
Chapter 6: Kryss the Billionaire

After Marina awaken and pulled out early because she required to go home and changed into a school uniform Hillary stand up too and get ready for her class. Because of her nightmare she didn't get sufficient sleep. However she needs to keep going.

"When the going gets tough only the toughest can keep going," she thought.

She noticed her eyebags in the mirror which stipulated that she was restless the other night. She walked directly to the bathroom and gained a warm shower. The figure of the guy with the mask continued bugging her mind. It was a mystifying feeling. She turned off the shower at once and quickly changed. She picked up her school uniform which dangled in her closet and her feet lead her downstairs after drying her hair.

"Good morning", she greeted Georgia.

"Good morning to a pretty lady like you." Georgia responded shortly and noticed her eyebags.

"It seemed you didn't have a good sleep"

"Oh, nevermind." She don't want to drop any details of her nightmare. She don't want to apalled her nanny in any way.

The images of her parents buzzed in her mind. Oh, she missed them! How lonely it is to sit down in a dining area eating unaccompanied.

While she began to fed up her stomach, she remembered what cropped up last night she then querried,

"Georgia, were the gates locked or did we get some visitors last night?"

"Yes, Richard locked the gate before I cleared off to sleep and I guessed we didn't have any visitors last night," she said.

In deep confusion Georgia asked,

"Why? Something was wrong last night?"

"Nothing, just making sure" she said.

Georgia can feel something was troubling her. It was evident it in her pure and innocent eyes.

Since Hillary has no appetite, after having a small portion of food, she got up and geared up going to school. She requested their family driver to send her to school.

She was settling her back on the backseat and through the mirror view their family driver Nick perceived that her thought was preoccupied. He knocked her up by asking,

"Ma'am are you fine?"

She signaled him with a nod. She don't want to elaborate and give him the details. She can't simplified how complicated she felt. It was a mixed emotions of confusion, worries and fear. She don't want to be suspicious to anyone but her mind was full of uncertainty whom to trust. It was mandatory to her to be cautious and vigilant not to share any personal and significant information like this to anyone.

A little later Nick pulled over in front of her school gate.

As she was about to stepped out, Nick reminded her,

"Be careful Ma'am, I can tell something is bothering you."

She didn't speak any word. His reminder brought discrete emotions of panic to her. It was like a bomb stating that something is about to come up.

She was too early for her class. She went inside the room and waited for Marcus and Marina to blow in.

After few minutes, she glimpsed Marcus's figure from a short distance, she slightly smiled. Marcus waved his hand and soon greeted her when he sat tight to his seat.

"She looks odd today " he whispered in his thought.

He sat down next to her and initiated a conversation. They just conversed about random things and suddenly in the midst of their conversation Marcus declared,

"I'll always keep you safe, Hillary." he professed and wished it will give her security and comfort.

She looked at him purposely and rendered him a sweet smile.

"I'll hold on to that Marcus" she responded looking directly to his eyes.

"He was so weird today" she thought.

Marcus never blurted out any affection to her before. He showed his care through actions. She felt so content that her friend cared for her that much. Hillary felt same way towards Marcus too. He holds a special space in her heart.

Marina stepped foot into the room when the class was about to begin. They were seatmates. They occupied the seats in the mid row.

All classes went well.

Since they have half day of classes today. They have ample of time to hang around.

After their classes they decided to go to the park. It feels good to have a smell of fresh air.

Hillary Chen, Marina Adamson, and Marcus Reinards were known as the students belong to the elite society but they still kept low profile. They socialized with everyone wthout prejudice.

Marina didn't want to talk about her family. No one knew from their circle any detail about her family whereabouts. Her friends sticked to that. Hillary and Marcus presumed that trust and respect are very vital to keep their friendship intact. They believed that when she's ready enough, she will share it to them freely. They hold on to that.

On the other hand Marcus's parents reside in New Zealand. They have large businesses over there with hundreds of branches all over Europe.

Tired of wandering around, they decided to sit down on a long bench after half an hour strolling in the park and Hillary strung her guitar along with the lyrics of , "Yours".

After a short time thrumming the guitar, she put down the instrument. Her hand was itching to browse in the internet. She fetched her phone from her pocket and scanned her social media accounts. Nothing's new. Not even a single notification.

She skimmed some news updates and got curious to what she spotted. She then stabled her eyes on the screen of her phone when she glanced an interview of a bachelor billionaire sharing about his lifestyles and businesses.

This guy striked her attention. He has shaved beard and clean cut hair which made him look dignified and drop-dead gorgeous. His voice sounds virile. The movement of his adam's apple was evident as he spoke. She listened attentively to the reporter. The guy had a substanial impact to her. She can't figure out why. All of a sudden this guy busted her interest.

"Good for him," she blurted out after the interview.

"What did you say?" Marcus asked with puzzlement.

"Ah, oh nothing. Just don't mind," she threw him a slight smile then Marcus averted his gaze to her and diverted his eyes to see what she was watching. He then gave her a nod. He sensed that her remark was about the thing she saw on her phone. He then understood and gave her a smirk.

Marina was browsing in her phone too when she swiftly spotted an international music competition online. She stared at Hillary willfully,

"Why are you staring at me like that? " Hillary questioned her and rolled her eyes.

"Look" Marina said to her while her lips were aiming on her mobile phone. Hillary took on board what her friend meant.

"Let me see, what's that?" Hillary inquired grabbing her friend's phone.

"Oh, international music competion? Anyway, I'm not interested. I'm happy performing local." she declared.

"C'mon it's a big prize. " Marina debated.

Hillary granted her a cold stare. Afraid to be confounded, Marina spelled out

"I know you dont need money . But you can use the prize to the orphanage. You divulged to me before that the orphanage desired to put up an expansion of the building due to the increasing number of orphans" her friend stated well.

She reflected for a while and realized her friend got a point. She don't want to spend her parent's money to assist the orphanage where she came from. This might be a definite answer to her prayer. She's been saving money to help the orphanage. She will give it a shot. Travelling to her was never been a issue.

"Where is that?" she quickly asked.

"It will be held in New York" Marina said while fishing some information about the competition.

"It's a good window of opportunity for you to perform too in wider audience. " her friend added.

She nodded. She's right.

"I'll go, When was that? " she asked.

"Two months after our graduation." her friend answered.

"Sounds good. Perfect timing." she stated.

Hillary thought that she was fortunate enough. Right slot for her goals this year. If she will win she can definitely extend help to the orphanage that's for sure.

The day just ended up like usual days.

The coming days and weeks went fast.

A month before their graduation Hillary woke up and stretched her arms. It's a beautiful Sunday morning. She spread her curtains to have glimpse of perfect sunrise . She extended her right arm to outstretched for the door knob of her room door and marched downstairs. As her right hand gripped the banister of the stairs she overheard people talking. Escorting her feet to the direction of the voices, she leaped quickly. Her feet ushered herself in the dining area and saw her parents chatting blissfully. She showed them her radiant smile. it's been past month since she last mingled with them in this house. She embraced them with wide arms. She sat down merrily and have a delightful breakfast. Her parents were babbling about how the business went. It's all good. She felt satisfied realizing that it's a very rare opportunity that the three of them got to share the dining table again. They were sitting and buzzling like there's no tomorrow but she figured out that she needs to notify her parents about the competion.

"Mom, dad, I'll go to New York" she began..

"What are you going to do there? " her mom queried worriedly eyeing at her dad.

"I'll take part to an international music competition. I will allocate the prize to donate it to the orphanage". she said sincerely.

"No. I can provide you the money" her mom refuted her plan.

She felt down. Her mom had no idea why she desired to strive her own efforts to extend aid to her first home. Her dad glanced at her mom seriously

"Let her carry out what she desires. Besides she's old enough already. "her dad said.

He stared at her and stated,

"Okay, you can go. I'll eye on you before your event".

She felt so relieved that her dad braced her choice. She dont want to stir up a fight between her parents .

"Mom, trust me. I'll take care of myself. I assure you and besides Marina recommended it".

Her mom gazed at her worriedly but later on motioned her a nod as a sign of approval. She hugged her mom.

After a savory meal Hillary and her parents settled on the sofa to watch the television.

She saw a glimpse of the man she once spotted in the news while she was sitting on the park. Curiousity sinked in her mind. Her dad was staring at the man.

"He travelled around the world. He is so rich. He is a businessman and what more a billionaire." his dad said praising him.

"What is his name.? I asked out of curiousity.

"Kryss Mills." He's the only son of the billionaire Frank Mills. His dad exited in business industry long ago. , so his son owns all of their businesses.

I was in awe. Wow!

From that day that my dad hinted me about Kryss. Curiosity drew my interest in his whereabouts. I even tracked him down in the internet. But not much information about him. Maybe because he dont want to disclosed vital datas about her personal life.

I want to meet KRYSS too.

Ethel_Mae_Floridocreators' thoughts