
Meeting with the Berrys

"The might of Marquis Sigmund is infallible. On the issue of diplomacy, I will send the decree as soon as possible, confirming your family's position as the main diplomat of the dukedom." Duke Rafa issued his response but his mind was still lingering on the hints emitted subtly by his long-time friend. "Before we move on to another matter, I wish to order those protective bracelets from you, Lord Sigmund."

"Your Grace, we have brought ten of this kind of protective bracelet for this meeting. How many would you like to buy?" Sigmund sent his response as he observed the duke's mixed emotions.

"Then I will take them all," the duke ordered as he shifted to Count Ricaford, "You can pay me later, Lord Ricaford."

The Count merely nodded. His emotions were also in turmoil after meeting that gaze.

The exchange was done without haste but still efficiently. Perry managed the transaction together with a subordinate of the general.