
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen - We try to fight back

"What are you doing?"

Three of the four visiting students had unsheathed their weapons, the fourth being a failed alchemist who had yet to admit to his incompetence.  When Tor had agreed to bring them here due to threats Caprian had made towards his family who were subordinate to his own, he hadn't ever imagined that the others would go so far as to draw weapons on Institute students!  Hadn't they thought about the consequences if they were caught?

But then, Tor realised bitterly and far too belatedly, Leon lived far from the eyes and ears of the outer school's Teachers, feeding these bastards fearlessness!  This was his mistake, he should not have listened to Caprian's threats.  Hadn't he already washed his hands of his fanatically loyal father?  And his older brother would likely be protected by Caprian's older brother, he already knew that their relationship was that good, very unlike the toxic one he'd formed with Caprian over the years.  And as for his mother... his heart was torn, but he knew she would be disappointed with him if he just stood back and ignored this, using her well being as his excuse.

He withdrew his long knife.  He wasn't a Martial Artist by any means, he'd been an alchemist before being accepted into the Beast Tamer's School, so his weapon skills were basic and mostly defensive.  Still he could be a meat shield for his friend for a short while, right?

"Leon, run!" He said, placing himself in between Caprian's group and Leon.  Xiao Xiao leapt to his side without being summoned, ready to fight with him.  Tor was humbled by the Cooshee's loyalty.  "Go now, we'll hold them off!"

But Leon hesitated.  He'd hoped that words would settle things with these people, so he was taken aback when they suddenly withdrew sword and whip to use against him.  Had he become too complacent, too protected in this world that he'd thought he'd acknowledged as being cold and violent as individuals strived to be the most powerful on the often lonely and sometimes bloody path of cultivation?  He'd thought he could endure it having experienced the harshness of the Shattered E Isles outside the umbrella of the Institute and away from Jin Li's sheltering arms.  But being faced with these cruel individuals holding weapons with the intent to harm and plunder, he once more fell into an internal panic and felt fear and powerlessness in his bones.

A flash of white and black crossed his vision and snapped him out of his daze and he found himself staring at Li Ming's massive behind.  The Coeurl roared, its voice echoing around the trees and foliage, sounding mighty and fine.  Leon stepped lightly to one side and placed a hand on Li Ming's leathery, scaled leg.  That's right, he wasn't completely powerless, he still had Li Ming!

Caprian flinched and rushed to hide behind a thick tree, gasping for breath even though the distance was not great.  The two Martial Artists who'd formerly been behind Caprian also faltered, but the Beast Tamer showed no fear, simply narrowing his eyes and flicking his whip at his side.  His last Beast had not long died, the useless thing, and he had yet to hunt for a new pet.  This Coeurl had not long reached adulthood and seemed not bad.  It would do at least until he could obtain something more impressive.  He flicked his whip once more before stepping forward, swung it above his head and let the vicious length fly towards the beast.

The white and black striped Coeurl was a sheltered Beast, it had not known true discomfort.  When these people threatened its Human, it's first thought had been to act as Wu Ye would!  It had never imagined that the long vine like thing wrapped in circles upon waists could actually hurt so much when it was stretched out and used like this!  Red blood seeped from its front paw and it yelped miserably, but before it could lick the wound, the thing hit its shoulder and it screamed once more!

"Li M-Ming!" Leon felt its pain as if it was his own.  The blue of the Cooshee seemed to streak over, its jaws snapping at the Beast Tamer.  The whip was used to block those sharp teeth from making contact.  At this point, the Martial Artists had regained their wits and hurried forward.  One swung its sword at Xiao Xiao, while the other rushed forward to threaten Tor, not yet able to get to Leon.

Xiao Xiao yelped, unable to avoid completely the flurry of attacks from both the Beast Tamer and Martial Artist it faced.  Tor cried out for it, but he was unable to help it, struggling to defend himself as it was.  Leon had stuffed a couple of One Heart pills into Li Ming's mouth without thought and now could only look on at the chaos to occur during that moment of inattention. 

Xiao Xiao was bleeding and struggling to defend itself, Tor had been pressed to the ground, his weapon fallen off to one side and Li Ming's large body was trembling beside him.  He felt pained and wondered if he shouldn't just give into their demands, but seeing their cruelty and greed, would they really be satisfied with just a modified pill recipe? 

The first Martial Artist took note of him at that moment, feeling triumphant in his bones.  He exchanged glances with the Beast Tamer, who nodded in understanding, capturing the weakened Cooshee's attention while his friend dealt with the weak alchemist.  They would take everything this little peasant had and teach him to respect them, sons of Nobles and descendants of Kings!  Perhaps if his value was as Caprian suggested, they would let him live, force him to provide them with pills and recipes, drain him of his miserable worth and make him thank them for it! As for Caprian himself, that weakling could just go die, they no longer had a need for him!

Leon hesitated once more when he noticed that Martial Artist approach him, but a sudden notion entered his head and he quickly fumbled with his pouch.  Fortunately he'd organised the space within the interspacial pouch well and he found what he sought as rapidly as he'd found the One Heart Pill just then.  Pushing Li Ming while murmuring a quick instruction in its ear, he threw the two round objects in his fingers at the chest of the youth approaching him with wicked intent.

The youth was well trained, using his sword to beat away the thrown objects, but only one actually was diverted from its path. A stench like nothing describable suddenly emanated from the blade. It was so potent that it appeared almost visible, oozing from the shining surface like a green-grey smoke. Taken by surprise, the Martial Artist paused to hold his nose. Leon, who was already holding his breath, ignored the stream of liquid that still leaked from his eyes despite expecting the horrid aroma, took advantage of his hesitation and hurried towards Tor, calling out as he did.

"Xiao Xiao!" He tossed several One Heart Pills to the injured beast, hoping it had the chance to consume it.

His call caught the attention of more that the Cooshee, but the first Martial Artist was struggling not to vomit and couldn't chase Leon at that moment. The second Martial Artist, who'd been in the process of tormenting Tor as he lie struggling to defend himself, paused before switching targets. Only, he did not notice the small pill that had fallen close to his feet, until a blinding light burst from it, catching his attention and stealing away his vision. He swore as his fingers covered his eyes, the pain in them piercing and intense. His sword was naturally dropped.

Leon ran still out of his range, reaching for Tor whose arms had been pierce over and over by the tip of the Martial Artist's sword, not enough to maim, but enough that Tor was losing blood and in a lot of pain. Fortunately, Leon had a habit of carrying plenty of healing pills on his person, so despite freely giving out his Improved pills like this, he still had enough for Tor as well. Just unlike the beasts, his body could only handle one, but it would be enough to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process.

"C-c-can you g-get up?" Leon whispered hurriedly. Tor nodded, but he was shaking visibly as he got to his feet.

The putrid scent and blinding flash faded quickly; these were just 'prank' level trick pills after all and Leon knew that what would remain would be two angry Martial Artists, not to mention the Beast Tamer, who may have suffered somewhat in the range of the two pills. Xiao Xiao had been able to disengage itself from said Beast Tamer to eat a healing pill, but was not out of danger as yet.

Just as when Leon struggled to think on what to next, deep grumbling roars coupled with deep sarcasm caught everyone's attention.

"This Lord thought I smelled something as bad as that girl's tea... turned out to be just some low life scum. Should this Lord thank the Heavens for small mercies?"

An update! I am trying to stockpile chapters and get back into a routine. For now, I can say that the next chapter of SLTLAC will be out next Tuesday (GMT). Thank you for your patience.

Ebonsolariscreators' thoughts