
Latifa has to choose between the so called destiny she has orDeluka

In life you need to choose between your love or what you are told is right

Moses_Deluka · Celebridades
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2 Chs

The Banished

After the gods realised their plan they waited to see how they'll strike,at first the animalia god thought it was wise to approach them and advice them not to be fooled by desire but the other gods insisted on not informing them.When the night of the full moon came they got ready to execute their plan,but as soon as they had their moment the gods appeared and condemned them for their desire.They told them for this reason they would have to be punished. Both of them wondered how the gods found out and they thouhlght to each other that the other had snitched the news to the gods. Luigi was Banished from the rest of mankind and would live alone in the woods as for Mijide the gods Banished her from the rest of the pack to live alone and their also was placed a feud between man and the wolf kind that Mijide was from(the black wolves),the gods chose one person from mankind who would one day reunite the black wolves and mankind and also a member from the wolf clan.