
Chapter 5: The Bracelet

Thirty minutes flied fiddling away with the rhythm of her guitar. Hillary returned it to her customized case and displayed it on the wall.

Her tears drifting down her face freely. She sobbed in silence.

In front of her bed, she squatted. She picked up something under her bed which she kept for over a decade. It was a wooden treasure box!

She laid a hand on it once again and settled down on the tiled floor. Her slender hands slid and broached it silently and carefully not to wreck Marina's sleep.

Hillary was crying. Inside the treasure box was a wooden bracelet, this valuable brought back her memories in the past.


Thirteen years ago in one of the notable orphanage in the country wherein it was located in the southern part of Los Angeles and considered as one of the most occupied cities in the country, Hillary was one of the youngsters who found shelter from that foundling home. She was an orphan back then.

It was windy Sunday afternoon when three kids were joyfully babbling on the swing while grooving their melted chocolates.They were laughing together and hammering some jokes.

Hillary was the only princess among her pals. They cherished her like a novel prize. Nikko as the eldest of the three has a brawny aura and brusque character . He was three years older than both of them. His expression usually was unreadable and authorative. While the other one has a bubbly and ebullient personality. He has distinctive dimples and perfect set of teeth which fuel up Hillary's adoration to him. He was her secret crush! They honored him as "Bat Man," his favorite superhero says it all. His winsome temperament and generosity emdemnified everyone with admiration to him. They shielded a good camaraderie together. They shared savory meals together, they gathered joyous memories and shed tears together.

It was a bright Monday morning when Bat Man drew Hillary's attention,

"Hey, Dolly come over here," he requested. Dolly was Hillary's original name. His eyes were full of admiration.

She strolled fast forward with excitement. He extended his hand and handed her a wooden bracelet saying,

"Happy Birthday, Dolly. I'm not rich so I will give you a candid gift for now but it comes deep in my heart. These blew in pairs.. One for you and I'll have the other one", he said while grinning merrily.

She was jubilant. This was the first time someone surprised her. This bracelet was the first ever birthday gift given to her. This was priceless to her, she slid it in her slender wrist and promised him,

"I'll keep this forever."

Batman conveyed his smile when he caught sight of their suited bracelet. She embraced him tightly and as she was about to detached herself from the hug, she spotted Bat Man's mole on his right shoulder which presented evidently upfront. She will remember his mark of identity.

Later on she grumpled saying ,

"I can't breathe," so she patted his back. He coughed and muttered apologetically,

"I'm sorry Dolly" then added

"Whatever happens, please keep the bracelet with you even if it will suit you no longer, just keep it. It will lead you to my heartbeat, and it will lead me to yours, got that?" he demanded.

"Hey don't say that it seems you are saying your last farewell and we will never have a glimpse of each other again. You're making me sad." she uttered worriedly.

"Hey cheer up! It's your birthday! " Batman gestured her a smiley face.

"Yeah, thanks for this Batman. I honestly appreciate it". she muttered showing her satisfying smile which crowned her pretty face.

From a far distance, another little boy was ogling the whole scenario with unreadable expression. As he witnessed the whole scene. He sighed.

"We will be together one day" he declared with authority as if he holds the future.

On the evening of her birthday, the whole orphanage celebrated with her, the party was organized by Ma'am Cindy and Ma'am Sophie. They were like their real mothers. They treated each of them with justness. Everyday they kept looking for foster parents for every orphans. They desired to provision home for homeless, parent to parentless. Although it injured them to witness the children left but it is for their own good. They ought them to live a life they deserve.

"C'mon Dolly, blow your cake" Nikko demanded .She honored what he said. She was happy spending her special day with the congregate care having enormous people who supplied her with unconditional love everyday which includes her two receptive parents , good humored playmates and the rest of the children who cohabitate with them.

They were happily sharing the succulent dishes together when Ma'am Cindy pronounced,

" Quiet kids! Please settle down everyone. I have special announcement."

When everyone sat down on their respective chairs, Ma'am Cindy spoke up again

" Tomorrow, one of your siblings here will be departing to a real home, a real family. If you are not favored, please don't be hopeless, your turn will come."

Hillary had no idea why she felt a pain in her heart. It felt like someone important to her was about to shove off.

Ma'am Cindy carried on saying,

"he is no other than Bat Man".

Everyone clapped and cheered gleefully but Dolly caught off guard. She lost appetite while she heavily imbibing all the information she just heard. She was eyeing at Bat Man now, he was also staring at her dolefully. She withhold him from leaving however she desired him to have a wonderful future ahead. It was his dream to tour around the world. She won't stop him from fulfilling his dreams.

Despite the pain she felt, she proferred him a fake smile. Even if it felt like there's a knife stabbed in her heart just the thought of his absence she will still be in favor of all his plans and aspirations.She glanced at Nikko and perceived he was marching to her direction and he flumped next to her.

"Eat Dolly, please enjoy. It's your birthday."

We will see our foster parents too soon." It was a promising statement.

He reassured her. He knew she was sad. She gazed to the ceiling when her tears were about to glide down her cheeks. The sadness she felt in the core of her heart was not because she wasn't chosen but because Bat Man's absence will surely drive her to the pit of loneliness.

"Don't be sad you still have me..I will never leave you." Nikko patted her shoulders with a comforting smile.

She cried the entire evening on her birthday.

It was unforgettable and the most desolated birthday she had.

The day after was a disaster to her. When she spotted Bat Man was about to depart with his foster parents who seemed from a rich family. She shed buckets of tears. She hugged him tightly.

"I'll gonna miss you Bat Man", she confessed.

"Please remember my promise, keep it, this bracelet will lead you to my heatbeat and it will lead me to yours" he said between his ears before he bid goodbye. He left her with assuring promise.

-End of Flashback-

"I'll keep your promise. It maybe unassertive but I'll hold on to it. This will lead me to where you are now". she uttered while gripping the wooden bracelet firmly like a precious gem.

After a while she returned the bracelet to the treasure box and secured it back under her bed. She murmured another prayer before throwing down herself back to sleep. She situated herself to bed and scanned Marina. She was sleeping soundly. Hillary closed her eyes. It was a quiet hour. The bracelet brought comfort to her.

She found inner peace from the core of her heart.

OMG! So there's a bracelet thing? Lovies will you help me find out what happened to Bat Man? And where is he now? Let's go on the next chapter then.

Ethel_Mae_Floridocreators' thoughts