
Chapter 12: Who Is the Girl In the Old House

Hillary rouse early, she received an email from the organizer of the event that they required to bring themselves to the event hall and proceed with registration process eventhough they submitted their credentials through online.

She examined her suitcase and picked up a floral dress. She got a cold shower and fixed herself in a small mirror inside the room. She glanced at her figure and she looked satisfied. She decided not to bring her guitar since she will only be there for registration. She went to the kitchen and noticed Marina wasn't there.

"She might went to the market", she thought. Then decided to eat later after singning up. She lifted her purse and mobile situated inside her room and as she was about to bust out she overheard a loud noise coming from her room. She was startled. She thought it might a branch of a tree but later on she realized that there are rooms in the second floor.

It's already morning but the atmosphere seemed creepy. Despite her terrified state she decided to proceed in the second floor and inspect what came off.

She strolled quietly and when she was about to set foot in front of the room in a row with her room downstairs she was strucked by terror. It appeared something was going on inside. She dashed to the room and pounded.

"Is anybody there? " she acquired courage to speak up. After another knock no one answered.

"Erica, is that you? Tell me if you need help." When Hillary heard nothing but silence she decided to go downstairs.

"It's nothing", she was appeasing herself.

She was gripping the banister of the stairs when she recollected that she needs to shove off. She left a note posted on the fridge notifying where she will be.

She took off and positioned herself in the other side of the road. As she was standing, patiently waiting for a taxi she spotted an old house built next to her apartment. She spotted a girl around her age staring at her earnestly. She looks innocent and she has a nasty pair of eyes appeared to be battling with torment.

"She seemed alone in that old house." she thought.

After a little while still no taxi blew in. The figure in the window troubled her. She noticed that the girl has a long black curly hair. Se has a tan color of her skin. She has bluish eyes and wearing an old fashion tops. Hillary waved her hand but the lady closed the window.

"She looked horrified. I wish she can be my friend one of these days." she uttered in silence.

A short while after, Hillary spotted a taxi, she motioned her hand and hopped it. She requested the driver to send her to the address of the event hall where the registration and competition crop out.

Hillary's taxi was out of sight when a girl threw wide the window again. Her name is Allie. She's been occupying that apartment for quiet long. She was restricted to make friends and nit allowed to leave the house

"It's not the right time to get acquianted with her." she sighed.

On the other side Kryss knew that Hillary arrived in New York about a week ago. Today until tomorrow is the registration of the contestants for the upcoming event. He concluded to go to the event hall today. He is certain that he will meet Hillary in the place however he don't want to scare her. He ached to see and grant her his warm embrace.

"Will she be nice to me or will she ignore me,? he was confused with the idea.

He kept walking back and forth in his VIP suite. He was tensed. He picked up a plain white shirt paired with denim jeans and wear a white cap. He looks like a teenager in his outfit. He shaved his beard. He looks fresh and he headed to the elevator going to the parking lot where his car was stationed.

He started the engine and directed the car going to his destination. Due to heavy traffic , he was stucked in the road and was running out of patience.

It was about forty five minutes when Hillary reached the hall. There are about seventeen contestants in line so she waited patiently until her turn. Janna who sighted her was taken a back by her beauty.

"Are you going to register, Miss?" she questioned Hillary.

"Yes, where will I write my name please?" she inquired back.

"Here. " Janna can't take off her eyes to her. "She was very beautiful. A head turner"

After she listed her name. She went through a screening interview. She smiled and bid goodbye to Janna.

Janna looked at the paper and noticed the name written, "Hillary Chen." She will recall her name.

Hillary strolled departing the hall. She hailed a taxi and decided to visit some tourist spots in New York. She don't want to waste her time doing nothing. She decided to visit the Rockefeller Center. It is said to be a famous vast intertainment and shopping complex next she ended up taking photos inside The Metropolitan Museum of Art. According to what she read its permanent collections contain over two million works.

Three minutes after Hillary signed up Kryss arrived. He strolled as fast as he could. He noticed so many people got listed. He eyed the list and saw the name Hillary Chen.

"She must be here.", he thought. He was staring at the people but can't find Hillary's figure.

"What's up to you? Looking for someone? For quiet long years you never been here during regsitration, not until the event," Janna said confused.

Kryss had no time to talked to her now, he wanted to see Hillary badly.

"Sorry. I need to go," he marched out of the event hall and reached his car.

When he made a U turn not far away from the event hall he spotted a figure of a tall girl. He can't be wrong she was Hillary. She hopped in the taxi quickly so he had no choice but to go after her.

He fancied to talk to her but he don't desire to frighten her. He wanted to witness her in the competition.

"It's so wonderful here," she uttered in awe when she caught sight of the Rockefeller Center.

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