
lazy royalty showing his true colors

In a world of magic, where the biggest countries are in a constant clash for resources and land because of the threats of dangerous creatures, there are 6 schools which are deemed neutral ground and every country is allowed to send up to 20 students each year to learn and rise in the ranks to ascertain their power. This story starts at one of those schools and deals with a certain royalty who is too lazy to even finish the first semester, or is he?

Grimm_48 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

first appearances

"Welcome new students of the 4th great magic academy. Here you will all learn how to construct spells, remove curses and fight demons. " the school's headmaster announces proudly, looking over the many new faces in front of him with a caring smile.

His smile turns to a well-hidden frown however when he sees a certain student sleeping and taking up a whole row of seats for his resting body.

"You all are asked to remain in your seats until the class roster has been shown and your teachers have introduced themselves." The old principal continues, brushing through his bushy black hair and then steps aside with the new students, applauding loudly.

The applause wakes the sleeping teen in the crowd and he opens one eye, looking at the stage tiredly while putting his hands behind his head.

"My name is George. I will be the teacher for the first class. The roster is shown on the screen behind me. If you are among my class, please meet me at the first gate after the assembly. " a well-groomed blonde man with sunglasses says, wearing a formal uniform provided by the school, consisting of a white coat, with a large blue 4 visible on its front, stretching from the bottom of his jacket to his sleeves and a pair of black dress pants. After him 6 more teachers take their turn introducing themselves in a similar manner with the students all chatting amongst themselves excitedly when they find out in which class they are placed.

The 8th teacher is a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties, having green wavy hair which flows down her shoulders and over her back as well as her prominent bosom, stretching her casual attire of a purple dress reaching to her knees and catching every students attention, making some of the younger men in the crowd blush like a tomato.

"My name is Miranda Loft. I will be the teacher for the 8th class. We will meet in the garden behind the school's gymnasium. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of my students." She says with a motherly smile, receiving a few whistles when she turns around, leaving the stage while her class roster is shown.

The teen lying in the crowd of students sees his name on the bottom of that list, which displays his country as well as his age. 'James Rowan. Rowan imperial states, age: 20'

|After the assembly in the garden behind the gymnasium|

"Well, it looks like almost everyone is here." The green haired teacher says, sitting on a stone bench with her class sitting in front of her on the ground.

"I think one person is missing Miss Loft." A cute redhead with freckles says, raising her hand.

"It would appear so, but he's actually behind me. Would you please not be so rude and show yourself to your classmates Mr. Rowan." Miranda replies.

"Fine." A tired voice replies and a tall teen with wild, black hair shows himself, dragging his body out of the bush he lied down in and falls down next to a blonde, tan student in the first row.

"There. Everyone's here now." The cheerful teacher says, ignoring the weird display of the student.

"Let's go around and introduce ourselves OK?" Miranda says, pointing at a student in the far back, motioning for him to start.

"My name is Henry. I'm from the eastern imperial empire and I'm 18 years old." The brown-haired teen introduces himself before the next student goes on. Every one of the present 15 students introduce themselves in a similar matter until James is the last one remaining.

"I'm Prince James Rowan, in my fourth year at this school." He yawns, finally sitting up from his previous lying position.

"Prince?" The redhead from earlier asks.

"Yes, Mr. Rowan is indeed one of the princes of the Rowan imperial states. Miss Ruton." Their teacher confirms.

"You're in your fourth year? What's up with that?" the blonde teen sitting next to James asks quietly, only receiving an uninterested shrug in response.

"Well, now that introductions are over let's get to the first matter of business. As you may have noticed we are the class with the lowest student count. This is partially due to you being my first year as I've graduated only a year ago myself." Miranda informs the students.

"This means you all will have to work hard to prove this classes strength. Especially since many rankings are team and class based and the number of contestants for the larger events is 15 people." She informs them.

"But don't let this get you down, I feel some powerful magic signatures in this group." She adds with a smile, before pulling out a map from a brown leather bag hanging around her left hip.

"OK students. You've already seen the dormitories. We are currently here. This is the main building where classes and research takes place. This is the cafeteria, and this will be our training ground. She tells them, pointing at the specific spots on the map.

"What about the battle simulator?" A curious white-haired girl asks.

"You don't need to know that yet. The first week is mainly introduction and some preparation, because as you all should know on this Sunday there will be two mock battles between four classes in a last man standing tournament. So, work hard and bond as a class." Miranda advises them with a wink.

A bell then rings, signaling that it's lunch time.

"It's lunch time everyone, why don't you go to the cafeteria and get to know your classmates. We'll meet at our training ground in an hour." Miranda says and the students clear out safe for James, who appears to have fallen asleep while sitting.

"I hope you won't drag my class down too much Mr. Rowan." Miranda says, waking him by poking his leg with her high heeled shoe's tip.

"You can drop the formalities you know. You were only one year above me." James yawns, stretching his arms over his head.

"Fine. But please, don't ruin this for everyone. I picked out these students because I believe they show great promise, although the same was said about you in the past and the only thing you've achieved is racking up the longest time spend in the battle simulator." Miranda says concerned.

"Already playing the compassion card? You really are a new teacher", he chuckles lightly.

"However, it's good to see you again. I missed hanging out with you Mir." He says, getting up and grins at her.

"If only I could say the same." She sighs.

"Now that's what I expect of my teachers. Disappointment and frustration." He laughs, digging through his pocket and tosses a silver ring to her which she easily catches.

"Take it as a congratulation gift, since I wasn't invited to your graduation or enrollment as teacher." He says, already walking to the cafeteria.

"I know him almost 5 years and I still don't know what to make of him." The teacher says to herself, slipping on the ring and puts some magic in it, engravings on it lighting up with a holographic display of a storage box like from a video game appearing over it.

"Why would he have such a unique item and why just give it away?" She wonders, twirling the ring around her finger a few times before getting up and going to eat her own lunch.