
Never trust a potion to be good

We leaved the Tavern, equipped and with all of our things on us or in my and Ron backpacks. Apparently, Ron was buying a backpack from someone while we were here to stay overnight. The four of us we were walking to a street where it was so almost nobody there, just a few people in ripped clothes, with white drinks putting in a bottle and sleeping. I was looking at Fiona and Marcus and I observe something strange, those were looking each other so embarrassed while we were walking past of those people.

I didn't ask Fiona in what room she was sleeping because I don't want to die right now for the reason I am still young to go from this world. And I noticed something at Marcus too, he was embarrassed like Fiona. What have they done those two knights? I hope they didn't kiss and made Fiona pregnant by mistake back then... "Does kissing make girls pregnant, right?" I ask to myself while we were leaving that alley.

After a few minutes, all four of us, before to arrive at the place where are our carriages, we heard a scream. All four of us looked at each other and we decide to go all of us to see what was happening. Let's hope it's nothing serious.

After a few meters of running, we arrived at a place where we heard that scream and we saw something we did not expect. The place where the screams where heard it was at a building called "Potions for Everyone" written in the language of the Kingdom where I live with Fiona, Marcus and Ron. We expect just to be something minor, but what we saw... it was worse than those infected wolves when me and Fiona had to kill all of them. There is a slime monster who probably had 2 meters, four arms, four eyes and even a tail with spikes.

"What the hell is this?" says Ron looking at that creature.

"Whatever it is, it's a monster who should be killed." says Fiona taking her giant sword from the sheath at her back.

"Y-You right." said Marcus taking two hatchets from his arsenal.

The monster looked at us and started to attack with his tail. All of us dodged that move and we decide to attack him, Fiona and Marcus goes closer to that creature to kill, Ron goes to help them, and I was at their back using my healing spell or some spells from that book. I used "T.N.T." for that monster, but it didn't work out. I tried the spell called "Dancin", but that didn't work out too. So, the last spell I tried and it could kill the monster was "Oblivion". A spell I didn't taste yet, but I read he can make a target go away for a few meters. I used that spell and it kinda works. I moved that creature a few times until we leaved the city because we don't want to create a big disaster to this Kingdom.

We tried to put that monster down a few times. Fiona tried to cut his arms but it didn't work because the slims can regenerate his own limbs and body when he got cut or burned. Marcus tired to use the hatchet to that monster but I didn't work out quite well. Ron tried something too, but it had the same result like other. I decide find in the book another spell, but someone came to me and grab my hand who I was holding my wand.

"It is my fault!" says that random person who is probably the cause of this thing he created.

"What do you mean?" I ask that random person.

"The slime it's not a monster." says that person coming in front of me. "I apologize for what I did but I can ensure you this one won't even hit a harmless human."

When he said that, the monster hit Ron with one of him arms, making him flying a few meters into a roof of a cottage. I look at that weird person drassed as a sorcerer and I ask him.

"Are you sure about him?"

"Okay. But it's not a monster. He is a human." says that sorcerer looking at me. " That human is my older brother. My older sick brother."

"I-I see," I say.

"Can you help me? If you take this potion and throw to his eyes it could work." says the sorcerer handing me a weird glass with a yellow substance. I have seen many yellow substances, but those substances didn't smell weird like this one I was holding. I take the potion and I asked that weird person.

" I just have to aim for the eyes?"

"Yes. That it's all you have to do." said that sorcerer to me.

"I see," I respond and starting to run right into that monster who is actually human.

When I was closer to that thing, I looked at Fiona who came to me with a worried face.

"What is it?" she asks me while I hand that potion to her.

"Try and use this potion to that monsters eyes." I says to Fiona. "An sorcerer says to me that monster is still human."

"Who is that sorcerer?"

"A man dressed in sorcerer clothes and having a bald head."

"Clyde... Thanks, kid!" says Fiona starting to run into the eyes of that damn thing and throw the potion into him to make that guy a human again.

Fiona did the thing with the potion and then she comes to me, just to take me away because the monster is about to fell down like a big tree who was cut in a forest. Ron and Marcus dodged that fell too. When the monster feel down, it has started to shrink and transform into a human a few minutes later. Me, Fiona, Ron and Marcus where the witnesses at a giant monster slime became a human again in almost five minutes. When the shrink was done, the sorcerer come right to that person and he started to apology because we think that man was a costumer who wasn't enjoying the product he bought.

After a while, all four of us decide to get on the carriage and to wait until we will arrive at our destination. Which is the Kingdom where we live and we work as a knights and squares, the Kingdom of Romania.

Meanwhile in the carriage, me and Ron we saw Fiona and Marcus trying to not look at each other like that last time. Ron was looking at me and he whispers: "Are they okay?" even though they are literally in the same carriage at the same place.

"Yes. We are okay..." says Marcus to Ron.

"We just... We are tired." says Fiona to all of us. "We fight a big monster a few minutes ago and it is normal to be tired."

"I see." says Ron. "Sorry to ask, but what you two have done last night?"

At this question, I can see Fiona and Marcus feeling panicked and humiliated like a slave who have to escorted in a great kingdom for an auction. Fiona looked at says to him.

"We did nothing, there!"

"Yes. We did nothing nothing there, you little squire!" says Marcus to Ron making him feeling a a regret to ask that question.

"Alright then. I won't ask again." responds Ron. "Be next time when you two fights, can you a little bit si-"

Before he was about to finish the sentence, Fiona fit Ron stomach with her fists and Ron used his fist to hit Ron head. After those hits, who were powerful, Ron fell down from his place and staying down like a corpse. I did not think it is dead because that bastard is sleeping. But then Marcus and Fiona look worried at me and they said.

"You have seen nothing, right?"

"What are you even talking about?" I asked myself after I shake my head to them to say I wasn't a witnesses at what happen here.

After that, all three of us were staying in a silence until we arrive at the Kingdom where we will have to go and report to our king the mission report.