
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Overwhelmingly cold


         I had earlier on made a constructive prophecy that came out of simple imagination and suspicion about something relating to cold and ice on conjunction with the winter. Seemed I was right though, I'm always right. The winter comes with unimaginable cold, sometimes overwhelming and brutal. We all know that living things like to take cold substances but in ourselves, we don't want to get extremely cold as the substance. How dare venture into the ice road or ice water, seems death is beaconing on you. No one with his or her right senses goes in contact with ice. That's the same way it is with our lives. When we are cold within, we scare people away likewise when we are too hot. Life needs to be balanced at all cost.

The truth having been revealed, everyone knew who was who and what they did. Those that still had conscience hid their faces in disappointment and disgrace. They were literally turn apart. No one had the temerity to talk to another as they all felt the depth of what happened. After they met that day, there was not meeting again for a very long while. They stopped talking to themselves, stopped calling and stopped visiting. People kept wondering if everything was ok. No one was told what happened to them, they just felt it was normal for people to come together and at some point, distance themselves. There own case was different as the reason for their distancing was valid and hurting. None of them had the mind to say anything to outsiders. They all kept them to themselves.

There was one certain time, Enola's mother was so inquisitive about why her friends stopped visiting and she said nothing about them and likewise, haven't see her happy in a while. She would always come up with reasons to end the conversation. Sometimes she would lie that everyone was busy, sometimes that few of them traveled. Talking about traveling, as Enola's mother heard that some of them traveled, she decided to persuade Enola to also travel to the coast side and be with her father for some times.

She bought the idea as it would help her to disentangle for the Paragons and have her own time to meditate and reason what next to do. He mind needed to be eased off, she was almost emaciated because of constant thinking and worries.

On the other hand, Bruno who also got hurt though he was the one that started the whole mess up. He took his body building exercise seriously and work too. He tried to preoccupy his mind to avoid uneasy thinking. 

Michelle and Ella automatically stopped being as close as they were. They detached entirely from one another. No one called and no one texted. Everyone suddenly had what she was doing and had no time for chats.

Ekaris who got himself into the mess because of his selfish reasons also hid his face entirely. To show you how bad this was, two siblings were involved in the total mess up. Michelle and Ekaris couldn't even communicate well in the house. They see themselves as weird and selfish individuals. Could it be that it was in their family gene. Was that the way every other member of the family behaved…..maybe it was a habit and not a transferred gene.

Clinton had nothing to worry about, just like usual, nothing concerned him. The Bruno and Enola's issue, the Ekaris and Enola's issue, the Michelle and Bruno's issue, the Ekaris and Ella's issue were never his worries as he never committed his mind to that kind of mess. That was the time he had full freedom and space to embrace his work. He gave in every energy and time to his work and the yields were quite rewarding as he was gradually turning to the richest amidst being the youngest.

        "Hey guy, what's up", Bruno sounded on the phone as he called Clinton since he was the only one he was able to talk to at the moment.

        "Been busy lately bro…..work seems very tight. Hope there's no issues bro", he asked after complaining at first.

        "Everything is fine just that there is something I want to discuss with you….or rather I want to tell you".

         "What is that bro….. I'm all ears".

         "I have a plan of moving out to another country".

        "Are relocating or you just want to take a trip?" he asked Bruno just to make sure of what he was saying.

         "I just want to receive fresh air and know if I would be able to start up in a new land".

          "I understand bro, when do you plan leaving?" 

         "Weekend I guess, no other person knows about this, tell them when I have gone already ok".

         "Ok bro, have a safe trip as you go", the phone call ended and that was the last time.