
Legal Bride [Forced Matrimony]

When an ambitious, hardworking and independent medical nurse, Triana Jefferson, was forced into a holy matrimony with mega-multi billionaire, an ex-actor and CEO of petrol, gas and Sugar refineries, Leonardo Calloway. Chaos bursted out between these two people as they couldn’t unite for a very longtime in the flash union. What happens when Triana’s world began to fall apart as she became Leonardo’s punching bag and sex machine while he dates his longtime girlfriend, a multimillionaire renowned actress, Anne Marie, unknowing to the Calloway’s and Jefferson’s family, and unknowing to Triana who later had three kids for him that he was going to marry Anne Marie in secret?

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

43| Jasper and Eleanor

"If someone would have told me that you'd be my soon-to-be father in-law... I'll doubt." I handed him a mug of espresso latte and he accepted, laughing hard.

"Do you remember when I first told you I knew who you were but you don't know me?" He sipped deeply, making a slurpy sound.

Truly, if someone had told me before now that the man I met at the hospital months ago, who complimented my necklace which could cost 5 Maybach, I never thought of him as a close relative let alone my father in-law in the future.

I settled on one of the kitchen stools opposite his as I sip my tea. It's been days since Dex and I arrived the palace, you all know me as a noncomplimenting type of person but when I see something beautiful, I acknowledge it. Behold, this whole palace is likely to be a paradise if am not mistaking. Statues and sculpture works everywhere, including artworks. Mr. Zeltron Martinez of Denmark seems to be a man of good taste in picking out building designs because this whole palace is covered with executive things. I've only seen such beautiful mansions in the movies but since I got here, I started seeing them in reality.

Today till tomorrow, I'll never get enough of the sightseeing and views. Yesterday, I exercised myself and burned out my energy in walking one quarter of the palace. It's so big and massive. Dexter accompanied me including some bodyguards and maids. I'm not used to people following me around all the time, like this place. Wherever I go, it seems like Dexter and the king and queen already appointed spies to go with me secretly. Not for anything bad but for safety. And two, for me to learn how to live the life of a duchess. My classes for that already started yesterday. But for now, I'll be taking a long break because of the heavy pregnancy.

"I still doubt."

He shrugged, "Okay, but seen is believing, right?"

I shook my head to that. "Yeah, but why didn't you tell me you were very close to Dexter?"

He laughed, "You want your fiancé to break my head overnight?" I furrowed my brows like 'Why?' then he continued, placing his mug on the countertop. "Listen, my son has a very jealousy spirit. He's quick in action when he's furious."

"Come on," I rolled my eyes dramatically. "He wouldn't have done anything, perhaps, you were my patients back then."

"And that would have made him even more furious." He sighed. "He'd never mind telling you to quit your job."

My eyes bugged, "Huh? Quit something that took my hard earn times in college?" I scoffed nastily, "He must be joking." I know Leo did such thing to me for ten years, though.

"Okay, what if you said 'No' and he sued the hospital, what would you have done?"

Never in my mind have I thought of Dexter with a bad temper but if its so according to how his father described him, I'll still accept. That's the type of man I want and I got it luckily for myself.

We left the kitchen and began to stroll to the livingroom on the second floor when some maids greeted us and walked in to do their chores.

I remembered the very day I came here with Dexter, I eavesdropped on some of the maids conversations in the kitchen. They were busy gossiping about me. What have I got to do in the matter?

They were talking about how lucky I were to have Dexter for myself. One even said that she has been eyeing him since she got a job here in the palace and he never cared to give her a second look but today it shocked her to see him bring a woman to the family and a pregnant one as at that. She almost choked.

When did that happen?

Some said, he used to be the type of man that has zero time for women. He's always focused on his hobby. Soccer which he loved the most.

Infact, he has succeeded in teaching Billy how to play and now Billy spends more time playing soccer in the fields than his homework. He even vowed to be a footballer in the future. What a stupid mother am I. I didn't even bother to caution him. I'd have the right to nudge him on picking out something better in the future other than playing soccer for money.

He said he's not playing for money but for his country. Okay nice, am not discouraging him.

The empire and I were discussing, chatting and laughing as we entered the living room but then, something took me off guard.

Ouch! What the fuck is..." Oh my God!" I winced out loud, holding my abdomen with one hand and the other, clutching onto the empire's sleeve mercilessly.

He panicked as he took hold of me in his arms before I'll end up losing my balance. I heard him call out the maids to my aid as I winced the more. Ever since my experience in motherhood, I've never experience this type of pain before. It used to be very easy for me, going to the theatre and coming out sleeping but now......

"Go! Call the chauffeur to get the car ready, her water has broken!" The empire yelled at the maids.

My mind is not too focused on any other thing right now as I scream louder. The maids hurried in confusion, bumping into each other on their way out. The empire slowly placed me to sit on the couch, encouraging me to relax. Just then, the door opened and the queen and my fiancé rushed in.

Didn't they say they were out for something—ouch! Nevermind.

"Triana!" Dexter ran to meet me, kneeling on one knee beside me on the couch, I saw the worries in his eyes as he held my chin in his palm. "You're gonna be fine, I promise you."

I'm stuck in deep pain to understand his words. My mind is been carried away by this disaster. I winced again, very loud that my ear drums almost bursted. "The babies are coming!"

"We have to take her to the hospital now." The empire declared.

"No," The queen disagrees. "She'll end up delivering my grandchildren in the car, I don't want that. It's on a high-risk."

"High risk?!" The empire snapped at her. "My soon-to-be daughter in-law is in labour here and you're talking nonsense?"

Getting fed up of the fight between his parents, Dexter shouted, "Please stop fighting you two. My fiancée is facing torment here and all you guys can do is talk shit to yourselves?" He ignored them, giving me attention now, "Baby, let's go. Come, I'll help you up, okay?"

"I can't," I cried. "The babies are coming."

"You see?" The queen sighed. "I have an idea." Without telling us what the idea was, she called in two maids who later came in with a clean white towel, transparent nylon gloves, antiseptic and a bowl of water.

"What are you planning to do, Selkath?"

The Empress ignored the empire, "Bring me a stool." She instructed the maid and she did so. She placed the stool beneath my feet with my feet resting on it.

I am too weak to witness what's about to happen.

"Mom, what are you doing?" But Dexter is not blind to see the truth.

Again, for another time, she ignored her son as she focused on what she's about to do right now.

"Call in the midwives and stop using my soon-to-be daughter in-law as an experiment." The empire ordered but neither the Empress nor the maids moved an inch.

The Empress parted my thighs so wide as she took off my underwear which was already covered in bloodstains. She handed it to one of the maids before wearing the gloves.

I heaved in and out a deep breath to console myself from the terrible pain, but it wasn't helping enough. Dexter was by my right and his dad by my left. They both held my palms as I held theirs tightly. I bet they can feel my pain through the grasp.

"Relax, okay? I'm here, nothing will happen to you and our babies, I promise you." Dexter assured me with a kiss on my forehead. But I'm too numb to feel it.

Oh, welcome the big fight when she asked me to 'Push'

I've not started yet and am already sweating like an athlete running round the field.

I held onto the two palms by my side as I screamed, pushing myself upwards a bit. I collapsed my back on the couch within one second, breathing heavily like I've successfully completed the job.

"You have to keep on trying, we've not started yet." She informed me.

"I can't do it." I cried. "It hurts."

"You can do it, you have to, please." Dexter begged me. I felt his worries in his words. He has no idea what I'm going through right now.

"Just shut up, Dex." The empire chided him. "She's between life and death here."

"Give it a try, Triana. You want to go to bed tonight with my grandbabies, don't you?"

I can't nod my head to that right now, Empress, but I'm sure wanting to have my babies in my arms tonight.

I tightened my grip on the two men beside me as I used my strength to force out whatever is wanting to go out of me. My teeth gritted to the extent it shocks like Jellyfishes. I didn't wanna give up, I want to go to bed tonight with my lovelies. The load is about to relief me now. Just then, I heard the first cry of my baby.

Selkath held it in her arms, covered in blood. "Oh my, he's so cute and adorable." She sighed sweetly, now handing the baby to the empire.

"He's a boy, what do we call him, Dexter?" He asked compassionately, swaying the crying baby in his arms.

"Jasper." Dexter smiled, taking him from his father's arms.

But when I screamed again...

"It's still not finished yet, there's still another incoming. Push, Triana." The Empress encouraged me, dipping her hands into my body.

In less than two minutes, the second baby came out successfully. Selkath cuddled the crying baby in her arms, "She's so sweet and tiny."

"I'll name her Eleanor." I breath out heavily and collapsed.



I woke up and found myself lying on the bed alone. I scratched my furrowed forehead as I try to sit.

"No, no, please relax." Dexter rushed to the bed. "My dad will kill me if you move an inch on this bed."

"Honey? Where are the babies? And how long have I been asleep?"

"Almost twenty-four hours now." When I gasped, he kissed the top of my head and smiled, but that didn't caught my attention. He was shirtless with only a blue pant. "You passed out. Jasper and Eleanor are asleep now." He pointed at the baby's cot beside the bed. "I already called everyone at home. By evening, my chopper will bring the kids and everyone here." He pecked my lips again.

The door opened and Selkath walked in with few folded clothes in her arms. "You coward!" She knocked Dexter hard on his head. "Don't you have sympathy? Huh? She just delivered not even up to a day yet and you want to touch her again."

"What the fuck, mom?!" He rubbed his head. "I wasn't doing anything."

"Until six weeks, you hear me?" She snapped at him. "And go put on a shirt. I don't want the maids drooling over a man yet to be married in few weeks."

"Few weeks?" I bursted, sitting upright.

Selkath smiled at me as she walked to the bed while my eyes narrowed darkly at Dexter who just shrugged fearfully. "Triana dear," She chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed. "My husband and I has fixed a date for your wedding. Don't you two want to get married soon?"

What do I say now? "I—"

"Of course, you do!" She beamed without waiting for my response. "See, I can't wait to meet my grandkids—my sister's grandkids, they're also mine too, right?" She grinned.

I nodded slowly, still processing the wedding date. Why so soon? I'm not healed of the delivery yet.

I should have said that out loud but I just sat there staring at them blankly. Dexter kept winking at me from time to time. I assume Selkath can witness it as she stated without turning back, "Just have it at the back of your mind that you won't be sleeping same room with her, Dexter."


"Yes," She smiled at me before turning back to her son. Giving him a deadly glare. "You heard me, I don't trust you. Innocent Triana won't be able to resist when you pounce on her tonight."

"But....my babies are—"

"They're here and I'll be spending time with her and my grandkids tonight. Infact, till she recovers in the six months tenure."

His eyes bugged so wide like a fearful animal. "Six months? But you said six weeks, mother."

"Ah," She clicked her tongue. "Misinterpreted, anyway it's still six weeks." She smiled at me. Dexter breath a sign of relief. "I know you miss your fiancé, you'll have him again, don't worry." From there, from there.....she started narrating stories of how she met the empire and how her mother in-law stood with her through out the experience of motherhood, blah, blah, blah.

Dexter was getting fed up of the story that he had to blow flying kisses at me before walking away silently.

Selkath also informed me about the family's doctor visit. He'll first of all come to check on me to see how my body system reacts then, he'll give us a date to come to the hospital or better still, finish the medications and treatments in the palace.

With these, I'd say Selkath is more than a medical doctor and a midwife. I can see from her how good she'd make a nice mother inlaw to me.