
Chapter: 1

Sunshine Company is one of the most successful and leading companies dealing in weapons in America. The new successor of the company, President Arnold is a young man of 26 who took over his renowned father's company. He is a highly successful businessman who excels in every deal he lays a hand upon. His father couldn't be more proud of him. Currently they're searching for a suitable bride for his capable and handsome son, Jason Arnold, a six feet two, with blonde hair with pointed features. He is the dream prince of any girl in the whole country. But he can't seem to like anyone till now.

So his father decided to set him up for a blind date with the only daughter of his friend, Eric Silverstone, a reputed leading army general currently retired, Erin Silverstone. She's beautiful and a perfectionist. But she loves someone else, not rich but 'loyal' to her. Erin is upset with her blind date setup. So she ran away with her girlfriends to lighten up her mind.

The night was filled with romance, the girls entered the "Bonne Nuit" bar to chill and drink. "Look there's a handsome sitting at 9'o clock of us Erin, how about you bring any of his stuffs to us. We're betting it." One of her friends suggested. "Hmph sure~ It's an easy task. I'll be right back" she winked and went towards the stranger.

"Hey handsome mind me sitting here?~" she said in a seducing tone. The man looked up, he was none other than Jason Arnold himself. He smirked at her and patted the seat next to him, "Sure baby, please me." his smirk grew larger. 'Wanna play with me? You asked for it babe' he thought to himself. "So what's a beautiful girl like you doing here at this hour?" "Mhm nothing hon just wanted a small favour from you. Mind not..." she motioned with her eyes. He followed her eyes towards her friends and smirked. "Sure my pleasure babe". She lifted herself up on his lap, her hands snaking around his neck. Her hot breaths fell upon his face, and he looked up at her red glossy lipstick that enamelled her perfect lips. Then his gaze went down to her perfectly shaped body curves and a he gulped slightly. "Like what you see handsome?" she winked at her. He brought her chin down towards him almost kissing her. "Uh uh uh my work's done here hon. See ya again~" she winked and pursed her lips in a seductive smile and waved, with his necktie in one of her hands.

He was stunned for a second, but then smirked at her, "I promise I'll get you next time babe." He rose up from his seat and walked towards her, bringing his lips closer to her ears, warm steady breaths tickling her skin. "And I keep my promises" he whispered seductively. Her face heated up slightly and she stomped away in her red high heels. "I'll look forward to it" she waved him and sat across her friends.

"See it was a piece of cake~" Erin laughed at her friends. "Are you sure Erin? It seemed like he teased you." one of her friends chirped in. "Hmph shut up here you go his necktie happy now?" she packed up her belongings and got ready to go out. "Remember to return it to him later. See you around then~" saying this she left.

"I'm back father!" Erin shouted, placing her Prada purse in the centre piece of the drawing room. "You're back Erin. We need to talk about something. It's urgent." her father spoke. "Sure father, what is it?" she looked at him furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh and make it fast I need to meet Kyle soon." Her father sighed, "He's not right for you. He's a scum you should know it." "Father! If you need to say anything make it quick!" Erin lost her temper. "I arranged a blind date with my friend's son, he just returned from abroad last month and you better not say no! Or I'm cutting off your relationship with Kyle!" her father said in a stern voice and left the room. Erin stood there pure anger boiling in her stomach. "Whatever... I'm gonna ruin it anyways" she smirked to herself.


-The day of the blind date-

Erin dressed herself up in a beautiful black dress with matching heels and accessories. She was least interested in this date but she liked to look perfect wherever she goes. "Is it really necessary Father?" she asked pouting at him. "Absolutely it's best for you and our family relations." her father replied. "Ahh finally the true intentions are coming out!" Erin spat and left the house slamming the door behind her.

She was sitting in the café where she is supposed to meet her 'date'. "Hmph late on a date! Tragic!" she grumbled. The guy came up rushing towards her table, panting a little and then sat down. She looked up at him and her eyes widened, "Y-you!" He looked up at her with his eyes wide open and then chuckled, "Ahh if it isn't the beautiful foxy from the other night hmm?" he smirked at her. "I thought you'll be someone ugly!" she spat out and then chuckled. "Well whatever let's end this date fast and get in with our lives. I'm damn sure my father is spying on me right now." "What about scores that needs to be settled then?" he asked looking straight in her eyes. "What scores? That necktie? I'll buy you another one rest assured!" she winked at him. "Then let's go there now" he replied. She sighed and then mumbled "Fine...".

He opened the car door for her, and started the drive. She looked out of the window and found this place a bit strange. "Where are you taking me!?" she said angrily. "This isn't the mall!" "Settling our scores remember?" he simply said and continued to drive. He stopped his car near a hotel and motioned to her, "Come out now" She sat there, "I'm not coming with you anywhere!" Hearing this he yanked her towards himself and picked up her in bridal style. Soon they reached a room, which seemed like a presidential suite. He threw her on the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. "W-what are you doing!?" she half screamed looking at him. She tried to run but he caught her, pinning her arms above her head, "Don't try to run away honey....Pay the price for what you did that day" he whispered in her ears.