

A young man wiped the sweat from his forehead as he walked on the trails. His short black hair swayed in the air. His brown eyes half covered by his droopy eyelids. His lips frowning as he had a look of tiredness.

Tim paused for a moment before taking off his backpack. He decided to rest for a bit as he grabbed some food and water from his backpack.

"Ha, I can't believe that this trail would be so hard to walk on." He mumbled to himself. Tim had wanted to hike here because he wanted to experience something different from his normal life but unlike his expectations hiking was a lot more energy consuming than he thought.

After about 5 minutes of resting he stood up and went onwards with his hiking.

While walking Tim felt really bored. He had started this hike 2 hours ago but even now this trail had almost nothing but the same looking trees and maybe, just maybe he would see some new planets. He didn't know when the trail ended but he wished it would have ended an hour earlier.

His eyes that were almost about to close due to boredom opened wide as it looked towards a certain direction. His eyes that hungered for something new looked at the structure that could seen a little to the right of the trail without blinking.

Tim's excitement level was rising as he kept looking at the structure that was there. He couldn't control his curiosity and started to head towards it's direction. Once he arrived closer he could finally make out that the structure was a very old and worn down looking hut. The roof had many holes in it and even the wall let in light through it's cracks.

As Tim got closer to the hut his mind which had been initially excited realized a serious issue. He had just walked onto an unknown hut and had no idea if someone or something could have still been living in the hut. Being a coward when it came to horror movies Tim imagined multiple creatures and beings that could be in the hut.

'SH*T! F*ck me I am already in the danger zone!'

He was too close to the hut to be left alive even if he decided to head back to the hiking trails or that was just what he thought from all the horror movies he had watched.

'Take a deep breath Tim, stuff like that only happens in the mo... Sh*T if I didn't stop that sentence only death would accompany me in my lonely life.'

One of the taboos of horror movies was when the characters always said something like 'oh that stuff is just made up.' There was a high percentage that after this they would get killed. Even if he had a 1% chance to die even if the chances were lower he wouldn't say this line.

'Let's just take a look, am sure if we act like a weirdo even supernatural beings will want to run away from us.'

Telling himself that that he just needed to go in he quickly entered the hut. To Tim's surprise there was no monster or evil being, the only thing in the hut was a very old and worn out looking book. The rest of the stuff either had rotted to the point he had no idea what it was or was buried under dirt.

When Tim looked at the book a couple of warning flags set off in his mind. Just from the way it was set up there and how the cover showed many unfamiliar symbols gave him a don't touch vibe. But a part of him couldn't hide his curiosity.

He felt conflicted for a while he finally deciding to see what was in the book. Hey even if he felt like something bad would happen at least it would be something thrilling. Right now he was pointlessly bored of his life.

He gently picked up the books and looked around as he opened it up. But as soon as he opened the book up a strong and powerful light shined upon the entire hut.

As the shine finally dimmed down Tim was no longer there and that book also seemed to have disappeared in thin air.