
Chapter 8: Kryss and Janna Met in New York

Kryss rouse around seven in the morning to get ready for his meet up with Janna. He's elevated to share the good news with his friend. They knew exactly how he hungered to catch sight of Hillary again. He managed to neaten his bed of his VIP suite. His suite has austere design somehow it looks elegant and classy. He is a neat freak. He takes great pleasure to see all his things organize.

Around eight thirty he buzzed Janna notifying her that he's on his way.

On the other side Janna was still mazed what brought Kryss in New York.

"It must be for deeper reason" she thought.

She concluded to take a shower and dressed out herself.

Not long after upon her entry at the restaurant she informed him. She settled on the rim side so she can have an aerial view of the restaurant and to wheeze some fresh air.

Thereafter she spotted Kryss and wagged her hand. She guessed Kryss has a favor to ask from her. They've been friends for quiet a while now but he never requested her to eat out without Rocco. This is the very first time. She can tell that Kryss looks outstanding and impressive no matter what outfit he put on.

When they flopped to their seats she can't hold back her curiousity.

"So what brought you in New York, my friend?" she demanded.

Kryss gazed at her smiling.

"C'mon Kryss tell me I perceive you have a favor to ask".

"So you knew? he inquired back.

"What is it? I'm dying to know what urged a very busy business tycoon show up in front of me?"

"As far as I know he is occupied spending half of his life ceasing his first love" she uttered while granting him a meaningful look.

"She will be here in New York. You will meet her soon," he paused and said.

Janna was surprised.

"Janna, I need your help. I didn't meet her in LA for some reason . She will make an appearance in our upcoming event." he stated seriously.

"Wait.. wait.. what???", she was shocked upon digesting the information he just said.

"Yes, I saw her in LA but I didn't get a chance to meet her. Unexpected things ensued. It backed me off too" he said with sadness.

"Oh, it was out of my expectation to meet her this soon but I am delighted you finally tracked her down." She meant what she said. She was indeed happy for Kryss. She desired that Kryss and this girl will be together soon. The thought excites her.

"So what favor are you going to ask me then?" she was curious.

"I'll tell you sooner" he said.

"Don't left my mind dangling in the air Kryss. Just tell me," she ordered.

"A little more patience. You will soon know."

Kryss was in his engrossed thought surmising the beautiful face of Hillary.

"Janna she is very beautiful. She had an angelic voice." his eyes were shining while recollecting how winsome she is.

"The sight of her is so marvelous, but.."he stopped.

"but it seemed she's dating someone now.

Sadness is evident in his eyes.

Janna can sensed her friend's sorrow and she emboldened him. She tapped his back saying,

"As long as she is not married you still have a chance."

"Right. I'll take her back." he said rooting some courage from his friend.

"That's Kryss Mills." she said while grinning.

This is the first time Janna saw him very sad. To what she perceived now he is not the Kryss she used to knew. She can tell that he loves that girl. Well, lucky for her. She can't wait to meet her and spend time with his girl.

The remaining time they just babbled about their plans for the event and they tackled important details they need for the preparation then they bid goodbye to each other.

Days went fast until it was Hillary, Marcus and Marina's graduation ceremony. Everyone was so happy. Parents were very proud for their children. Hillary graduated as magna cum laude. She is the one to deliver a graduation speech. She felt very honored.

It was indeed a wonderful day with a beautiful weather that perfectly suit for the occassion.

The ceremony started and followed the sequence of the event written in the program...

..until it was Hillary's moment to speak.

As the host of the event granted her a permission to come up on stage and deliver her speech on behalf of the graduates. She walked gracefully even walking with her graduation attire. She looked breathtaking as always.

She thanked the emcee and took the microphone. She gazed at the people in the crowd and glit a sweet smile on her face as she began and said,

"School administrators, teachers, parents, guests, my fellow graduates, and to everyone present here today, my pleasant good morning. Today is a day that paid off all of our sacrifices. A day to celebrate!

To our school administrators and teachers, thank you for the values and knowledge you have imparted in our fresh minds. Thank you for the patience as we completed our incomplete remarks. Thank you for the kind considerations of our absences when we were not feeling well. Thank you for the guidance as we continue to pursue our dreams.

To our parents and guardians, thank you for your untiring and unending support of our needs in battling our struggles in the quest of quality education. Thank you for uplifting our courage to continue reaching goals. To dream big and soar high.

To my fellow graduates, this is the day worth celebrating. This is the day that all those sleepless nights are paid off. Thank you for the camaraderie as we travelled together pursuing our dreams and goals. Thank you for the patience and hardworks We all deserve this.

She carried on few more minutes varnishing her graduation speech...

"Let's give everyone a remarkable clap. "

She head down the stage. Many from her batchmates congratulated her. She granted them good wishes too. It was a very tremendous journey for everyone worth remembering.

Everything went well until the end of the ceremony.

She finally made it. She can't help but to reminisced about her bad days. She can't figure out what her life will be if she wasn't adopted. Her biological parents died when their house was caught in fire when she was five years old. It seemed that those memories were still fresh in her mind. She still felt pain everytime this memory jumped in her thoughts. All she knew she has an elder brother but they got separated because of that fire tragedy and she can't remember his face anymore. She was living in streets for two years after the incident and by unexpected instance she met Ma'am Cindy and Sophie who brought her to the orphanage. They sheltered her for a year in the orphanage before she was adopted. She wondered where must be his brother now. Did he died too?

She suddenly thought that it was a day to celebrate not to think about the past memories that haunted her like a worst nightmare.

She then came up with a plan to visit the orphanage after her graduation. She owe them a lot of what she acquired now.

After graduation ceremony, her parents brought her to one of the exquisite restaurant in LA to celebrate. After spending sometime eith her, her mom and dad bid goodbye. They parted ways. Her dad needs to deal with urgent business matters while her mom have TV guestings. She nodded and still thankful that they spent time with her on her special day.

She went home satisfied. Her nanny Georgia greeted her and congratulated her. She was so happy that the people around her recognized her hardworks and perseverance.

When she opened her room, she immediately sat in her bed, she can't help but thought about his brother.

"How does he look like now?" she muttered silently. She was confused if he was still alive will he still remember her? or he might be married by now? or he might be looking for her. She discerned that since no one looked for her that means he might passed away because of the tragedy. She got a headache thinking about his brother. She decided to lay down and fall asleep.

Hmmm, what about KRYSS and Janna?

Ethel_Mae_Floridocreators' thoughts