
Legacy of the Last Dragon

In the bustling modern city of Los Angeles, Eldric Drakonhart, an orphan of the age of 22, leads an ordinary life as an unassuming historian with a fascination for ancient legends. Little does he know that his destiny is intricately tied to a mythic past that's about to become all too real. After a near-death experience during a catastrophic accident, Eldric's life takes an extraordinary turn. In the grip of a powerful out-of-body encounter, he undergoes a startling transformation. As his earthly body hovers between life and death, Eldric finds himself reborn as a magnificent dragon, unaware of the dangers that lurk within the shadows. Now, Eldric must navigate in a world that's both familiar and foreign to him. He grapples with newfound powers, the ability to soar the skies, and the burning desire to protect what is dear to him. As Eldric embraces his dragon heritage, he discovers a hidden society of mythical beings and embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind his transformation. Note: It's not my cover and I will put it down if the owner wishes so!

NTVGOT · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Eldric, unfamiliar with his new body size, had inadvertently misjudged the distance between himself and the oncoming truck.

As he attempted to ascend into the sky, the truck, too close to evade completely, erupted into a catastrophic explosion.

The force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the air, engulfing Eldric in a searing fireball. His scales absorbed the brunt of the impact, protecting him from the worst of the explosion, but he still felt the scorching heat and concussive force.

The fiery maelstrom threatened to overwhelm him, but his newfound dragon nature enabled him to withstand the inferno.

Moments later, as the flames subsided and smoke billowed around him, Eldric emerged from the wreckage unscathed, his scales shimmering with residual heat.

The once-mighty truck had been reduced to a twisted, smoldering wreck.

"That was awesome!"

Eldric, now fully aware of the astonishing power coursing through his veins, looked at the devastation around him, and the reality of his transformation began to sink in.

Eldric's euphoric mood instantly turned into despair as he thought of the driver that drove the now smoldering wreck.

The pedestrians and driver who bore witness to this legendary spectacle were plunged into sheer panic. Fear and confusion ran rampant, and people around Eldric began to flee frantically, without regard for the safety of others.

Cars yanked their steering wheels, desperately trying to escape the unknown creature at any cost. Chaotic traffic situations unfolded as vehicles collided in wild evasive maneuvers. Screams pierced the air, and the streets filled with a cacophony of honking horns and screeching tires.

Pedestrians sprinted aimlessly across sidewalks and roads, shoving and pushing one another aside in their frantic attempts to evade the oncoming dragon.

"What have I done?! I'm the cause of their deaths!", he was on the brink of desolation.

Eldric watched in a panic, overwhelmed by immense guilt, as the world around him descended into chaos.

Just when he was on the verge of losing his sanity, an unfamiliar sensation began to well up within him. A chilling feeling emanated from his heart, coursing through every fiber of his body, gradually ascending towards his brain.

The moment this cold sensation reached his amygdala, Eldric's mind went blank, and he ceased all movement.

Nearly Five minutes passed and Eldric underwent a profound transformation. To be precise, he felt nothing at all—no panic, no despair, not even a trace of sympathy for the injured, crying and fleeing humans.

Turning away from the fleeing masses, Eldric's eyes were cold and emotionless as he accepted the detachment that had washed over him. With an eerie calm, he began to survey the chaos around him with an unsettling indifference.

Amidst the chaos, the wailing sirens of police cars and the rumbling of military vehicles began to echo through the streets.

Men and women in uniform, both from the police and the military, descended upon the scene, their faces etched with a mix of determination, trepidation and fear.

Police officers hastily cordoned off the area, attempting to restore some semblance of order to the chaotic streets. Meanwhile, tanks and soldiers in armored vehicles arrived, armed with heavy weaponry.

Eldric, unaware of the unfolding military and police response, was locked in his own struggle. With powerful beats of his wings, he tested the limits of his newfound flight abilities. The gusts created by his wings buffeted the nearby buildings and sent debris of the exploded truck swirling through the air.

As he concentrated on mastering the art of flight, unaware of the military forces converging on his location, a mysterious meeting held place.


Deep beneath the frigid and desolate landscape of Spitsbergen, hidden from the world above, lay an enigmatic underground fortress. This clandestine sanctuary, accessible only through a labyrinthine network of tunnels, served as a meeting place for a select group of individuals whose identities were known to only a privileged few.

On this particular evening, a dimly lit chamber carved into the very bedrock of the Arctic island was the setting for their clandestine gathering. The room exuded an aura of secrecy, its walls adorned with ancient maps and mysterious bones, illuminated only by the soft glow of strategically placed lanterns.

Seven individuals, each possessing unique accessory, occupied the circular chamber. They gathered around an intricately carved round table of ancient ebony wood.

The table, unadorned save for seven ornate, high-backed chairs, bore the weight of countless discussions and decisions that had shaped the course of events beyond the fortress's stone walls.

"Alright, let's get straight to it. We're facing a rather unexpected situation with this dragon appearing in the middle of Los Angeles. I strongly believe we should avoid any military action for now. We all know that dragon body parts are incredibly valuable, and I want the heart at all costs!", someone spoke

"I must disagree, North America. It's our responsibility to handle this situation properly. Not taking action could raise suspicions that someone's tampering with military decisions. Plus, we know dragons aren't harmed by conventional means. It's the right decision to let them take action like every government would do, if a mythical creature appears in one of their cities" another person stood up

"Europe has a point. We can't afford to race suspicion. We don't know if he is the only surviving member of his race. We need to act cautious at all cost!"

*sigh* "Well, it appears I'm outvoted. I suppose we'll go ahead with the operation, then. But remember, if you destroy or even slightly damage his heart, I will kill you all!", North America slammed the table with his fist and stormed out of the room

"He must be really desperate after- "

"Enough Afrika, leave him alone", Europe interrupted


As Eldric continued to wrestle with his newfound wings and abilities, the sound of approaching military helicopters grew steadily louder.

From all directions, heavily armed troops and armored vehicles began to surround the area where he stood, their spotlights piercing through the smoke of burning cars.

The commanding officer, a stern-faced and resolute figure, stepped forward.

He raised his hand, signaling for his officer's attention.

"Boys, we have our target surrounded. Hold your positions and maintain readiness," he ordered with a sense of authority that left no room for dissent.

Many officers began to light a cigarette, in an attempt to steady their racing minds, knowing that they were on the brink of authorising an attack on a creature of legend

After a few deep inhales and exhales, one of the officers absentmindedly flicked his spent cigarette to the ground.

Unluckily, its ember landed perfectly, igniting a hidden trail of gasoline that leaked out of one of the crashed cars.

The flame, following the gasoline trail, reached it source, erupting the car into a catastrophic explosion, hurling shards of twisted metal and unleashing billowing flames that engulfed the scene in a terrifying spectacle.

The deafening sound of the explosion snapped Eldric out of his focus and he realized that he was surrounded.

No matter where he looked, the only thing he saw were soldiers and f*cking M1 Abrams who aimed their guns straight at him.

Instinctively, his body reacted and with a powerful thrust of his wings, he launched himself into the sky. His massive form soared upward, quickly gaining altitude as he evaded the encircling forces below.

Amid the frantic chatter of the military personnel, the commanding officer issued a grave order.

"Who the fuck caused the explosion?! Shoot him down, you fuckers! We can not let that monster escape!", the Commander pick up his communication device and called the military base, "Prepare the Patriot system! Target coordinates locked. Fire when ready."

As the missile's guidance system locked onto Eldric's ascending form, the tension in the air was palpable. The countdown commenced, and with each passing second, the inevitability of the situation weighed heavily on the shoulders of those involved. The commander's voice was unwavering as he uttered the final command, "Fire!"

A streak of fire and smoke erupted from the launch site, hurtling the deadly projectiles skyward, on a collision course with the fleeing dragon.