
Legend of Enchantment

"Fate is the chapter written on the paper of time, and we are the authors of our own."

xYUrxx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 15: The Contest Begins

Eric pondered, reflecting on the rigorous training sessions during the daytime and the nightly grind in the alternate realm courtesy of the mysterious ring. Perhaps this was the opportunity he had unknowingly prepared for – a chance to test his current capabilities in the crucible of real combat. Not to mention the allure of the Flame Eye grimoire that beckoned him from the high platform.

His gaze drifted towards the towering platform.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Eric turned to the attendant, Novus, and declared, "I want to give it a shot."

Novus responded with a subtle smile, a reassuring pat on Eric's shoulder. "Well done, young one. Your courage is commendable. Follow me, and I will assist with your registration. Soon, you'll be prepared to plunge into the fierce arena of competition."

The registration process proved surprisingly straightforward. The arena held no prejudice regarding age or background. Applicants merely filled out forms and received unique identification badges. Here, it was not one's origin that mattered, but one's strength. The atmosphere exuded a sense of mystery and challenge; it appeared that, regardless of their origin, everyone had the opportunity to prove themselves.

Led to the competitors' rest area, Eric observed the eager faces of others awaiting the initiation of the competition. Each participant radiated determination.

A staff member approached Eric, offering a concise explanation of the arena's rules. Randomized symbols flashed across the large screen, determining the next contender to step forward. The chosen individuals would engage in several rounds against varying opponents, battling until they fell or admitted defeat.

This meant that the competition depended not only on skill but also a degree of luck. Those who entered the arena later enjoyed a certain advantage; they could study the strengths and weaknesses of previous contestants and capitalize on the weaknesses. Additionally, earlier competitors had likely exhausted some of their strength.

Eric waited quietly in the rest area, though he appeared idle, his eyes remained keenly attuned to the initial bouts.

In the novice contest, Eric noticed that the participants' skills varied greatly. Some relied heavily on powerful weaponry and equipment, while others wielded mysterious magics he had never seen before. Incantations, spells, and elemental clashes painted a vivid canvas of abilities in these fiery duels.

As the rounds proceeded, Eric's name had not yet graced the screen. Anxiety gnawed at his gut; he wasn't sure if he'd ever have the chance to participate and how he'd fare when the time came.

Eric grew increasingly agitated, worrying if he'd get the opportunity at all. Every time the screen displayed a new name, he tensed, only to be disappointed again. He watched as others either rose to fame or succumbed to the battlefield, one round after another.

In the dwindling rounds, Eric's emblem finally blinked into view. It was his turn. He felt a surge of both excitement and anxiety as he swiftly ascended the arena steps, ready to face his first opponent.

In Eric's inaugural battle, he stood across from a burly young man, clad in heavy iron armor, wielding an enormous double-bladed axe. His opponent was clearly a physical powerhouse, well-endowed with stamina and strength. The rules were simple: defeat the opponent or force a concession.

As the battle commenced, Eric's adversary charged him with swift, ferocious blows, attempting to overpower Eric with overwhelming force. Eric, honing his agility from the relentless physical training, deftly evaded the brutal axe strikes. Eric's body moved through the arena like the wind, swiftly dodging the cleaving blade. He launched counterattacks, taking his opponent by surprise with unexpected charges.

This was a duel of physicality and strength. Luckily for Eric, his adversary was also a physical brute.

Eric maintained a safe distance while launching lightning-fast counterattacks. Fist and foot flew at the opponent, targeting his body and weapon, aiming to weaken his grip. Eric's tactical advantages became evident as he launched a series of quick, powerful blows, exploiting his opponent's momentary lapses. His fists struck hard, and the enemy recoiled with each blow, obviously shaken by the intense assault. This calculated approach gradually put Eric in control.

After a masterful evasion and subsequent counterattack, Eric delivered a crushing blow to his opponent's abdomen. A resonant thud echoed as the opponent stumbled back, visibly harmed. With an opportunity to seize, Eric rushed forward, wresting the cumbersome double-bladed axe from his adversary's hands. Unexpectedly, Eric displayed strength and skill that caught the opponent off guard. The days of rigorous physical training had fortified him for the challenge, and he appeared as though transformed, showcasing an awe-inspiring combat prowess.

With the opponent's weapon in hand, Eric relentlessly assaulted the now-disarmed adversary. Each swing carried formidable power, the axe's arc etching the air with trails of fiery destruction. The impact of the strikes was not to be underestimated. His opponent struggled to parry and defend, gradually succumbing to Eric's relentless assault. Finally, a devastating strike sent the adversary flying from the arena, defeated, unable to rise. With the signal of a whistle, Eric triumphed in the first round, a dramatic victory that left the audience stunned.

The vanquished opponent was carried away from the contest site, offering one final warning before his departure, "Heh... Next time... luck won't be on your side..."

Eric understood that, in this world, the contest could vary greatly. His first triumph may have been against a physical combatant, but a greater challenge, particularly those of magical origin, would pose an entirely different threat. The true battles were yet to come.