
Chapter Fourteen - We go window shopping!

The gossip about the brazen servant girl would die down in this sort of place as quickly as it flared up for there would always be news or tales to replace it. So it was really not dwelled upon overly. And like a blazing fire that had swept through short dry grasses, the matter was over as quickly as it began. Mond had chastised the male servants he'd assigned to the guest courtyard for allowing the girl to slip into Jin Li's bedroom, though not too harshly as he also was aware that they had been chased out of the courtyard for the most part by the guests in question. Sun had snorted, when he had heard the news; who knew better than him that no female could interest the man who was first wed to his alchemist and secondly to his sword. Hadn't many girls in school tried and failed to gain his attention?

As for the man at the centre of this storm himself...

Jin Li woke to find that his bare chest had not the warmth of blankets, but was instead covered by a long silken mane of yin yang hair and his skin at his collar was subject to the soft breaths of his sleeping alchemist. He didn't bother to wonder over the time, the pair had experienced coital bliss deep into the night, his lover as deeply involved as he. His smooth fingers had gripped Jin Li's arms as the other moved above him, his pelvis lifting to allow their connection to deepen more than normal and not a few times did he call out his name in pleasure. Jin Li has lost himself in the depths of this welcome embrace more than once and would have done so again, were it not for Leon passing out in the end.

So as this was the case and neither man stirred until the sun had reached its zenith point, neither knew what had occurred to the maid, nor did they hear any of the gossip, for by the time Sun dared disturb them for a midday meal, the servants were whispering that fourth Son had possibly impregnated his seventh concubine's personal maid...

Following six bowls of rice, a plate of strips of smoked bacon, a cup of sweet potato soup and five steamed buns, Jin Li placed down his chopsticks and reached for the fresh cup of tea that Leon had poured for digestion. "This Lord feels as if one has lazed around enough," he declared after emptying his cup.  "What to do?"

"Is it t-too late t-t-too explore the city?" Leon asked, demurely, the slightly hoarse tone of his overused voice making Jin Li terribly itchy once more. He settled for stroking the other man's throat gently with his fingers, feeling the gem within move in response.

Before Sun could gleefully offer to take them on a tour of the city, showing them all of the places he used to hang out when he lived here, an older maidservant came to find him.

"Young Master, Second Madam wishes to speak with you," the woman had the same no nonsense tone as the one who'd come to collect him the other day. Sun pouted, but acquiesced in the end. If he didn't that woman was sure to come to him later and use tears to make him feel guilty. And Jin Li was not one for leaving him an escape route. Why would he? This probably suited him better!

He was not wrong in his thoughts; this did suit Jin Li better. If Sun left, it would be just he and his small alchemist once more. What was there not to like?

The Ramas Palace was not located in the most prominent inner ring of the city, but it was in the next best location; the northern section of the city. The land beneath this location was a web of clear rivers and streams with parcels of land on which the affluent northern town was formed. It was spectacularly beautiful with parks and paved roads separating the large residences.

Large ornate carriages were pulled by strong, healthy looking equines, while smaller, less ornate ones traipsed behind pulled by the lesser cousins known as horses. There was a politeness as one train of carriages pulled over to exchange words with another train going in the opposite direction and once priority had been established, one of the trains would allow the other to pass. Curtains flickered in both carriages as the occupants evaluated the prestige and wealth of the other, though if there was discontent or disdain, it was kept out of public sight.

Naturally, this had nothing to do with Jin Li and Leon, who walked along the side of the paved road, deeper into the pristine streets until the stately homes melted away revealing something else. Where there was money, there would be naturally places to spend it. The line of businesses included two restaurants, a fine fabric and dress shop, a pavilion of jewellery and a store that produced exquisite weaponry. And naturally, there was also an auction house. Of course, none of these establishments were going to offer their products and services for small silver.

Leon shuddered over the eye-watering cost of the rare and seemingly vibrant honey moon rose within the Majestic Herb emporium. Seemingly...

"This rose has been grown from a seed obtained from the Cardinal King's Imperial consort's treasured garden," a haughty salesman approached them, with considerable contempt in his tone. "And as everyone is aware, the Imperial Consort is the granddaughter of the sect leader of the highly notable Heaven Arts Medicinal Sect. Each and every herb within her garden could be considered priceless. This rose may be out of your particular range."

Jin Li ignored each and every word spilling from the marks mouth, simply turning to his small alchemist with one simple question; "Do you want it?"

Leon shook his head. It was stupidly overpriced, plus if he ever did need the petals or leaves from the rose, he could ask his Senior Brother, Stygar, to pluck a few from his specimen. At least that one was healthy. "N-no," Leon voiced aloud, before turning to the salesman with a generous smile. "It h-has Rose P-pox. You sh-should g-get it t-treated, less it sp-spreads."

They left the flabbergasted salesperson and left the store. Leon had only ever intended to window shop here. He could see from the elegance of the architecture to the silk adorned clothing of the patrons that his purse, no matter how healthy it had become in recent times, it would not stretch to afford the obscene prices of products within the stores. Jin Li also carried a purse upon him. It probably held no more that Leon's but as usual, the other man had little concept of cost, thus he would willingly part with it all without question if he wanted something.

Fortunately, just as Leon had spied that the herbs and plants within the Herb Emporium were more glitz than glamour, such was also true of the Victory Lies Within Excellence weapon's store. Unlike Leon, who had shown a little tact in the Herb Emporium, Jin Li's uncensored tongue felt too lazy to apply filters. "They call this a sword?" He sneered as he withdrew a long, slender blade from its protective sheath. The silver metal shimmered in the light of the store, but its colouration was bland in comparison to the twinkling rubies set within its finely moulded handle. "Isn't this just an ornament pretending to be a weapon?"

The shop's representatives were angered and embarrassed and wished to shoo the youth out of their store, but his aura declared that they shouldn't attempt to, thus could only swallow the insult. As it happened, they managed to restore their battered pride after the disagreeable youth left, for someone bought that ruby encrusted sword with a handful of glittering golden coins.