
Legacy: G.O.T.

"Dying on the battlefield is not always the end. For a veteran military operative, it is just the beginning of an existence in a world he could never have imagined. Reincarnated as a boy in a Dornish tribe, 300 years before the conquest in the 'Game of Thrones' universe, this man must learn to live and thrive in an environment beyond his comprehension. Armed with memories and abilities from his past life, he has the opportunity to influence the history of a world ruled by crowns and swords. But before he can dream of dragons and castles, he must first learn to survive in the inhospitable wilderness of Dorne. 'Legacy: G.O.T.' is the story of a man born of two worlds, seeking to leave his mark on the sandy landscape of Dorne. In a new but familiar world, he must deal with the challenges of survival and the constant struggle for power. Our protagonist will realize that even in the most adverse conditions, one can forge a lasting legacy." ....................... He clarified that I am not the owner of Game of Throne or anything like that. I also tell you that this is my first novel so don't wait too long, I do it to pass the time more than anything. I also tell them that English is not my first language, I translate it with google translate any inconsistencies, you know why.

Blackstarbor · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 3: The Sun of Dorne

Night fell on the barren lands of Dorne , and as the sun sank below the horizon, stars emerged in the sky, shining like hundreds of eyes watching the mortals moving across the desert. Yoren , leader of the tribe, sat outside his goatskin tent, watching the sunset transform the sky into a canvas of changing colors. Beside him, his wife Elia held their newborn son in her arms, whose clear eyes watched his father with unusual attention for a child his age.

Yoren was a man hardened by the hardships of the desert, his skin so scarred by sunburn it looked as if it had been sculpted from bronze. Years of fighting and surviving in these untamed lands had forged in him a character as tough as the skin of the dragons that legends said once flew through the Dornish skies .

Yoren looked away from the horizon and looked at his son, who still had no name. His little son's eyes were like two pieces of heaven, and like heaven, they were deep and seemed to contain secrets that only time would reveal. Yoren felt a surge of love and responsibility. Not only was it his duty as a father to protect his son, but also as a leader, it was his responsibility to prepare the next generation for the hardships of life in the wilderness.


Watching his son, Yoren thought of the challenges the desert would throw at the boy. There were dangers beyond his control, such as sandstorms, desert beasts, sweltering heat during the day, and biting cold at night. But there were also threats that he could prevent and weaknesses that he could turn into strengths. Yoren was determined to do everything possible to ensure that his son grew up strong and wise.

There was a tradition in the tribe for the leader to name their first son after an important event or a quality they wished to see flourish in their offspring. Names were a gift, a blessing, and a responsibility. Yoren knew this well, for his own name meant "He Who Endures" in his native language, a tribute to the tenacity of his people and a constant reminder of their duty to resist in the face of any adversity.

Elia, his wife, looked at him gently as she caressed their son. In the moonlight, she looked like a desert goddess, her figure standing out in the shades of gold and shadow, and her loving eyes sparkling with the starlight. Elia had always been his beacon in the storms of life, his guide when the going got tough. And now, they were together in this new challenge.

The last light of the sun was extinguished, giving way to darkness. The sun was vital to his tribe, it was the source of life and warmth, but it could also be merciless and overwhelming. Yoren 's son had been born at dawn, just as the first rays of the sun rose over the horizon, flooding the world with light and warmth. It was a moment of wonder and joy, a new beginning.

Yoren looked at his son and then at his wife. Then, he looked up at the sky, where the last star of the night was disappearing, leaving a dark pall behind. But soon, the sun would rise again, bathing the world in its light, giving them life and hope.


Yoren reached out, taking his son's small hand. Even now, at such a young age, Yoren could sense a burgeoning strength in the boy. He smiled, looking at the face of his son who was sleeping peacefully, oblivious to the expectations that had already been placed on him.

"You will be the Sun of Dorne ," Yoren murmured , his face full of pride and determination. The sun, strong, relentless, powerful. A symbol of the strength of their tribe and the land they were sworn to protect. It was a worthy name for his son, a name that spoke of his hope for the future and his faith in his son's resilience.

Elia, the light of his life, nodded. His brilliant smile reflected in the moonlight, giving him an almost mystical look. She took Yoren 's hand , twining her fingers through his. Despite the challenge ahead, there was no fear in his eyes, only deep love and steely determination.

"It will be strong like the sun," Elia said. His voice was soft, but the conviction he carried was as unshakeable as the desert mountains. "And like the sun, it will bring light to our tribe."

Carefully, Yoren placed his son back into Elia's arms. While the mother and son slept, Yoren stayed awake. She couldn't get the image out of her mind: her son, growing up to be the Sun of Dorne . A leader who would guide his tribe through the challenges of the desert, a beacon of hope and strength for his people. And as the sun rose, ushering in a new day, Yoren he knew that no matter what the future brought, they would be prepared to face it.


The next day dawned with a peaceful routine. Preparations for the trip were already underway, the tribe working together as a single entity, each member contributing their efforts to the common task. Yoren himself led the charge, his presence bringing a sense of calm and order to the frenetic activity.

The baby, however, was oblivious to all this, focused on his own world of exploration and learning. The days passed in a mixture of surprises and new discoveries, each moment awakening a new emotion, a new curiosity in his mind. The sounds, the colors, the textures; every little experience was an adventure, a mystery to be unraveled.

Around him, life continued its course. The tribe, always on the move, prepared for the journey ahead. The land of Dorne , barren and desolate, was also a home, a land that required resilience and determination to survive.

The boy watched all of this with searching eyes, absorbing every detail, every bit of information. She didn't understand everything she saw, but in her own way, she was beginning to form a rudimentary understanding of the world around her.

As the days turned into weeks, the boy began to grow, to change. His body became stronger, more resistant, a reflection of the hard earth in which he had been born. And as he grew, so did his parents. With each passing day, her love for the boy deepened, her hopes for his future grew stronger.

And as the sun set on the Dornish desert , marking the end of another day, Yoren and Elia looked up to their son, the Dornish Sun , with love and hope in their hearts. Because they knew that no matter what challenges the future might bring, their son would be ready to face them.

One more chapter, and tomorrow another three.

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