

After leaving everything to Anna Silver went to his room and rest to prepare for his next day at the giant continent, he was sure that by the end of the week he would be fluent in their language.

The next day he disappeared again and was now in the territory of giants. Rena was at her usual place looking around everywhere for something and seeing this Silver smiled and waited for a while for anything suspicious before he went to her. Although she was a smart kid he also knew that kids tend to tell their parents everything and he did not want to be caught by these giants.


"Hahahah your voice is not scary at all"

Silver could only laugh with her at such a situation; these people were to huge for humans of Silver's caliber to do anything to them and this make them a very dangerous race. Rena was a happy person and easy to talk to.

"Let's continue where we left off"

When he talked he had to use hand signs on some of the words for her to understand and they spend another day learning the language with him pointing at something then her naming it. This kind of learning went on for a whole week, after a week Silver had come and go to this continent. As Rena was still young the words she spoke were not complicated like adults, after pointing and naming game the rest of the week was spend learning other words.

Silver's memory was now on a level of a computer, everything he saw since the day his soul was fused had never left his memory and he remembered every detail no matter how small. Lately Silver had a feeling that someone was watching him but he put it at the back of his head after some time with nothing happening.

After understanding the language of the giants from Rena he was very pleased with her help so he started telling her stories that kids love to listen to.

"What story are you telling me today?"

"Let's see… what kind of stories do you like?"

"I like princess stories"

"haha okay today I will tell you the story of snow-white"

Rena loved listening to these stories so much, the first day he told her the story of sleeping beauty she was over the moon with joy and he had to repeat it many times before she was satisfied. Today though something strange happened when he got midway of the story when snow-white was given the poison apple, there was a someone who shouted "noo don't" although the voice was small but with how huge the giants were and how small Silver was how could he not hear that supposedly small voice to them.

"Who's there?"

"What's wrong, I want to hear the rest?"

"I think someone is here, come on or o won't finish the story"

He had said that because he was now looking back on that feeling of someone looking at him and connecting it with the voice he heard he was now sure that someone had been listening in. This person did not say anything, just listened meaning they did not mean any harm to him and also enjoyed his stories like Rena.

"OK I'm out"

Silver was frightened at what he saw and then mesmerized at the same time. On the ground below Rena a figure started to take shape from the sand, after some seconds a huge figure like an hourglass was formed, the sand started to disappear then a sharp defined facial feature eyes that were ocean blue with a small brown that would spark from time to time, a not so sharp nose, lips untainted by anything and the smile she was showing was so pure without intent that Silver was in a daze for a minute.

His heart started beating at a fast rate; she then walks to them where she sits cross-legged in front of Rena and Silver. Her white skin was so perfect that there were no wrinkles to be found; the only thing about her that was out of place was her hair that looked like someone who had been tossing with all kinds of animal furs. Apart from that everything about her was perfect and the way she looked at Silver there was no hostility in those blue eyes only curiosity which was the same with Rena.

"Sister you have been watching us; now you have disturbed my story halfway and why are you here did mom send you to look for me?"

"Hahaha' I just wanted to meet the new friend who had made my sister smile everywhere she goes these days"

When she said that line she was now looking at Silver who was on Rena's shoulder with questioning looks, Silver did not want to give the wrong impression although her looks were distracting unlike Rena who had a baby face although giant the apparent sister of Rena in Silver's eyes had a mature feeling that would put her in the early 20s for his race.

"I'm Silver from the other continent"

"Hello Silver I'm Rose Rena's big sister, Rena mother is looking for you why don't you run back to see what she wants then come for the rest of the story"

"Okay, Silver don't tell the story before I return"


'I night have to make a run for it if anything crazy happened though' Silver was in deep thought of what to do next, he could teleport just by thinking of the place he had been before and he was yet to find something that could he hinder that. At the same time he did not want to run into something that could, when Rena was gone the look in Rose did not change much to his happiness and she looked at him wanting to ask her questions.

"So Silver what Race are you from and how did you get here?"