, he attempted to conquer the north, resulting in the deaths of two dragons, 56,000 men, and his six male children.

From 103 to 140 AC:

After the king's death, his grandson Viserys succeeded him on the throne. When Viserys turned 16, Rhaenyra Targaryen fled King's Landing after her father Viserys married his maiden Alicent Hightower and the attempts by the Hand of the King Otto Hightower to marry her to his second son. The princess sought asylum in the lands of winter where she would come to love the heir prince Cregan Stark.

The period known as the Dance of the Dragons began when Prince Argilac Stark traveled to meet his maternal grandfather, and in King's Landing, the third prince of winter would be cowardly murdered by the offspring of Queen Alicent Hightower.

Outraged, the armies of the empire descended from the Neck with vengeance. And the south bled under the swords of 5,000 giants, 1,000 Children of the Forest, 150,000 northerners, and 20 dragons.

By the time the war ended, the Riverlands were devastated, the Lannister coffers plundered, and the Reach's stores based. In the end, the Hightower name disappeared, the Citadel was burned, and Otto Hightower, Alicent, and their children Aegon, Aemond, Haelena, and Daeron were sentenced to the northern capital punishment... the Blood Eagle.

From 140 to 281 AC:

The north prospered under the leadership of the descendants of Cregan and Rhaenyra Stark.

From 281 to 282 AC:

Robert Baratheon's Rebellion took place after King Aerys the Mad burned alive fifteen Lords from all over the realm including: Edgar Arryn, Tywett Lannister, and Beric Baratheon.

Added to that, the crown prince Rhaegar Targaryen attempted to violate Princess Lyanna, which led the north to descend south once again to overthrow the Targaryen dynasty. Taking princesses Rhaenys and Daenerys as payment for the offense, although in reality King Rickard Stark sought to protect them from the fury of the usurper kin-slayer Robert Baratheon.

And so, 8000 years passed, and the ancient evil of the north begins to awaken from its slumber.