
League of Destiny

"Justice and revenge are necessary means to restore order. The only one who should be forgiven is he who begs for mercy on his knees." Lady Adelaide Maurin is the Duchess' daughter. That is, after the incident that took place five years ago, stole her title. She wasn't granted much respect by her peers due to her being restricted of her previous title, the crown princess of Mathilda. It all changes for the better once she realises what her destiny is. She has to weigh two options: let her loved ones assist her in the journey to right what has been wronged, or to secretly flee and complete the mission by herself. Will she have what it takes to reclaim the throne and correct all wrongdoings? Or will she be sentenced to prison for life?

Lizzie_Writing88 · História
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 13

"What did you mean by 'those'?" Adelaide questioned, quoting the word. She could have just heard the word wrong since she wasn't getting enough sleep, but she knew that wasn't it. 

"Well, I suppose there's no point in hiding the truth any longer," Honora muttered. Adelaide's eyes widened in shock. There was something her mother hadn't told her. 

Adelaide sighed. "I'm ready to hear it," she said. She was a bit upset she didn't know of this before, but she supposed it was for good reason. 

"Long ago, approximately seventy years ago, Destiny and Fate had a big argument."


"I see you couldn't live a few days without me," Filippa stated, smirking. Thankfully, her parents didn't stop her from visiting Adelaide or even talking to her.

"This is no time for jokes," Adelaide snapped, voice deadly quiet. Filippa already knew this was a serious topic from the look on her face.

"I see. Go ahead," Filippa encouraged, nodding. She wondered what it could be that got Adelaide this serious.

"Basically, we're the League of Destiny," Adelaide stated, sighing. For one second, Filippa was sure that Adelaide was just messing with her, but she knew better than that.


"So you, me, Adelaide, and Leoric are the League of Destiny?" Filippa nodded. The raven-head wished he could say that he was surprised.

"I'll explain how. Fate and Destiny had a fight about seventy years ago. Destiny decided that he wanted to give only a specific amount of people the power to control their destiny. Fate didn't like the fact that Destiny had allowed only the League of Destiny to have control over every individual's fate. In the end, Destiny won and banished Fate and sealed the power into the chosen newborn babies. Our parents were already made aware of this by the marks on our arm," Filippa explained, gesturing to the black inkbrush ingraved onto her arm.

"So that's why everyone hates us. They're afraid of what we can do to them," the raven-head whispered, eyes widening.

"Yes, but it's going to be okay, Dustin. I promise," Filippa comforted, hugging him. 

Dustin couldn't find the courage to deny this comfort, so he wrapped his own arms around his sister.