
Chapter One Hundred And Two - Jin Li can’t forgive nor forget

After Leon had returned to the Alchemist school, there was an aura than surrounded Jin Li that warned others away. In fact, there had always been this aura of separation. First years had always placed Jin Li within his own zone, recognising that he was stronger than them and using this as an excuse to not face him, not wanting to lose and knowing they would if they faced him. They were too inexperienced to understand that there are still lessons to be learned in facing a stronger opponent or even losing to one equal to them.

Many seniors had also recognised Jin Li's strength, but they would never admit to it. Some refused due to their own arrogance, so would not fight him or face the truth of their denial. Some feared him or feared losing to him, a first year! and revealing their own weaknesses. A minor few recognised his strength, but did not believe he had experience, so he was not worth facing. It could be said that this was one of the many reasons that they remained in the outer school and could only view the inner school from afar.

Sun was unique. He was immune to Jin Li's aura. But this time, even he noticed it.

It hung around him like a dark, oppressive cloud and no one seemed to have the ability to disperse it.

The martial arts students faced a series of compulsory lessons over the next couple of days; for the first years, the first lesson that they would have to suffer... to have, was a lecture from Teacher Vane. The man spoke of the events of the Standings, giving details of the outer school seniors performances from his own point of view. As most of the first years had watched with their own eyes those very performances, the students soon lost interest, their eyes glazing over and jaws hanging loose as they attempted not to yawn. Sun listened for all of ten minutes, having not witness his immediate peers fight, but he soon joined the rest of his classmates in wishing the time away.

So what if Senior Heus performed a 'bound standing fist' manoeuvre or that Senior Grus swiftly defeated a dire wolf with a 'shimmering blade' technique? Were these not common martial art moves? And wait, were these not your direct disciples, Teacher?

Jin Li, still wallowing in his mire of shadows, paid absolutely no attention to the lecture whatsoever. So it seemed his little alchemist had forgotten his transgressions... but why did that bother him? Many who drunk to excess acted strangely and then conveniently forgot their mistakes. He could easily pretend that the youth had not soiled his face with those soft, plush, damp lips... surely that was for the best... wasn't it?

"Jin Li," Sun whispered as Teacher Vane's back faced them once more, "are you alright? Your face is all red..." any other words he wished to add became stuck in his throat as the youth's eyes narrowed and seemed to become blacker that the legendary abyss.

The second lesson was conducted by one of the few female martial arts instructors, Teacher Eridana. The girls in class looked up to this woman in idolisation as she was famous throughout the region for her talents, her skills and her no nonsense attitude. The males in the class didn't look up at her, mainly their eyes were drawn to the other assets she was famous for. They were especially distracted when the Teacher performed a couple of advanced swordplay techniques that she wished for them to practice.

Sun knew the forms of these techniques as they had their origins in more basic manoeuvres. So long as one understood the roots, one could adapt, with practice, to their advanced forms. Sun was fairly quick when it came to learning new things, he had believed that it had been his physique and stilted cultivation that had set him back. Now the latter was fixed and he had learned that it was his mental attitude not his body that was at fault, he no longer had obstacles to his learning.

With a light sheen of sweat upon his brow, he successfully performed the technique in front of the enchanted fighting dummy. He glanced at Jin Li with a grin seeking praise, only to note that the youth had not even withdrawn his sword. He was staring without seeing at a random spot in the stands and his aura even seemed to be manifesting in Sun's eyes. "J-J-Jin Li?" He stuttered with a slight squeak.

Jin Li, who had decided that he did wish Leon to recall, but even if he didn't, he ought to punish him regardless, was startled out of his dark musings by the stuttering voice and whipped around to see, not the awkward and small Leon, but the increasingly nervous Sun. He clicked his tongue, unsheathed his sword and with both beautiful and elegant form, performed the techniques he was supposed to be practicing, before sheathing his sword and walking away. The dummy fell to the ground in pieces.

Now.. to decide the form of punishment...