
Chapter One Hundred And Ninety Six - I am not qualified

The Headmaster's house was traditional in style manor in the fact that it was made up of a series of connecting courtyards, had an inner and outer spaces, meant for family and guests respectively and was surrounded by a large wall with gated openings, a large ostentatious one at the front and a discreet one at the side. However, in all truth, the wall was decoration, the manor was sprawled over various mountain-platforms and the pathways weaving through gardens and connecting the courtyards were mostly formed of stairs and bridges. This manor should have been filled with a hundred people; family and servants, but there was a silence to the whole place that only was disturbed by the mountain winds.

The Headmaster well and truly valued his privacy. So much so, in fact, that there was no road leading to the manor, but a fixed receiving array positioned a few metres outside the first gate. This is where the Teachers, Headmaster and two students arrived. Jin Li had managed to tag along.

The Headmaster lead them through the first and second gates, into the outer rim of the manor. He then lead them towards the setting sun, along a path that weaved through various spiritual grasses, all fresh and purely scented. Sagi's eyes twitched as he spotted a rare stalk or two, but he knew fully well that these herbs were kept for ornamental purposes, so no matter how much he coveted them, he could do nothing. Over a bridge that spanned a small chasm and they came to another garden that forked into two paths. The Headmaster continued west and over another bridge, this one close to an imposing waterfall. Despite their closeness to the roaring water, not a drop spilled upon their clothing.

Finally they arrived upon another plateau, an a modest courtyard. There was no wall about the courtyard, being no need as the edges of the courtyard were a sheer drop down several hundreds of metres. The property consisted of a two wings and the main home. The Headmaster's large study and library took up the entirety of the west wing and so that was where he took them. Not sure how it came to be there, but two large pots of tea were steaming upon the table and six cups were sitting in wait.

"Let's chat," the Headmaster indicated that everyone should help themselves to a seat and a drink, before sitting in a large and comfortable looking chair at his desk, stroking his dark beard.

"Leon, I've been watching you a while," the Headmaster admitted, "in fact since you first created your improved beast calming pill, before all of that business with the Caprian boy. I don't get involved with social situations, I won't save a student from personal problems and tribulations. Those sorts of things will either break or temper a person, if it is the former then I can say they are not likely to ever cultivate to the higher stages. This is life.

"I admit that I thought you would be one to break, but despite the fact that you suffered and there has been some lingering effects of what occurred back then, you have blossomed into an admirable young man and excellent alchemist."

"Wait, Headmaster," it was Teacher Sagi that interrupted his musings, "do you mean to say, that you were considering making Leo... Leon as a core student?" He changed the form of address for his student seeing as this is what the Headmaster called him and what the martial arts student called him. He wasn't certain why Leo's name had changed, but he would delve into that mystery another time.

"Yes," the Headmaster agreed. "Leon has the talent and ability. Why would I not?"

"Then you know about his carvings as well?" Volun's eyes began to sparkle, still wanting to unravel this part of the mystery that was Leon. The Headmaster naturally agreed with a nod. "Do you know how he came to have that ability?"

"Isn't it down to his root?" The Headmaster replied, more in statement than in question.

"What do you mean?" This time it was the Healer who spoke up. "It's just a star root, a little tertiary root."

"Hmmm," the Headmaster stroked his long beard and a slight look of melancholy appeared upon his face as if he was recalling a memory. "But did you know that the star root was once known as the celestial root?"

The Teachers made gagging noises, the Healer almost spurted out a mouthful of tea. Celestial root?

"Is th-that b-bad?" Leon couldn't help but ask.

"Not bad," the Headmaster replied. "Very rare, especially a pure celestial root such as your own. And very sought after, but not for good reasons, I am afraid. Celestial carvers, celestial forgers, celestial blacksmiths, all were sought for their ability to take the spiritual energy from within them and attach it to that which they made by their own hand. It made their items different from the norm, perhaps stronger, swifter, more powerful and... regardless, the circumstances have changed, so I can't make him a core student."

"Why not?" Teacher Sagi was disappointed. He felt all of his chosen students were worthy of the honour, of course, but none had succeeded. Leon having this ability, having this rare, beyond rare root, surely he was the worthiest so far...

"Hmmm, due to him," the large man pointed a fat finger towards the martial artist sipping tea rather contentedly, while ignoring practically everything else. It was good tea. Of course, being stared at by several sets of eyes will make anyone wary, thus Jin Li finally paid others attention, his eyes narrowing in question.


"This young man, Jin Li, was discovered by young Leon in less than ideal circumstances," the Headmaster began to tell a little of their tale. "He had just fallen through a tear between realms. Jin Li comes from the Higher Realms, is that not right?" The Teachers eyes widened and they shared glances. They were old, they had seen many things over the centuries, met many people, including those from the Higher Realms. But not a youth of Jin Li's age. A youngster of even his excellent cultivation was not likely to survive a trip between realms, even taking the regulated routes thought portals would be a risk to both his life and his cultivation.

"What of it?" Jin Li questioned, haughtily.

"And what does that have to do with Leon?" Teacher Sagi queried.

"Jin Li naturally wishes to return home," the Headmaster replied. "And will take his Dao Companion with him, will he not?"

"Dao Companion?" They looked at the boys, thinking their relationship has reached this level?

"Dao Companion?" Whispered Leon to Jin Li, under his breath. He was questioning why the Headmaster would use this term to refer to himself. He never once considered that the Headmaster meant anyone else and he was not wrong. Jin Li simply gave him a smug smile in response.

"So this is what I propose," the Headmaster suggested. "Leon becomes a sort of honorary core student, with the same resources and protection and such, but without the request of loyalty towards the school, though I do hope you will remember us in the future, Leon." Core students were wanted to form a backbone for the institute, either as sponsors for it or as Teachers themselves for as long as possible, usually until they needed to ascend or until they died. If they could form a great many, no longer would they need to rely on the large sects and elite families money, and involve themselves in their schemes, but could just teach the talented and gifted as was the original purpose. "My only request is that you share your recipes for your improvements to the common pills that you have made. One can quite understand if you wish to hold onto the other recipes. Think about it, the beast calming pill, the one heart pill and those two interesting Energy Pills aren't worth a great deal of money in the long run, but would calm the curiosity of those wolves that want them. We also will protect your name in all of this and give you the resources you need to continue along your path of research."

"Energy Pills?" Sagi muttered, rubbing his temples in disbelief. "Other recipes?"

Leon glanced at Jin Li, who shrugged slightly. Jin Li couldn't deny what the Headmaster claimed was true and was also aware that in the long run, those pills really didn't made Leon much silver. And if he kept everything to himself and was found out, it may hurt him in the long run. There would be those after his secrets. Yet if he gave some away, it would keep those seeking him out busy, for at least a while. It was also clear the Headmaster was aware of the Improved Healing Blood Pill and the variant Burning Blood Pills, but was not asking Leon to share these as well. Basically give a little to gain a lot. But Jin Li could not make this decision for him.

Leon thought about it for a long while. In the end, he did not consider the improved recipes his and had only used them to make money to allow him to live more easily. He also knew that it would only take one bright person a short while to figure out the secret to the Variant Energy Pills, though the secrets to the Variant Blood Pills would be much harder for anyone to learn, even with the knowledge of the former. So in the end, he agreed to it. Leo had clearly been proud of being enrolled in this school and had never resented it for the fact he was bullied here. He felt that Leo would have eventually shared his inventions with the school for he'd never been thinking of the money, just the thrill of learning something new and discovering what no one else had.

"Excellent!" The Headmaster clapped his hands together, the flesh making a resounding slap. "A few last things, before you leave," he began his final words on the matter and turned first to the Teachers. "Word of what was spoken does not spread beyond these walls." He owning a celestial root had to be protected at all costs from those who sought to use them. "Have Jin Li's Teachers stop dilly dallying over his transferral into the Inner school, get it done! And about Leon's house..."