
Chapter 9: Hillary's Parcel in the Orphanage

Two weeks passed after graduation, Hillary opted to visit the orphanage. She desired to thank those people who were behind her achievement.

She strolled as she set foot into the orphanage and saw her so-called parents who granted her protection during her stay in the foster care.

They dashed and hugged her as they noticed her arrival.

"By the way dear, someone sent a parcel for you yesterday. We accepted it but we noticed not any single note was affixed in it. The delivery man implied that it was excusively for you. I was supposed to call you after our breakfast but you came early. I have no idea why it was transported here not in your adress." Ma'am Sophie spelled out in detail.

Hillary was astonished. She got hold of the parcel and immediately open it. Upon spying what's inside the package she can't hold back her tears any longer. It was her photo with Nikko and Bat Man.

"Where are they now? " she querried as her tears rolled down her cheeks freely. She swiftly dried her tears to avoid revealing her emotional state.

Ma'am Cindy and Ma'am Sophie gazed at each other. They imposed her a sign indicating that they don't know. Hillary sighed. She missed these two boys. She wished they are also savoring the comfort of life. She took hold of the framed photo and placed it inside her bag.

She devoted her time with the orphans. She boosted their courage and prompted them not to loose hope, She inspired them to be firm in faith and believe that one day their life will turn out to be good. She decided not to voiced out about her plan in going to New York. She will surprise them if she win but she don't want to rendered them false hopes for now. She conversed with Ma'am Sophie and Ma'am Cindy for few hours. She recounted to them about her graduation and her achievements. They were so proud of her. She expressed her deepest gratitude to them for all the things they bestowed her. After two more hours, she concluded to say her farewell.

"I'll be back soon." she offered her adorable smile and waved her hand to them.

Two weeks after her visit in the orphanage, Hillary was busy piling up her things she required to bring in her flight to New York. She formulated to stay there for a month.Two weeks prior to the competition and two weeks after. So if in any case she needed some time to secure few things for the orphanage or maybe just roam around.

While she was gathering her things she received a call from Marina.

"Hello, what's up?" she demanded.

"Are you all set for the competition?" Marina asked with concern.

"Not yet, need to arrange my flight and checked few apartments where to stay." she answered her.

"Apartment? Are you not staying in a hotel. in a VIP suite?" her friend was baffled upon hearing her statement.

"No, no. I've been living a cozy life these past years. I want to come across how to live a simple life this time. You are aware that I want to cook by myself and smell some fresh air. I just need a decent apartment to stay and I'll be fine," she said casually.

"Well, I can give you a hand. I can array your stay in New York. I knew someone from Manhattan who is an apartment owner. You can stay in her place." Marina said.

"How come you knew someone from New York? You never go out of the country even once." Hillary was puzzled.

"C'mon she is just an old friend. will you accept or decline my offer?." Marina said slightly smiling.

"Uhm," Hillary thought about it. It will be a backstop if she would accept her friend's offer knowing she don't know any acquiantance in New York.

"Well, it's an ease for me. If you trust her then I'm sure I'm in good hands."

"Of course. Let me call her and set out your stay there. Later on, I'll give you her contact details if she agrees."

"Thanks a lot and please be reminded that I will stay there for a month or so". Hillary added.

"Sure thing. Noted" said her friend on the other line.

On the other hand Marcus was deeming to escort Hillary in her competition. This is the first time that she will travel out of the country for few weeks. He was troubled thinking that he won't be able to rescue her if something might happen. He don't hope bad things may occur but just to be sure if in case.

He outlined to call Marina and requested her to join with him too. So they will be there as Hillary's support system and also an ideal moment to spend quality time together after long years competing for their goals and dreams.

He texted Marina.

"Are you up? Can I call you?" he sent the message.

Upon receiving a text message from Marcus Marina was stirred. She there and then dialled his phone number.

"What is it Marcus? You missed me?" she giggled.

"Lol, anyway I was uhm.. considering of escorting Hillary in New York. Would you like to come with me too?" he asked her.

"What??" Marina was dumbfounded.

So the call was about Hillary. She sensed that Marcus really adore Hillary but it was beyond her imagination that he will come this far.

"Ohhhh, she will be safe there. I can tell you are concerned about her. Don't worry I will entrust her to my friend's place. I can guarantee you she will be totally fine. Besides let's grant her enough time for herself. She needs it." Marina stated.

Being informed that Marina was the one who set out Hillary's stay Marcus calmed down. They have been friends for quite a while. He can guarantee that just like him Marina cherished her too.

"Thanks for the assistance. It give me an ease." he said sincerely.

"No worries. Small thing. Anyway are you available for lunch out next week? Let's cool one's heels and wander around. Let's invite Hillary too. You know granting my little request before Hillary lead her way to the big event. " Marina proposed.

"Sure. My treat." Marcus wrapped up.

After hanging up the call. Marina felt a pinch of pain in her heart justifying Marcus treasured Hillary that much. She was sure about it. She sighed deeply.

After a while she chose to buzzed Erica, her friend in New York.

After few rings, the call was connected.

"It's been a long time. What made you call me this late at night?" said the girl in the line.

"Sorry to bother you", she sounded sad.

"I knew someone who will stay in New York for a month. Is your place available to stay?" she inquired.

"Well, uhm how is this person related to you?"

"She's my friend. " Marina answered.

"Oh a friend. That's all I can do for you? My place is vacant." said Erica.

Marina hesitated for a while then she added,

"I will give you additional details regarding her stay few days from now. Please prepare the place a week from now. She might set foot in New York earlier than her competition. And please keep her company. she don't knew anyone from there." Marina said.

"Yes I surely will." Erica assured her.

"Thanks, it's getting late now. I appreciate the time Erica."

"As always." then she ended the call.

Marina stared at her clock hidden in the wall. It was late at night. She mailed some messages to someone from her contacts. She later on laid down and fall asleep.