
Legacy Of The Phoenix

Just as Lila Wren's world ignites with the sudden awakening of her fiery powers, she is whisked away to Thornwood Academy, a secretive institution nestled within ancient, whispering woods. This enigmatic academy is more than just a center for higher learning. It is a sanctuary for the descendants of mythical beings and legendary warriors. Unknown to Lila, her arrival at the academy was prophesied long ago, marking her as the Second Ember Child, destined to either forge a new era or doom it to ashes. As she grapples with her new reality, Lila is joined by a diverse cast of students: - Ezra Thorn: A calm and strategic telekinetic. - Sophie Silverleaf: A gentle communicator with nature. - Toby Blackwater: An mischievous water manipulator. - Mia Nightshade: A shy girl who can move through shadows. Guided by the enigmatic Professor Orion Hartwood, Lila and her friends plunge into the world of arcane arts, unraveling secrets and facing perilous challenges that test their powers and their loyalty. _____ Have questions or want to connect? Reach out to me on: - Facebook: Kam MsFrothyDreamer - Twitter: @MsFrothyDreamer - Discord: MsFrothyDreamer - Instagram: @MsFrothyDreamer

MsFrothyDreamer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


"Did you find anything useful in the chamber?" Professor Hartwood asked.

Professor Marlowe shook her head. "The chamber was trashed, and overrun with huge rats."

Professor Hartwood's gaze shifted to the amulet Lila had just retrieved from the heavy bag. "This is the Thornwood Amulet," he said, lifting the large, intricately designed pendant made of an ancient, unbreakable silver alloy, infused with powerful enchantments, for everyone to see.

"The centerpiece is a stunning, multifaceted gemstone known as the 'Heart of Thornwood,'" he continued, as the group leaned in to admire the deep emerald that seemed to glow with an inner light.

"Legend has it that Elias Thornwood discovered this gemstone in the heart of the Thornwood Forest, imbued with the forest's ancient magic."

"This amulet has been passed down through the Thornwood family for generations, a symbol of their legacy and power," he said. "However, after the fire that nearly destroyed the academy, it was thought lost forever. The school was rebuilt, and ownership changed hands."

He paused, his voice softening. "Yet here it is, a piece of our history restored."

Lila quickly took out the old newspapers that seemed to have worn out over time. "Professor Hartwood, can you tell us about the fire?" she asked, placing the newspaper on the table.

Professor Hartwood glanced at the newspaper, and his expression darkened. "That happened a long time ago. We don't need to talk about it," he said, moving away towards a stack of documented notes.

Lila, undeterred, opened up the notes to a page about the fire that had claimed innocent lives, leaving only one survivor.

"Professor, we need to understand what happened if we're going to figure out what's happening now around the school. We believe this is all connected," she insisted.

Hartwood sighed heavily, his reluctance evident. "Thornwood Academy was established centuries ago by Magus Thornwood, a renowned sorcerer with a vision to create a haven for magical learning and discovery.

The academy, originally a modest stone manor, grew over the years into a grand and imposing institution. Elias's descendants, each inheriting his magical prowess and dedication, expanded the academy through the generations.

The Thornwood family poured their hearts and magic into the academy, each generation adding new wings, towers, and hidden chambers.

The Thornwood family ensured that the forest served as both a sanctuary and a training ground, protecting the academy with powerful wards and enchantments.

Throughout the centuries, the Thornwood family maintained strict control over the academy, passing down leadership from one generation to the next.

Each Thornwood headmaster or headmistress brought their unique touch to the academy, further enhancing its reputation as a premier institution for magical education.

They also preserved a rich collection of ancient texts, artifacts, and magical creatures, making the academy a treasure trove of arcane knowledge.

Then, many years ago, the academy was under Magnus Thornwood. He was ambitious and carefree, and he let his children experiment with all kinds of magic... including dark magic.

One night, he found his daughter and her boyfriend practicing necromancy, using the body of a newborn to summon a random soul. Luckily, Magnus found them in time and stopped them.

The boyfriend was never seen again. Some speculated he was kicked out of the academy, while others said the soul they summoned took over his body and ran away.

But in my view, Magnus had something to do with his disappearance."

"No, he wouldn't do that. He loved that boy... I forgot his name.

Everyone was ordered by Mrs. Thornwood, Magnus's wife, to never talk about him, but Magnus liked him like a son," Professor Marlowe, who had been quiet, suddenly blurted out, and they all looked at her.

"I was still young back then, but how do you know? You weren't even here either," Professor Hartwood asked.

"From what I heard, he loved the boy. He saw potential in him. He loved him even more than his daughter," said Professor Marlowe, and everyone gasped.

"Well, the whole family knows what happened to him. Anyway, one day, the daughter performed a forbidden ritual to try and find him. It was in the middle of the night. She lit candles, and everything was in order.

No one knows exactly what happened, but the next thing they knew, there was fire everywhere, on the windows, on the doors. Everyone suspected the girl," Hartwood said, his voice trailing off as the room fell silent, each person lost in their own thoughts.

"I'm guessing the daughter lived?" Lila asked.

"Yes, she did. She was expelled from the academy since everyone suspected her of causing the fire that killed her parents and two siblings," Professor Hartwood replied.

"So, there's a possibility that the daughter is around 60 years old now. Maybe she wants revenge on those who kicked her out?" Mia speculated.

"Well, she moves very fast for someone who's 60," Ezra replied, recalling the unnatural speed of the hooded figure they had encountered.

"She was expelled by the remaining students. The new headmaster was also chosen by the students, none of whom are still around," Professor Hartwood explained.

Lila carefully studied Professor Hartwood, trying to gauge his age to estimate how old Magnus's daughter could be. "Let's say you're in your... the 70s?" Lila guessed.

Sophie gasped, "Try the 40s. If he's in his 40s, then the daughter might be around 60, like Mia suggested."

Toby chuckled softly. "From 70 to 40," he said, continuing to laugh.

"Professor Hartwood is..." Ezra trailed off, struggling to estimate. Professor Hartwood appeared to be in his early 40s, but his extensive knowledge made him seem much older, like 100-plus years, though that seemed impossible.

"I'm only 178," Professor Hartwood replied casually, causing everyone to shriek.

"178!" Sophie gasped, clutching her mouth with wide eyes.

"Are you talking about your weight? I'm sure you're more than 178 if that's your weight," Toby said, shaking his head.

Ezra remained silent, trying to figure out how Professor Hartwood could be 178 years old.

"I'm 178 years old," Hartwood repeated, causing another round of gasps.

"You should be a skeleton, two skeletons, maybe three, considering the extra lives you're living," Lila said, astonished.

Professor Hartwood chuckled. "I've been assigned as your guardian to protect the key players of the prophecy, meaning the five of you. I couldn't die or even be myself until my task is complete."

"How is that possible?" Mia asked, still in shock.

Hartwood sighed and sat down. "It's a long story, but I will make it short. Centuries ago, I was given the task by divine individuals who had the gift of foresight and oversaw the safeguarding of the prophecy.

They ensured its fulfillment by appointing me as the guardian. As the guardian, I was granted longevity and certain abilities to ensure I could fulfill this duty."

"I've spent the last century and a half searching for you all," he continued.

"It hasn't been easy. The world has changed so much, and magical disturbances have made it difficult to pinpoint your locations. But I always knew that when the time was right, you would come together."

They all nodded in understanding.

"But what about the fire and the daughter of Magnus Thornwood?" Sophie interjected.

"The fire was a tragic event tied to the dark magic that Magnus's daughter dabbled in. Her desire for forbidden knowledge led to catastrophic consequences. But sadly, she died of a heart attack years ago," Hartwood explained.

"Now that's bad," Lila mused. "But is it possible...never mind. But is it possible her boyfriend might have been Corvus?"

The room fell into silence. "That's unlikely but not impossible," said Ezra.

"And if Magnus and his daughter loved him, then the mother, Mrs. Thornwood, might have had something to do with his disappearance. Maybe she feared for her daughter's safety around this boy who introduced her to dark magic and took matters into her own hands," Lila suggested.

Professor Marlowe gasped, clutching her heart and looking as though she was having an internal conflict.

"Mrs. Thornwood was a powerful witch in her own right," Professor Hartwood said softly. "It's possible she took drastic measures to protect her family, even if it meant doing something drastic to Corvus. But without more evidence, we can only speculate."

"This is all connected somehow," said Ezra, releasing a huge breath.

"Excuse me. I have a morning class to attend," said Professor Marlowe, leaving abruptly. The news seemed to have worked on her, and perhaps she was finally realizing that Lila and her friends were not lying about seeing dead bodies.

The room fell silent as they pondered the connections. The boy who was not approved by the mother-in-law, his mysterious disappearance, the daughter searching for the truth and inadvertently causing her family's death, and the daughter who was tragically killed by a bear, all these events seemed intertwined.

And now, someone was threatening Lila and her friends, summoning shadow creatures, leaving dead animals, and killing people at Thornwood Academy. It all felt connected, part of a larger, more sinister plot.

"Mia, we really need your help now. Only you can solve these puzzles," said Professor Hartwood, his voice filled with urgency. Mia's heart raced as she stared at her friends and then back at Professor Hartwood nodding.