Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
On the streets of Bran Village, a wounded man, dressed with a hoodie with color yellow is running on the dark parts of this village and not so agglomerated. The assassin with a yellow hood is called Vidraru, and he got into a hard fight against two kids and one assassin from Bulgaria Kingdom. The assassin is having wounds all over his place, and he was about to die there, but he did a final escape before he would've been killed.
While the assassin is walking, bleeding, he is giggling, in a creepy tone.
"The attack was a mistake." he is telling to himself while he is coughing. "I should've attacked with Tom or with that chicken Luc who is God knows what to a prostitute from this village."
He passes a homeless man sleeping on the road he is taking it. He ignores him, while he can barely walk. But as soon as he was about to take a turn, the homeless man opened his eyes, looked at the back of the yellow assassin, and he tells him.
"You have failed?"
"W-What?" asks yellow assassin turning around to the homeless man, who proceeds to get up from the ground, take out his dirty clothes, only to reveal some fancy clothes mostly nobles are wearing on every day basis. "Oh. Tom?"
"It is Thomas." says the man taking from the ground his hat. "Did you managed to hurt them? Or at least kill one?" asks Thomas looking at his hat and sweeping the dust from it.
"No. Because the little shit was able to transform into a vampire."
"Really?" asks the gentleman putting his hat on. "And where is that troublesome kid, now?"
"He is probably still at the Tavern as we speak."
"Thank you for this information." says the assassin to Vidraru, and he walks out of this alley with his cane.
"You are going by yourself?" asks Vidraru to the assassin.
"Yes." says the Gentleman stopping from his walk. "You better relax and wait at our hideout, this would take a while."
Meanwhile, on the Tavern, Garnet, Taka and with me are leaving the Tavern, all healed and with our pockets empty because we came with an offer with the owner to let him keep the money and the product we've sold to him in exchange to not tell anyone from the higher ups about this. We have even done that with the villagers from this village, and they weren't even thinking on doing that, and we all think we know the reason why.
While we were walking to our carriage, I looked around me, and some villagers were looking hesitant at us like we are some bad people or weird ones. And truth to be told, we are some odd people because we have come here with a mission, not to love here. Technically, we have to stay here until it is safe to go, at that will be when we get the order from the King Julius.
As soon as we got into the carriage, Taka took the driver seat, while I and with Garnet are staying on the back, looking around to be sure nothing bad is going to happen. Taka is driving the carriage on a slow speed, the reason might be our safety, but I think it is also that she is still in pain after the earlier fight. I was able to cure both of them, but I did not use all of my healing effect on both of the girls because it was dangerous for me, I could've fainted at any moment if I used all my healing spell effect. Hopefully, this quantity will be enough to hold them on until we will be getting home where we will be taking rest.
"Judah." says Taka to me.
"Yes?" I asked her.
"What is with the thing from you?"
"Thing? You refer to the vampire?"
"Yes. He fought the assassin by himself. Sure, he got my clone's help. But he managed to do pretty well there. Who is he?"
"Is a spell... On my family." I respond to her.
"Really? Your family must've had deep connections with vampires."
"Really deep." I confirm to her because thanks to Derek I was able to use my spell in a big capacity I have never done it.
"Family spell?" says Garnet looking at me. "Is the spell you possess deadly?"
"Powerful, but sometimes hard to control it. On the book it says hat it hunts the bad people, like criminals, thugs or like the attacker from earlier. I got lucky this time I did not faint due to my mana loss."
"Such a great spell. How you didn't finished the criminal though?"
"Because of the sun." I point at the sun on the sky. "If vampires were able to conqueror the light, then nothing would/ve been on their way. Except the cross and salt. These two thing can defeat a vampire, but not mine."
"Because it is different?" asks Garnet looking at me.
"Because it is different."