

Every tribe leader looked at Cade with furrowed brows. His suggestion made sense. However, it was also risky. The Emperor had always been wary of the Dragon Emperor. He would assume the worst if he heard the latter suddenly choose to pass on his position as the clan leader. If that happened, their intention to conceal Aillos's seclusion might backfire.

Ducal glanced at Cade. Like most in the room, he had reservations about the latter's suggestion. At the same time, Ducal did not think Cade would suggest that without considering every possible scenario it would result in.

While Ducal pondered this, one of the tribe leaders pointed out the same thought to Cade.

"Suddenly announcing a new clan leader poses a lot of risk," the tribe leader said. "Although I understand that will prevent The Emperor from accusing us of insubordination, it will only make him more suspicious."