This is a story that is taking place in the TVDverse in the legacies timeline. The whole world is AU so anything goes. English is not my first language so there can be some errors and I will rely on you the readers to help me fix those problems.
Father invited me to go to the tailor he wanted a suit made for tomorrow's event. He texted me the location, it was in an old area in L.A. and I mean like really old, the area had old open markets, barbershops, saloons. It was like the area was stuck in the 80s or early 90s.
Josie was with Detective, Aunt Linda, Eve, and Mazikeen. They were doing dress shopping. I drove to the address and I entered the building, There was father, Uncle, and Daniel. The shop looked old and the interior was fully made of wood, father was getting measured and Daniel and Uncle were sitting and sipping drinks.
They saw me and Uncle said, "Hey Lucy Lucas is here."
I smiled and a woman came and gave me a drink, I was a bit confused but my father said "Don't worry they know about us. I helped their Great great grandfather in time of war and they now make my suits."
The older guy smiled and walked up to me and said "So you are Lucifer's son huh? You look like him. Come Ange will take your measurement."
I smiled and sipped my drink and it was smooth, I stood on a stand and Ange took my measurements, and I asked: "Uncle you are not getting a suit?"
He chuckled and said, "Suits are more your father's thing I will wear my traditional garb."
I asked "Daniel?"
He said, "Oh, I got measured, I am just waiting for my suit's material and design."
Father then looked at me and asked "You look a lot chipper today. What happened did you get some?"
I chuckled and said, "I did."
Father then smiled and said "Ohh, so tell me how was it? Were you any good?"
I then said, "I don't really feel like talking about that."
Father then said, "Oh, come on share, I mean how bad it can be?"
I smiled and said, "It was fun and enjoyable."
Father then laughed and said, "Oh, come on I need a bit more than that was she happy?"
I smiled and nodded and said "Yeah, I mean last night was amazing and not really because of sex... I mean sex was amazing, I kinda felt like we connected on a very different level you know I even told her I love her."
Uncle looked happy and said "I am happy that you have found someone Lucas. I am glad to know that you won't have to worry about Hope."
I looked at him and he looked at me and I sighed and I asked: "I thought Aunt Linda won't talk about it?"
He said, "It kinda slipped up during a conversation."
Father then asked, "What is this Hope thing?"
I then explained the situation and father said "So you are telling me you Love Josie and are unsure about Hope? I thought that you were past that?"
I shrugged my shoulders and said, "No I am still stuck on it." There was an awkward silence and I said "I know I sound like a scumbag right about now, but the thing is I just can't shake this thing, I mean Hope and I have soo much in common and I am somehow drawn towards her and I want to stop but I don't really want to stop, I can't stop."
We then sat down and father asked "What will you do if she says that she has feelings for you what will you do?"
I sighed and said, "I will tell Josie as to how I feel and whatever happens after that I will take responsibility."
Uncle then said, "Lucas, I think you should just give up in Hope, you know?"
I said, "I would if I knew how to, but I just can't and I don't think I will be able to stop myself if she says she has feelings for me... She literally tossed herself into a hellish pit so that all of us can be safe... I mean she deserves some semblance of happiness."
Father then said, "Lucas, I don't want to be rude but your selfishness will ruin three people."
I sighed and said, "I know."
I then got a picture from Josie she was wearing a black dress that leaves her shoulders uncovered, instead, it's supported around her neck and flows down into a graceful semi-sweetheart neckline. It's a loose fit which makes the dress both enjoyable to wear and look at. Her arms are completely uncovered.
The dress' waist is narrow, but it's a slim fit. A cloth ribbon has been wrapped around her and tied in the front. Below the waist, the dress widens and has a ruffle style towards the bottom. The dress reaches all the way down to the ground and is slightly longer in the back.
She's wearing t-straps, an ideal match for this dress. To top it all off she's wearing a bow in her hair and one simple, but elegant bracelet.
(Josie's Pov)
I was with Lucas's "Family" I guess, we were shopping for dresses, this was Linda's plan she said it will give us time to bond.
I was sitting down and Detective was looking through dresses with Mazikeen and I was with Linda and Eve. Eve then asked: "So you are Lucas's girlfriend?"
I smiled and said, "Yeah, I am Josie I believe this is our first time meeting?"
Eve then said, "Yeah, I am Eve I am Mazikeen's Girlfriend."
I then asked, "Are you like humans?"
She chuckled and said, "Yeah, I get it, this is your first time around celestials all this must be overwhelming for you?"
I laughed and said "I mean I have spent my life with werewolves, vampires, and witches but then Angels and God. I mean this is a little bit too overwhelming."
Linda then placed her hand on my shoulder and said "I know, I was a mess when God had a family dinner at my house I mean talk about pressure."
I was surprised and asked, "Wait really?"
She said, "Yeah, like God, Lucifer, Amenediel, and Micheal and Me we were having a family dinner and it didn't go all too well. They are the most powerful dysfunctional family."
I then asked "What is it that I should expect from you know?.. You know what I am trying to say right?"
Linda chuckled and said, "I get what you mean, from a normal human's perspective they are all like giant celestial babies and I mean all of them."
I then chuckled and said, "It's a good thing that I am with Lucas then."
Linda then looked at me and said "Josie... Lucas may look like he is well adjusted but he is not."
I was confused and asked, "What do you mean?"
She sighed and said, "He has some issues with his mother and he acts like it didn't affect him but it has in more than one way."
I then said "I mean he did say that after his mom died he just shut off some of his emotions. You think it may have caused more problems?"
Eve then interrupted and said, "Okay Linda, you are not opening your shop here" She then handed me a dress and said, "and Josie I think you should try this dress."
I then went to change and thought about what Linda had said and decided not to think much about it, I then sent a pic to Lucas and he said that I looked beautiful in it.
We then went to have lunch and we talked there and I asked the detective "Are you nervous I mean you will be Mrs. God?"
She chuckled and said, "Honestly this just feels like a dream, I mean Lucifer becoming God, but I am excited to help him in any way I can."
She then asked "How is Lucas really like I mean we didn't get to interact with him. How is he generally like when not under stress?"
I said, "I mean he is nice he is kind to everyone, always tries to help others, always tells the truth, he cares about his friends, he is smart and dumb at the same time, he is humble and..." I didn't realize until later that I had this stupid grin on my face.
And Eve said "Oh, no need to stop. Go on."
I was embarrassed and said, "I am sorry I just."
Chole then said "I get it you like him. It is normal."
I then said, "It's just that when I am with him, everything just feels different, I like everything he does, even the stupid things he does." I then nodded my head and asked "Anyway can we just change the topic?"
They then teased me a bit and we then talked about how Mazikeen will be the queen of hell now and Eve is going with her, I am still getting the hang of heaven and actual hell. After Lunch was over Linda gave me a ride to the Hotel.
I then got off and Linda sent me a text:-
Linda said, His problems may have also had something to do with Hayley.
I said, Her ex, it is like a sore topic for him, he doesn't like to talk about it.
Linda said, Convincee him to talk about her. Otherwise, he will not be able to heal, he doesn't have to talk to me even just speaking about her may help him.
I didn't know what it was but I think I should talk to him about it. If she says that it can help her then I will.
(Lucas's Pov)
After getting our measurements done we then hung at a bar, Daniel was adjusting well among people it seems like he is getting the hang of being a Vampire. The tailor said that the suit will be done by tomorrow I walked into my room and I saw Josie and she had made a table for us.
She was wearing the same dress as before She then came to me and kissed me and I smiled and said, "You look ravishing love, but can I ask, why are you wearing this dress?"
She smiled and said, "I wanted to try the dress."
I then smiled and sat down and we started to eat and she asked "So how was your day?"
I smiled and said, "Well, I spent some time with my father and we bonded over our passion for suits and alcohol, uncle and Daniel found it quite amusing."
She chuckled and I said, "Oh, come on what else I am going to talk about with him, those are the only thing common between us, and besides you can really get to know the man by the type of suits he wears and the type of drinks he likes." I then smiled and asked, "How was your day?"
She said, "Well, I got to bond with everyone over the fact that all of the celestials are a bit weird."
I smiled and said, "I know it's like none of them doesn't have any maturity, all of them are cocky and think that they are better than you." She then looked at me and started to laugh and I said: "Oh, come on I am better than my several thousand uncles and Aunts, did you know that Aunt Remeil once wanted to kill Charlie? My however weeks old cousin."
She choked and asked "What?!"
I said, "Yeah, they all are pretty weird, it was a good thing that I took care of Micheal and Gabriel, I just hope that someone doesn't do the same to us."
She then looked at me and I said "You... know... trying and kill us and all... or something? Whatever let's just change the topic."
She looked at me and smiled and said "I wish we can get to that point one day."
I then smiled and said "The way we act that day may come sooner than later~"
She then blushed and said, "If you don't mind me asking can I ask something?"
I smiled and said, "Of course you can ask."
She then looked at me and hesitantly said "Nothing let's just have dinner, okay?"
I nodded and we had a nice meal but I understood that Aunt Linda had said something to her. I am never going back to her for help.
Hello readers,
I hope that you liked the chapter, I know that the chapter may feel a bit off it is because I was trying to do something but then decided to remove that part because it felt a bit out of place.
Please also join the discord server some people already have and know about some upcoming stuff about the FF and had also helped with this very chapter.
I would like to thank DevinelyChaotic and TheLonelyGod they have helped me with this chapter.
Please leave a comment on the chapter if you liked it or not and thank you to the people who voted.
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