
Legacy: G.O.T.

"Dying on the battlefield is not always the end. For a veteran military operative, it is just the beginning of an existence in a world he could never have imagined. Reincarnated as a boy in a Dornish tribe, 300 years before the conquest in the 'Game of Thrones' universe, this man must learn to live and thrive in an environment beyond his comprehension. Armed with memories and abilities from his past life, he has the opportunity to influence the history of a world ruled by crowns and swords. But before he can dream of dragons and castles, he must first learn to survive in the inhospitable wilderness of Dorne. 'Legacy: G.O.T.' is the story of a man born of two worlds, seeking to leave his mark on the sandy landscape of Dorne. In a new but familiar world, he must deal with the challenges of survival and the constant struggle for power. Our protagonist will realize that even in the most adverse conditions, one can forge a lasting legacy." ....................... He clarified that I am not the owner of Game of Throne or anything like that. I also tell you that this is my first novel so don't wait too long, I do it to pass the time more than anything. I also tell them that English is not my first language, I translate it with google translate any inconsistencies, you know why.

Blackstarbor · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 7: Tribe Life, Desert Life

Sunrise in the desert was a spectacular sight, especially for those appreciating it from the safety of their oasis home. Solren , now five years old, was sitting on a sand dune outside the camp, his eyes lost in the first glimmers of the sun that were beginning to illuminate the vast sea of golden sand.

"I always find you here, young Solren ," said a gruff voice behind him. She turned to find Joren , one of the tribal elders and a man who knew the desert like the back of his hand. Despite his age, Joren had the vitality of a young man and the wisdom of an elder, a combination that made him one of the most respected of the tribe.

"Hello, Joren ," Solren greeted with a smile. Joren sat next to him, his eyes also fixed on the horizon.

"Why do you come here every morning, Solren ?" Joren asked .

"I like watching the sunrise. It makes me feel…it makes me feel connected in some way," Solren replied , not taking her gaze from the horizon.

"Connected to what, young Solren ?" Joren asked , curious.

"To the world, to nature, to life itself," Solren replied .

Joren smiled. "You have an old spirit, Solren . Sometimes I wonder how a boy your age can have such wisdom," he said.


Joren watched the young Solren for a long moment before speaking again. "I'm going to tell you a story, Solren . A story about our tribe, the Darai , and how we got to this oasis."

Solren turned to him, her dark eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I'd love to hear it, Joren ."

Joren nodded, clearing his throat before beginning. "Many, many moons ago, before any of our tribesmen alive today were born, the Darai were a nomadic tribe. We traveled across the desert, from oasis to oasis, always on the move, always searching for food and water." .

"And why did we stop moving? Why did we decide to stay in this oasis?" Solren asked , following the story closely.

Joren thought for a moment, remembering the story as it had been told to him long ago. "Well, one day, our ancients came across a desert vaster and more desolate than any they had ever seen before. There was no oasis in sight, and our ancients knew we couldn't cross it without losing many lives. So, they decided stop here, in this oasis, and call this place home".

"And since then, we have learned to live here, to survive in this inhospitable desert. We have learned to cultivate the little that grows, to hunt the few creatures that live here, to gather water, and to defend ourselves against the dangers that lurk in the sand." Joren continued .

"That's why it's important that each of us learn to survive in the wilderness. Because each of us is an important part of this tribe, and each of us has a role to play in its survival," Joren concluded , putting his hand on Solren 's shoulder .


After hearing the story of the Darai tribe , Solren felt a renewed sense of belonging. The Darai's constant fight for survival in this barren desert was a harsh reality, but it was also a story of resilience and adaptation.

" Joren , what can I, as an individual, do to help our tribe prosper?" Solren asked , her voice thick with determination.

The old man smiled, his weathered face showing the lines of a life spent in the desert. "You are already doing a lot, Solren . You are learning and adapting. But more importantly, you are willing to help, to put the good of the tribe before your own."

"However," Joren continued, "there is one thing I would tell you. Never stop learning. Never stop looking for ways to improve. Not just for yourself, but for the entire tribe. Our survival depends on our ability to adapt and improve." "And you, Solren , have a sharp mind and a strong will. I believe you have the potential to do great things for the Darai ."

Solren nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "I'll keep that in mind, Joren . I'll do everything I can to help our tribe."

And with that, the conversation came to an end. But Joren 's words stayed with Solren , echoing in her mind as they continued their daily chores. He knew he had a great responsibility, but he also felt inspired. Inspired to learn, to grow and to do everything in his power to ensure the survival of the Darai tribe .


The days that followed were marked by learning and growth. Solren , imbued with his inherent curiosity, dove headlong into absorbing the wisdom of the tribe. He spent long hours studying desert plants, exploring their mysteries and secrets. His gaze was often glued to the behavior of desert animals, observing their interaction with the environment, their adaptability, their survival.

He did not keep this knowledge to himself. Instead, he shared them with the members of the tribe who were willing to listen. There was resistance at first, yes, but little by little, as the benefits of his discoveries became apparent, the tribe began to appreciate his initiative.

Solren was still a child, but his attitude and willingness to learn and innovate made him stand out. I wasn't looking for recognition; he was simply happy to be able to contribute to the life of the tribe. Somehow, in his own way, he was carving out his place in the lives of the Darai .

The road ahead was long, yes, but he was willing to walk it. After all, these were her first steps on a long journey, and she had a lot to discover.