
league of legends: wizon

The story of a man in the world of Runeterra who was killed in a strange way, and the last thing he remembers is using a sword to defend himself. Now he has been resurrected again in body of an adult who was killed by bandits, and his goal now is to take revenge with Boro.

zack_205 · Videojogos
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7 Chs

Killing a friand?

The dog has blade in his Head, with Yalow eyes that cares the intent of killing, his bark scars the soul, and his serious stand with the red color seemed to be proud that he hunts humans just for fun.

In the other hand wizon was caring his sword with two hands preparing it for the fight, his eyes was focused on the dog head with look says: "do wan mi blood come and I will give you a taste from you own Madisen", and his stand showed that he will never surrender for that danger.

The dog start running towered wizon bowing his head preparing the blade to stabs him, and with each steps he takes his speed cresses, then he jumped at wizon.

 At this moment wizon used his ability weak vison to see the dog weakens but he didn't find any weakness

"He doesn't have any weakness how that can be?!! Avery thing has a weak point how we doesn't have one?!!!" wizon said I surprise 

Poro replied: "I told you this dog is dangers then you think"

Wizon looked at the poro and said: "I will fight it I will not run like the last time I will not get killed until I take his soul with me I will stand steal and face mi enemy until mi last breath"

The poro looked at him with look of broad and said: "the second Chans that aurelion sol gives you not for nothing, show him who you are wizon"

Wizon smiled and grabbed his sword and look at the dog in serious and then he runes towered him and start fighting the dong start jumping around but wizon didn't give him the Chans to charge his attack, but the dog used a jump and kick with his foots to pushes wizon and gives himself some spays, but wizon dodge that withe slide under him and cut the dog feat making him limp, at that moment the dog get angry and start howling making the other near dogs gets at the place and surrounding wizon

Poro said in fear: "wizon we are dead we can't survive this number of dogs, let's run-away" 

Wizon didn't say word, but the was moving back words and checking Avery direction while using his sword to protect his self and the poro; until he reached a big rock he checked if there is no dogs up the rock and then he start looking left and right, watching out for dog attacks

"Is there is anything we can us to get this dogs killed "wizon said 

"Yes, there's a wai but you didn't let me teaches you how to use it" the poro yelled in fear 

"Then teaches me now I need something right now" wizon said 

The poro replied: "it will take time to learn such thing like this you can't us it"

Wizon said in threatening voice: "I will throw you to them and I will use that to kill as many I can before I get killed do you understand that"

"alright alright, do what I say, pick up your sword with one hand, then make a fist with your other hand, then think in the most faster thing in the world or you saw, after that us your mana with it and you get some speed and strength "the poro answered gravely

But the poro was choked, he was that the ability start working and gives wizon the speed and the strength that he need.

Wizon felled that his body became light and his strength get raised a little then he used his old ability's.

1-the sneak: he can get invisible for 2 seconds in the sight of the enemy and he gate 20 present movement speed.

2- Heart stab: the stab will never missed the heart of the enemy. 

3-gas bomb: it will make the enemy get slowed and can't see if they in.

4- Assassination madness: he will never know his friend from the enemy and increases the time and bonuses of all his ability's by 75 present in use, after the us he will get in coma for 30 seconds. The time of us is 5.5 second

Wizon start look like a killing Machin he disperse here then he shows behind a dog stabs him and disperse again.

After 5 seconds all dogs was killed buy him, then he looked at the poro, and grabs him and choked him with his hands trying to kill him but he gets in come because the time of his 4th ability was don.

The poro was coughing with tears he saw wizon face chowing that he was enjoys killing, he get scared from him.

The poro start thinking in fear and frizzed in his place: "what was happing? Wai wizon try to kill me? Wai he was look like that?"

Wizon woks up and looked at poro and said; "wai are you scared?"

The poro replied with hesitant voice without looking at is face: "the….the…. dog ….. Was …. Going to eat me if you didn't kill him" 

"Wai are not looking at mi face poro?, you always look at mi face at talk with arrogant voice" wizon said

"Your face full with dog blood, so I can't look at you" the poro replied 

Wizon said when he was collecting dog's skins for selling it: "okay, get in the said bag let's go for the herb"

"Yes sir am going in" the poro replied 

Wizon start wondering: "wai poro is he scared that match"


After long day in desert wizon and poro get back to the clinic and give the doctor the herbs.

"Here is you gold for this mission, tomorrow I have another one for you get some rest for it" the doctor said 

 "Thanks doctor, I will rest good" wizon replied 

The doctor looked at the poro and said he must be tiered, he is deep sleep"

Then wizon replied: "it's must be because he didn't speak from the moment we fought the dogs until now, may be his in choke"

The doctor looked at wizon clothes and said: "any one will get choked from your look, go change your clothes and wash your body, the diner is at the table, and leave poro here maybe he will get up I will see what's wrong with him"

"Alright doctor, and thanks for taking care of him" wizon replied

After wizon get in the shower the doctor looked at poro and said to him: "poro I know when someone is in sleep and when he doesn't so get up and tell me what's wrong?"

The poro started crying and crying then he changed his chap to the origin one.

A tall girl with black and red short cute hair, a black eyes, long legs and skinny body, with nice black and red dress.

The girl leaned at the doctor shoulder and start crying.

The doctor didn't understand anything but he looked at her and see someone needs for help, sow before ask anything weird he asked: "what's wrong poro what is it?"

The girl told the doctor Avery thing even the part when wizon tried to kill her with his bare hands.

The doctor sight and said: ", that's a huge problem and we need to face up wizon with it, and we will find a good solution for it alright little one? And for now you need to back to your poro chap"

Poro replied: "alright doctor"

Then she changed up her chap and return poro and seated in the doctor hands.

After few moments wizon get out from the shower and see that doctor was setting in dinar table waiting for him with poro, and poro hiding his face from him, at that moment when he saw her like that he get sad, and turned his back trying to leave.

The doctor said with scary smile and nice, calm, threating voice: "wizon, come the diner is ready, it's time to eat, are can't you see the meat and the ground potatoes in the plate?"

 Wizon turned and get in the seat feaster then the ear and tart eating.

The poro didn't eat nothing, she stayed silence and calm. 

 After couple mints the doctor said: "wizon we have serious talk, don't get mad or angry from it all right?"

"I can't get angry from a doctor I just get mad when poro start annoying me that's all "wizon replied 

The poro rushed at doctor white coat pocket, then wizon get sad when he saw that

Doctor said: "is not the poro was helping you on the fight?!"

"Yes he was" wizon replied

"Then wai you tried to kill him wizon?! Wai?! Isn't he's only friend?!!" the doctor said 

"Did I try to kill him?!!!" wizon get surprised and said with tears falling from his eyes.

Then the doctor said in angry voice: "yes wizon you were wizon"

 Wizon started crying badly for hours until the color of his tears changed from transparent to red

"Wizon stop you start crying blood wizon" the doctor said with the poro looking at him feeling sad

"i…..i….i….i didn't mean to do it, it…..it was mi 4the ability he do that I don't want to kill mi friends, mi 4the ability mike me don't know mi friend from mi enemy, and thank fully after 5.5 second it run out and I get in coma for 30 second, am sorry poro am really sorry, I hate mi ability's they made just for killing there is no us of them except that" wizon in eyes full with bloody tears and sadness said to the doctor and poro

When poro heard all of that he looked at wizon and said: "do you really see me as friend?"

Yes, then wai I bought a nice bad except letting sleep in the wooden one then wai Avery time I go out I take you with me, I just needed friend just all"

The poro started crying with him and said to him then I need to chow you something.

The poro chowed to wizon his real chap the human chap and appears t wizon she's a girl all time.

At that moment wizon stopped crying and said in loud voice that wakes up the neighbors: "are you a girl?"