
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

United in bed during reunion

            The major timetables majority never failed to attend were dinning, especially dinner and night parties. Money wasn't their problem as they really planned and estimated very well. They had assorted meals prepared under the instructions of the head cook at their eatry. They also had rich drink as much as they wanted. Everything they ate and drank there had already been paid for. The enjoyment was there and everyone tried as much to enjoy. There was one particular timetable majority of them also failed to attend as well. They termed it to be very boring and exhausting. That certain timetable was morning jogging. It was definitely put there by Bruno who was a sports hob.

A remarkable day at Bema garden was one night party they had. The very first party they had after their arrival, that was the second day of reunion. To be condoned, they weren't the only ones at the garden resort, some other persons like them also came there to have fun and spend some time with their loved ones. The night parties were always general, wasn't meant for certain people and whatever expenses one made there, wasn't inclusive in their already settled business.

The moment of preparation for the party was so personal to Bruno and Enola as if they were planning to show off some stuffs. They had nice fabrics on them, Bruno who always loved appearing cooperate wore a lovely suit, a tinted black suit with his Scottish shoe. That time, he didn't wear his usual mirror shoe, Scottish got him covered. The properly aligned haircut he had recently before the commencement of the reunion and the exotic perfume he was wearing made him look lovely and stylish. Enola who on her own knew how to appear quite very sexy and breathe taking wasn't left behind. He human hair which worth hug amount of money made her look leveled and he lips were red. She wore a foreign dinner gown like someone that was going for a dinner date. The lining on the gown exposed some part of her laps, the daring laps that no one avoided to look at it.

When they walked into the party arena, the ground felt their presence as all attention were focused on them. Their dressing took the glamor of the night event and the place they sat, immediate attention was given to them.

      "What can we offer you sir…. Ma'am?" a waitress asked politely with shimmers of smile.

     "Let me see the menu first", Bruno requested and the waitress handed the menu over to them.

       "Babe, what should we order for?" he asked Enola as he brought the menu closer to her.

They made one or two orders and the waitress noted the order. She left them to get what they ordered as they looked around to see what others were doing.

Not long ago, the waitress returned back with what they ordered for and then, they started enjoying themselves.

The foods were assorted and the drinks were exotic, they had sorts of wine brought to their table according to what they ordered.

Not long, they were done with the meals and drinks. They were already getting high as a result of the amount of alcohol they took. They decided to join the dancing. They were fully aware that they took lots of alcohol, they still stepped out to dance, maybe the alcohol was the enzyme that helped them to decide on the dancing. As they stepped out amidst other couples that were already dancing, they had chosen to dance like the Western world. The dance was so beautiful and flowing like they had practiced before they appeared on the dancing floor. Their moves were nearly perfect and people wondered if they were really putting up a show of their own after series of rehearsals. But I guess, they were already being controlled by the well flavored milky wine they took. They were already getting tired, I wonder if they would be able to find their way back to guest room they were lodging. But they had to go on their own as many of them that attended the party were busy with themselves. They staggered and managed to step out from the dance arena and made their way back to their room.

  When they got to the staircase, they couldn't hold themselves back again, they were already kissing from the staircase making their way to the room.

      "Let's get inside first, here's not safe", Enola suggested amidst suction of the two lips.

They staggered still as they moved on and on getting to the door, he battled to unlock the door with his card. Because his eyes weren't too clear again, it really took him sometime to be able to unlock the door. Boom!! the door went wide open and Bang!! It went shut at the same time as they immediately skipped in.

The bed was too soft to carry them as they were struggling to pull off their lovely dresses that had been turned to unmannered dressing. They struggled amidst the romance they were having, no one wanted to let go so that the other would pull off first. Finally, their clothes were already separate from their body and the nude picture of themselves were in sight. He moved his hands gently towards Enola's breast region and massaged her breast so dearly that Enola's hand began to settle down towards Bruno's dick. The wetness of Enola pussy led the long thick stroke of Bruno to be plugged inside her absorbable organ.

     " oh..oh…oh..oh ..easy baby..oh….oh", she moaned.