
Legend Of Agent RED

He was just someone who wanted to be a police officer and help civilians. But who knew before even embarking on that road, he was forced to Resign. With skills Bestowed By the system, Lee Jones with the help of the mysterious "System" embarks on the way to become a Legendary Secret Agent.

LightHaven · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The Chase

Lee soon crossed the speed limit of the road and could only lament even if he broke the traffic rules, as he was at the girls mercy. He then thought of how to lose the driver. As it was past 9 so traffic wouldn't be much and the driver could easily reach his car, it was after all a old passenger car.

Lee soon reached 70 mph and it was really fast for a usual busy road. The driver was almost about to reach him. As Lee looked for side street to depend on his skills to lose him. The driver almost was parallel to his car.

"Stop the car, kid. You won't get away with this. Young miss please tell him to stop, Master is really worried about you. We can talk about it with your father. After all he is worried about your work."

The driver shouted and he was really angry with Lee. If Lee had stopped he could have taken the miss to her home.

"I will work where i want, I don't need others opinion."

The Girl seems like really angry this time as she shouted. She then turned to Lee and all she said was " Lose him or else you lose your Life."

"What the F***, what did i do. Miss i am really working on it so could you not threaten me everytime. Unlike someone's brand new high class car, mine is a horsecart."

Lee really couldn't stand between this family fight. Soon he saw red light ahead and a car ahead passing vertically to them. He handbraked and passed throught the front of the car. As the other car was to his right, all he could he was take a hard brake.

Lee again gained his speed and was front of the driver. and steered left. Lee know was really happy as he know the roads well, as well as the street.

As he gained to 80 mph and looked in the side mirror he again saw the other car behind him. He really got the meaning of a high class cars perk.

The driver soon again reached side by side with Lee.

The driver thought of going past him a stop his car infront of Lee.

But all he got was time to think not to do. Lee floored it to the next street and swerved a hard left turning into a side small street only space for a single car. He then again took a left turn after which he saw a intersection in which he took a left again.

As Lee was taking continuous Left, meantime the driver took a hard brake and turned to take the left. But by the time he reached the street he lost them. But still the driver drove till the intersection in which Lee took the first left. He then looked around him but saw no cars.

The girl when she saw Lee driving through continuous left lift his eyes to th road and saw that they were back on the same main road. She saw Lee driving slowly and when she looked at the street they first turned she saw her driver stop and looking at the streets.

"How is it miss. I hope you will spare my life now."

To which he didn't even get a response. The girl just glanced at him and started to busy herself. He then drove slowly and soon reached the tunnel to get to Manhattan.

" I hope i don't get into trouble with the police for this or else i would have to wait again for the Police verification for my recruitment."

Lee fet sorry for himself as if he got into any law breaking case. It would hard for him to reapply for police recruitment as they really take time to verigy one's family background and crimes.

He drove along the Manhattan bridge. After driving for another 20 minutes he reached Times sqaure. He then started ro slow down and asked the girl.

"Where should i drop you miss?"

He was really doubtful whether this girl might soon say some other place to go. So he really wanted to drop off the girl as soon as he can.

"Drop me near that street."

The girl pointed at a lounge and said to Lee to stop. Lee was happy after hearing her reply and then replied "Sure, Miss. and fret not you don't have to pay the fare. Just you know, $100 will be fine for the damage your driver did. I wouldn't have asked but as it's not my car. So...."

"I don't have money"

All Lee heard was that and saw the girl close the cars door and left. Lee felt like flies were flying afound the poor him after her reply.

"You are rich dammit, you could have thrown some thousand bills in my face like the rich does. uggh so much for my hard earned money."

Lee felt like hitting his head with the steering. Lee then took out a smoke but didn't lit it. As he didn't really like smoking but just had the habbit of taking a unlit smoke. Well to him it looked cool.

He then drove slowly to his room as he it was not too far. After around 20 mins he reached the owner and tried to park the car quietly and run away as there was dent on the backside of the car. And the owner was really a harsh person.

But as it was not realy his day. He soon saw the owner nearing him. At first the owner seemed like had a smile but as soon he saw the dent he raged.

" What the hell did you do with my car."

Lee knew that it would harded to explain and the more he remains here the more trouble. So he took out a 100 dollar bill and kept it in the cars bonnet and took a run.

" Keep the change,hahahah"

He ran and soon he couldn't hear the owner's voice anymore. Only then he stopped and took a mouthful of air and relaxed. Lee knew that the owner wouldn't mind much. As though he was a harsh person but still he help Lee a lot in the recent times.Only then he stopped and took a mouthful of air and relaxed.

"I really hope i don't meet that cold girl anymore. So much for a beauty."

Lee then walked some distance as it was really near he soon reached his room. He unlocked the door and entered after switching on the light he took out his shoes and looked around his room.

His room was not big. There was a single size bed, a study table with some books and a kitchen in the corner which was small. He then took a towel and went in the bathroom and took a bath.

After he came out feeling refreshed, and sat in the chair. Soon he packed some clothes as he had too stay in dorms from tomorrow for the recruit training.

After done packing he jumped on his bed and as he was about to sleep. He heard a "Ding" Sound.

He soon saw a Mission Complete status. Seeing the message though he was overjoyed, but still he still didn't have a clue to what fateful encounter it was as the mission described.


Mission: Unlock the tutorial task.

Description: ~~~~~Go through some fateful encounters.( Future job)

Requirements: None

Rewards: Basic chest. Tutotrial task and rewards.

" Hell yeah, Finally after so many months. You finally woke up."

Lee cheered hearing the sound of mission completion.Seeing the message though he was overjoyed, but still he still didn't have a clue to what fateful encounter it was as the mission described.


Note: Do say on how to improve on the writing and elaborating the story. And Point me out if there's a mistake. I will amend it as soon as i can.