
Laziest man alive is awarded a system

What if your laziness is awarded if you want to know how it would feel read the novel

Umar_Speaks · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Shares of Raftaar Motors

Christopher said yes


Master:Christopher Reed

Age:20 years

Properties:2 acres of Farmland with a small farmhouse,Villa No.1 in Paramount Villas,Chan One Mall

Account Ballance:1,003,660$ in Nightsky Trust Bank

System Features:

Double Rebate:Anything you spend you will get double back.

Daily CheckIn:Get random rewards on daily checking in.

System shop:You will get random offers at fraction of price.Further features will open in future upgrades.

An offer is available if you want to check out call check offer in your mind.

Random Tasks:System will give you random tasks and you will get random rewards.

For Further Features wait for further upgrades of the system.


He said Check offer in his mind and got further panel open in which there were photos of a share document

and a text was written as follows:

51% Shares of Raftaar Motors Worth 1 Billion dollars can be yours for 1000$ if you want this offer say accept in your mind.

Chris was so excited he almost screamed and his face was contorted and he grinned so hard and he hurriedly said yes.

A familliar ding was heard

"Congratulations on getting 51% Shares of Raftaar Motors the share document is in the vault of master bedroom of Villa No.1

1000$ have been debited from your account."

Christopher jumped up and started laughing Histerically.