
Legacies no Campione

A Campione—a Godslayer—is a supreme ruler. Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the sacrosanct, divine powers wielded by the gods. A Campione—a Godslayer—is a lord. Since the power to kill a deity is in his hands, he therefore looms over all mortals on Earth. A Campione—a Godslayer—is a devil. The Legacies' no Campione, it's about Mike Stevens, a Boy a Campione on a trip to Romania. He hid in human society pretending to be normal, hiding his powers when he thought he got rid of the supernatural. Until one day. Mike ends up witnessing a fight between a girl transferred from his school fighting a Cyclops with the school principal. In that, the world that Mike had abandoned began to come back to him. The cover is not mine

corvinus · TV
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


"Fay, what the hell did you send Sonja to do here?" Mike spoke in front of a fire hologram

{Well my love! I only ordered her to take care of things in North America} Morgan spoke into the fire

"I already told you, Fay, the expansion of our territories cannot happen so fast!" Mike argued "If the other Campione's come back! we will have a divine war on our hands"

"But, my love, if we leave other Campiones' territories unattended, gods may start using them as a base" Morgan countered "If that happens we will have a new age of gods, do you think the humans and supernaturals of this age can handle it?" with the age of the gods?"

As much as Mike believed in humanity's potential. He was sure that humans would not survive even 10 years in the age of the gods.

In less than 10 years, humanity would be practically extinct with the age of the gods returning. Morgan wasn't wrong, but she wasn't right either.

If any Campione came back and found their territories taken, he/she would put on a show.

"You're right, but take it easy ok?" Mike replied with a sigh

"Yes, my love, I always take things easy!" Morgan replied, "Now, who is this Mikaelson girl you said you were going to get for you?"

Morgan's tone completely changed from calm and serene to calm and furious.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to her?" morgan asked

"No my dear little fairy" Mike joked "I was teasing the apostle of chaos, I don't think I'll catch the freak"

"Ummm, my love, no need to hide it, we have a deal don't we, as long as you make it clear who your wife is, you can take whoever you want" Morgan nodded "if you're going to take her for your whore collection, be sure to make it clear that she will only be that, a concubine"

"Of course my fairy!" Mike stated, "I know how jealous you are!"

It was clear that Morgan, who had most of her faerie blood, was very jealous. Fairies were selfish creatures by nature and exactly jealous of what they considered theirs.

Which caused a lot of trouble for mankind with fairies, clinging to children taking them from their parents, clinging to men and women taking them from their spouses

Burning crops for clinging to a land they consider theirs and even attacking gods that caused trouble in places that were under the "Protection" of the fairies

Which generated a lot of hatred in humans and gods, but the fairies were powerful by themselves, capable of facing gods, not killing them, but managing to scare them away.

So in the food chain, they were below the gods and Campione's who were predators of each other and above humans, demi-gods and other supernaturals Morgan was one of the most powerful and cruel fairies that existed, to the point of being feared by gods and Campione's in their glory days

"I'm going to turn off my fairy!" Mike stated "dream with me"

"Goodbye my love, I wanted to be with you!" Morgan affectionately stated

"Me too!" mike hung up


[Report on the 3 Campione

Sirs! something scary happens. Fairy Tail is conquering all of eastern Europe, the Voban Marquis' territories have been completely assimilated and their subordinate organizations destroyed!]

[I fear what could happen if the marquis returns! The world is about to go to war. Dark Prince Alec has already expressed his abhorrence of Fairy Tail's advance and warned that any advance by Fairy Tail into western Europe will not be tolerated]

[Japanese King Kusanagi Godou has already sent his first wife, Erica Blandelli, to try to negotiate with Fairy Tail as she has a lot of influence in Copper Black Cross, one of the biggest organizations in Italy]

[The negotiation did not last long and only ensured a delay in Fairy Tail's advances towards Asia and Western Europe, but, according to reports from members of Fairy Tail's upper echelons in the Americas]

[The Romanian King, Mike Stevens is also in America, we don't know his plans, but we'll keep an eye out]


"So shouldn't you be ruling the Fairy Tail branch now?" Mike approached Sonja "Are you procrastinating asshole?"

"My king! please don't compare me with you!" Sonja countered "I'm not as good at this art as you are, who only sleeps, eats, and fucks while the world burns"

"Hey, you don't need to carve too, right?" mike snorted

"I didn't insult my king! I only spoke facts!" Sonja hit back

"I know your conversation is good, but could you please pay attention in class?" Junior shouted looking at the two "I know that being raised by vampires made you uncivilized, but try to hide it while the witches are with us"

'This fucker said what?' Mike and Sonja thought together

half the room looked askance and the other half laughed, it wasn't uncommon to have a rivalry in school, Vampires, and witches have lived in love and hate for a long time

but, it doesn't change the fact that most witches have friends or boyfriends, or girlfriends vampires which made part angry.

Hope in turn lowered her head, she was used to the teacher's hints that ended up discovering her identity.

Luckily now she doesn't feel alone anymore since she had Sonja and Mike in the classroom. Even if they weren't as heavy on intimidation as it is with Hope

Since the professor wasn't just any wizard, but a wizard who had the misfortune to find Hope's father when the hybrid was in a bad mood.

"Hey you piece of shit" Mike's voice made everyone gasp "Did you talk to me?"

Hope looked back in shock to see a furious Mike glaring at the professor.

She then sought Sonja's help to make sure the boy didn't cause a fuss. But, the girl Sonja was with her hand on her face and moaning about something

"You filthy boy, just because you were raised by bloodsuckers doesn't mean you should lose your education!" Junior screamed hitting the table and causing Hope to shrink

"Filthy boy?" She saw Mike step forward "You don't know me, do you?"

Mike's voice was cold and filled with a sense of danger, Hope looked at Sonja and whispered 'do something, he's your friend isn't he?'

Their eyes met and Sonja looked at Hope with an annoyed face as if she was saying 'you're crazy, do you think I have the authority or even power to stop the angry king?'

Hope didn't catch Sonja's look and could only stare as Mike walked past her. She instinctively tried to pull him away so as not to start a fight.

But, at the last minute, she got a look from Mike and Mike's voice somehow rang in her ears "Freak! Stay out!"

Hope backed up at the time and looked confused at Mike "he knows"

Before she could say anything else, the teacher yelled "You stupid brat, I'm going to teach you a lesson, Crucio"

The teacher shouted throwing his hand at Mike and a ball of energy came out of his hand

"pain spell, run away" Hope shouted getting up to help Mike who was attacked

"I said stay out of this Freak!" Mike growled and as he turned towards Hope and then the spell hit him and a yellow light enveloped Mike and the spell bounced back in the yellow light coming back to the teacher

"AAAhhhhh" The teacher fell screaming to the floor while dying

"What was this?" Hope asked in shock "The spell just bounced back"

"None of your business" Mike replied


"Junior?" Caroline kicked in the door and saw Junior on the floor in agony "What the hell is going on"

"He insulted me and my family" Mike stated coldly "I hit back and he attacked me so I defended myself"

"Headmistress, he insulted me too! Me and Sonja" Hope shouted drawing attention to her "He insulted all the vampires in the school"

"I see" Caroline sighed and looked at Sonja "Is that true?"

"Yes he did" Sonja replied quietly biting her lip and looking at Hope angrily

'you idiot, what did you do? the king is angry and I want to distance him until he calms down so he doesn't take it out on me, now I can't distance myself you bitch' Sonja thought crying inside her face of disguised anger

Of course, Caroline let it bake thinking that the anger was against Junior and not Hope and so the 4 went to the secretary