
League of Destiny

"Justice and revenge are necessary means to restore order. The only one who should be forgiven is he who begs for mercy on his knees." Lady Adelaide Maurin is the Duchess' daughter. That is, after the incident that took place five years ago, stole her title. She wasn't granted much respect by her peers due to her being restricted of her previous title, the crown princess of Mathilda. It all changes for the better once she realises what her destiny is. She has to weigh two options: let her loved ones assist her in the journey to right what has been wronged, or to secretly flee and complete the mission by herself. Will she have what it takes to reclaim the throne and correct all wrongdoings? Or will she be sentenced to prison for life?

Lizzie_Writing88 · História
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 21

Flashes of images flew in Adelaide's mind, mainly of her and Filippa. Speaking of her, where was she? Adelaide decided to look around for her. She eventually found her, but was taken aback by her blank expression. She wasn't used to seeing such a look on her. There were times where she did have that same demaeanour, but Adelaide didn't dare think of it.

She tried getting Filippa's attention as much as she could, but she didn't even flinch. It was like she didn't exist in her eyes. "Hello?" Adelaide called out, though her words fell on deaf ears. She eventually gave up and decided to look for Leoric instead.

The sight was even more surprising.

Leoric was fighting with their father, but that wasn't what disturbed her at all. What was even more scarier was that her body was on the floor, limp. Adelaide had frozen in her spot for a moment, paralyzed.

Adelaide couldn't look anywhere else except for her own form. How did she exist if her body wasn't in use? Only one theory came to mind.

Adelaide shook her head, refusing to believe that she wasn't corporeal. She tried to sense Dustin's feelings instead. Once she did, she made her way over and hovered around him. Sure, he couldn't we her, but he could detect emotions and who they belonged to. Adelaide sighed, upset by this turn of events.

Nothing happened except for when the three gathered round and discussed something that was out of earshot for Adelaide. Her vision started blurring, and a wave of dizziness overcame her. Despite this, she trailed behind the three when they ran. There were no physical attacks, by it felt like her was being torn to shreds the longer she stayed.

They suddenly stopped, which confused Adelaide. But it did make sense because she couldn't feel any traces of that mana from before. If she didn't know better, she'd say that they were arguing whether this was the best course of action.

And honestly, Adelaide couldn't help but feel the same. She was so determined at the start about this, but now she wasn't sure if it was worth the trouble.

"Leoric," Adelaide called, which caused said boy to freeze before he turned to lock eyes with Adelaide.

"Adelaide...?" Filippa muttered, covering her mouth, almost as if she didn't believe what she was seeing.

"Are we hallucinating or are you actually here in front of us?" Leoric questioned, a neutral look painted onto his features.

"I don't think so, her sentiments are real," Dustin spoke up, still recovering from this shock. Adelaide glanced at herself, not sure as to how they could see her now.

"I'm not quite sure what happened, but I was dead for a while," Adelaide said flatly.