
Legend of Enchantment

"Fate is the chapter written on the paper of time, and we are the authors of our own."

xYUrxx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 8: The Ice Test

"First, allow me to lead you through the entrance test, where your results will determine your respective levels and provide you with training suited to your abilities," Nightspirit announced.


His voice echoed through the grand hall, responding to Alderic Soress's words.


"Follow me," Nightspirit said, his robe swaying gently as he walked towards one side of the hall. Eric, Victoria, Mio, and the other children followed closely behind. They crossed the hall and approached a large door leading deeper into the Ice Palace.


As the door opened, it revealed the path to the testing area. Nightspirit guided the children through that door.


The path to the testing area was narrow, flanked by towering ice walls that cast a pale light. The group followed Nightspirit, embarking on this quiet and mysterious journey through the ice labyrinth.


As they proceeded, they felt the howling of cold winds and the chill of snow, as if this ice maze was an endless, frigid enigma. Even though this was a test, each person couldn't help but feel a trace of tension in their hearts.


They merged with several other groups along the way, led by different guides, all heading for the test together.


Upon arriving at the testing area, they were met with a towering ice column, resembling an icy tower. At the top of the column was a massive ice crystal emitting a radiant blue light. Surrounding the ice column were various unique ice sculptures and designs, seemingly exuding a mysterious energy.


Nightspirit pointed to the ice column, explaining, "This is your first test. To complete this Ice Test, you need to touch that ice crystal. Please note that the ice columns are a part of the test; they possess vitality. When a person's hand touches the ice column, they can sense the energy within you at this moment. Based on each individual's characteristics, it will grade you in six levels from A to F. A is the highest, and F is the lowest. The results will be displayed on the ice column." Nightspirit's words were filled with anticipation.


Victoria clenched her fists with confidence. Eric's gaze was resolute, while Mio looked at the ice column with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.


Subsequently, the students lined up to undergo the Ice Test.


The children took turns to step onto the ice column, placing their hands on its surface. The ice column seemed to sense their energy and immediately began to change. A thin blue light appeared on the hands of each student, then started to flow along the outline of their arms, forming various patterns and symbols.


At the moment of contact, a chill surged up their arms, but it did not cause them pain. Instead, this coldness gradually transformed into a warm sensation, as if forming a wondrous connection.


The ice columns began to display a series of brilliant ice radiance, interweaving light beams of different colors, creating a dreamlike display. The students' expressions gradually relaxed, as they seemed to enter a special state.


As time passed, the ice crystals began to reveal the characteristics and abilities of each student. One student radiated a powerful force, causing the light beams on the ice column to appear deep blue. Another displayed wisdom and insight, with light beams appearing crystalline and translucent.


Victoria Vivian stepped forward, gently touching the ice column. The icy sensation made her shiver slightly. As her inner energy flowed onto the ice column, a faint blue light rose from her palm, beautiful as ice and snow. This light flowed along the surface of the ice column like a meandering stream, exuding a wondrous vitality. The ice crystal at the top of the column emitted a faint blue light, and Victoria's test result displayed as a D.


Nightspirit gazed at the light and nodded slightly. "Well done, Victoria. Your nature suits the power of ice and snow. You've successfully passed the Ice Test, achieving a D grade."


Victoria felt joy and confidence, understanding that this was only the beginning, and she was willing to strive continuously toward higher goals.


Next, it was Mio's turn.


Mio Hyde's hand slowly touched the ice column. However, the light did not appear as expected; instead, there was an extremely unstable fluctuation. The energy fluctuations on the ice column were erratic, creating peculiar light and shadows.


Nightspirit furrowed his brow, evidently puzzled by this unusual situation. He stared at Mio Hyde and asked, "Mio, your energy fluctuations are highly unstable. What's going on?"


Mio Hyde scratched his head, somewhat awkwardly explaining, "I'm not entirely sure either, Mr. Nightspirit. My energy has always been unpredictable, sometimes it feels like it suddenly surges, and other times it weakens abruptly. However, I did manage to get a decent score on this Ice Test." He glanced up at the ice column, displaying a C grade.


Nightspirit hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Very well, Mio, we will closely monitor your situation. Perhaps you possess a unique ability, but it needs to be harnessed and stabilized. You've also passed the first test, earning a C grade. Next, we will help you better understand and master your potential."


Mio Hyde breathed a sigh of relief; he knew this was only the beginning but also showcased his unique potential. He was determined to persevere and explore this new world.


Next, Eric Stone stepped out of the queue. He was curious about his own energy. As he was about to approach the test, Evelyn Anderson suddenly rushed forward, pushing Eric aside. She wore a smirk on her face, taunting, "Look at Eric's slow and timid approach. Aren't you scared, Eric? Since you're so timid, let me go first and show you what real power is."


She confidently strode to the testing ice column, extending her hand without hesitation. The light on the ice column surged along her arm, forming a stable blue energy wave. Evelyn gloated, glancing at everyone as if she had to prove her superiority.


Nightspirit watched the scene, then spoke slowly, "Evelyn, you've demonstrated your strength and earned an A grade. Congratulations."


Evelyn was evidently pleased with her performance, letting out a smug laugh as she looked at Eric. "It seems you have a lot to learn from me, Eric Stone."


Eric's face showed a hint of challenge, but he knew it wasn't the time to argue with Evelyn. He quietly stepped aside, awaiting his own test. Even though he didn't know how to operate it, he hoped to demonstrate excellent strength.


Evelyn beckoned to Shadow Warden, the night tortoise.


Shadow Warden nodded and walked to the ice column. His actions were cold and resolute, without a hint of hesitation. As his hand touched the ice column, a beautiful and magical scene unfolded. The ice column began to emit a gentle blue light, shimmering like stars on ice. A transparent frost enveloped his hand, gently expanding.


Gradually, a stable A appeared on the ice column, symbolizing his strength. This time, there were no words or sounds, only the cold light flickering in the silent hall.


Nightspirit's gaze paused on Shadow Warden for a moment, then nodded. "Shadow Warden, you've displayed considerable strength. Congratulations, you've earned an A grade."


Shadow Warden simply nodded, not saying much. He knew that the real challenges lay ahead.


Finally, it was Eric Stone's turn for the Ice Test. He walked up slowly, and as he placed his hand on the ice column, the light around the column became chaotic and erratic. Chaotic energy began to surge and the light danced wildly around the ice column, as if it were a struggle in the midst of a blizzard.


However, as Eric attempted to control the chaotic light with his own strength, he felt an invisible resistance, like an insurmountable wall that imprisoned his abilities.


He struggled with all his might, but the light seemed to intensify, forming even more intricate patterns that he couldn't understand, let alone control.


Finally, the chaotic light on the ice column ceased, and the result appeared on the column's surface: F.


This result left him feeling defeated and raised doubts about his own potential. He sensed that the energy within him was beyond his control, which was frustrating.


Eric's face displayed a hint of disappointment; he needed more time and training.


Evelyn teased from behind Shadow Warden, looking at Eric with a mocking smile. "It seems some people are just mediocre, forever unable to catch up with us."


Evelyn's taunts left Eric feeling discouraged, but he didn't give up. He knew this was just one test, and whatever the result, it wouldn't determine his future growth.


Nightspirit's words, carried by a gentle breeze, also reached his ears, "Don't be disheartened, Eric. Mastery takes time, and you've already taken the first step."


Eric nodded solemnly. "Perhaps this is just the beginning. I'll redouble my efforts, no matter how challenging it gets. I'm ready to face the challenges."


Victoria and Mio approached Eric, showing unwavering support. Together, they formed a strong team, providing support and encouragement for one another.


Victoria looked at Eric with a warm smile, saying, "Eric, don't be disheartened. Everyone's growth has its ups and downs; this is just the beginning. We're together, facing this new world, and growing together, right?"


Mio chimed in with a sincere tone, "Yes, Eric, don't feel discouraged because of this test. You're our friend, and no matter what happens, we're together."


Eric felt their support and encouragement, which filled him with strength. He decided not to give up and continued to strive forward.


After all the children completed their tests, Nightspirit glanced at all of them and said, "Very well, the tests are over. Next, we will sort you into your first classes based on your results, matching you with the training that suits you."


Nightspirit's voice was steady and authoritative, and all the children waited quietly for the results of the class assignments. In that moment, the future was full of unknowns, and each of them eagerly anticipated learning more in this mysterious Ice Palace and becoming more powerful beings.